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Last active June 23, 2024 07:36
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Music Player With Tailwind and JavaScript
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Designed With: <strong class="font-semibold">Tailwind CSS v3.0</strong><svg width="3" height="6" class="ml-3 overflow-visible text-sky-300 dark:text-sky-400" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M0 0L3 3L0 6" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg>
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Functionality By: <strong class="font-semibold">AmplitudeJS v5.2</strong><svg width="3" height="6" class="ml-3 overflow-visible text-emerald-300 dark:text-emerald-400" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M0 0L3 3L0 6" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg>
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document.getElementById('song-saved').addEventListener('click', function(){
"bindings": {
37: 'prev',
39: 'next',
32: 'play_pause'
"callbacks": {
timeupdate: function(){
let percentage = Amplitude.getSongPlayedPercentage();
if( isNaN( percentage ) ){
percentage = 0;
* Massive Help from:
let slider = document.getElementById('song-percentage-played'); = percentage + '% 100%';
"songs": [
"name": "First Snow",
"artist": "Emancipator",
"album": "Soon It Will Be Cold Enough",
"url": "",
"cover_art_url": ""
"name": "Intro / Sweet Glory",
"artist": "Jimkata",
"album": "Die Digital",
"url": "",
"cover_art_url": ""
"name": "Offcut #6",
"artist": "Little People",
"album": "We Are But Hunks of Wood Remixes",
"url": "",
"cover_art_url": ""
"name": "Dusk To Dawn",
"artist": "Emancipator",
"album": "Dusk To Dawn",
"url": "",
"cover_art_url": ""
"name": "Anthem",
"artist": "Emancipator",
"album": "Soon It Will Be Cold Enough",
"url": "",
"cover_art_url": ""
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
return !(e.keyCode == 32);
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Massive help from:
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div#song-saved.saved svg path{
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div.amplitude-play-pause.amplitude-paused #pause-icon{
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div.amplitude-play-pause.amplitude-paused #play-icon{
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div.amplitude-play-pause.amplitude-playing #play-icon{
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div.amplitude-shuffle.amplitude-shuffle-on svg path{
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div.amplitude-repeat-song.amplitude-repeat-song-on svg path{
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