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Last active December 14, 2015 08:49
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Save codepony/5060893 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CommonLisp "rows" done for a task @ prooops #coders
; Simple print-rows for prooops #coders
; Print * (+1 for every row) and in the middle print as may stars as there are rows. (rows marks the middle)
rows = 5
********* (9*)
; Easiest way without loop:
(defparameter *rows* 0)
; 1) Write function, which only prints as many * as you wish (returns #\newline at the end)
(defun aster (cur num)
(if (> num cur)
(princ #\*)
(aster (1+ cur) num))
(princ #\Newline)))
; 2) Write function, which knows in which row we are and how many we need.
(defun linenumber (row)
(if (> *rows* row)
(aster 0 row)
(linenumber (1+ row))
(if (= *rows* row)
(aster 0 (1+ (* 2 (1- *rows*))))
(linenumber (1+ row))
(if (< *rows* row)
(if (<= row (1+ (* 2 (1- *rows*))))
(aster 0 (- *rows* (- row *rows*)))
(linenumber (1+ row))
(defun print_rows ()
(format t "~% How many rows?~%")
(setf *rows* (parse-integer (read-line) :junk-allowed t))
(format t "rows:~a" *rows*)
(linenumber 0)
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