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Very simple haskell code snips - to show the syntax to others, and explain the very basic functions of haskell. written by d3f <>
{- These are some simple syntax examples written in haskell
- This file was written by d3f<>, just because.
- You are free to use, share and modify those as you wish.
- To run and try some haskell-code & scripts, you may need
- The haskell-platform <>
-- A very simple function
mySucc :: (Num a) => a -> a
mySucc x = 1 + x
{- The top line declares the types of a function,
- this is not needed by default, but you should
- declare them. To start with, try to write functions
- without those lines, load them and then run:
- `:t yourFunctionHere' to see what declaration was
- expected by haskell, sometimes those are fucked,
- and it looks better & is easier to read, if you
- declare the Types by hand.
-- Play, create, modify lists:
makeList :: a -> [a]
makeList x = [x]
{- If you think this is senseless run this:
- `makeList 23 ++ makeList 43'
- and you will get this:
- [23,43]
- without typing any []!
addToList :: a -> [a] -> [a]
addToList x y = y ++ [x]
{- Usage-example for that:
- `addToList 32 $ makeList 12'
- will give you:
- `[32,12]'
-- And now some if: (Only accept even numbers)
addToEvenList :: (Integral a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
addToEvenList x y =
if even x
then y ++ [x]
else y
{- This should be understood by anyone -}
-- lets check if a list only includes even numbers:
checkEvenList :: (Integral a) => [a] -> Bool
checkEvenList [] = False
checkEvenList (x:xs) =
if xs == []
if even x
then True
else False
if even x
then checkEvenList xs
else False
{- A very simple one here:
- `checkEvenList $ addToEvenList 24 $ addToList 12 $ makeList 3'
- Oh wait, that's false, let's write a better addToEvenList!
addToCheckedEvenList :: (Integral a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
addToCheckedEvenList x y =
if checkEvenList y
then addToEvenList x y
else []
{- It's nice to see, how our very simple functions can be connected to such "great" ones
- But before doing such things, you may want to check if haskell provides some functions
- already, because you can easily fuck up other coders minds with too many of them ;-)
-- Create an endless list of numbers, which can be devided by x
divisorList :: (Integral a) => a -> [a]
divisorList x = [y | y <- [1..], y `mod` x == 0]
{- We use so called `list-comprehensions' here at this point.
- As haskell is complete lazy, endless lists are often used.
- Here we apply x on a list of y. Where y is [1,2.. up to "infinity"].
- But we filter this list by applying a modulo function, so only
- numbers that can be divided by x will show up. Usage:
- `take 20 $ divisorList 21'
- The take functions gives you the first 20 elements of the endless list.
-- No, it's not possible to create lists with different types, but we got tupels!
nameNumber :: Int -> String -> (Int,String)
nameNumber x y = (x,y)
{- Yes tupels can do this, and yes there are tripels (and so on) too!
- But now let us list some tupels!
nameNumberList :: (Int,String) -> [(Int, String)] -> [(Int, String)]
nameNumberList (x,y) [zs] = [zs] ++ [(x,y)]
{- And how do we use this?:
- `nameNumberList (nameNumber 3 "Hans") [(nameNumber 1 "Marie")]'
- like this, for example!
-- Now let's move on to some \(lambda) - anonymous functions
-- I will include map here (map = apply one function on a hole list)
turnIntoEvenList' :: (Integral a) => [a] -> [a] -- The easiest way to do this is multiply every thing by 2
turnIntoEvenList' x = map (\x -> x * 2) x -- the ' at the end of the function is used to see wich one is older
-- That could be done way better, just * 2 every odd number:
turnIntoEvenList :: (Integral a) => [a] -> [a]
turnIntoEvenList x =
map (\x -> if odd x
then x * 2
else x) x
{- So we know that now most list will look quite fucked upped after that,
- we are going to sort the lists
sortList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
sortList [] = []
sortList (x:xs) =
let smallEqual = [a | a <- xs, a <= x]
larger = [a | a <- xs, a > x]
in sortList smallEqual ++ [x] ++ sortList larger
{- Yes this code works - Just try it:
- `sortList [2,45,7,3,1,3]'
- to understand it, you have to understand recursion
- I will try to explain it with a easier example:
reverseList :: [a] -> [a]
reverseList [] = []
reverseList (x:xs) = reverseList xs ++ [x]
{- Okay, you may ask, what happens here:
- at first we take a list like [1,2,3] and apply reverseList
- we get a (reverseList [2,3]) ++ [1] list, next step is a:
- (reverseList [3]) ++ [2] ++ [1] list, then:
- (reverseList []) ++ [3] ++ [2] ++ [1], and this will end up:
- [] ++ [3] ++ [2] ++ [1] like this, which is equal to: [3,2,1]
- I really hope you understand what is happening here otherwise:
- "To understand recursion, read this sentence again."
- Yeah sortList is quite equal, I will just show the first step:
- `sortList [5,3,2,1,6,8,4]' after the first run we get:
- sortList [3,2,1,4] ++ [5] ++ sortList [6,8] .. and so on.
-- The last thing I want to show here in the basics is fold:
sumUpList :: (Integral a) => [a] -> a
sumUpList xs = foldl (\acc x -> acc + x) 0 xs
{- There are two types of fold - rigth and left, the one starts to
- fold the list from the right, the other one vice versa.
- At first we have the binary function, and then we have the
- starting value and the applied list. so simple try it:
- `sumUpList [1,4,6]' this will run into:
- 0+1[4,6], 1+4[6], 5+6[], 11
- If you have a starting value of 0 you can use foldl1 instead,
- and just apply xs as the parameters.
{- As I said at the beginning these are just simple syntax examples with some
- Code to start with. Nothing to special, just to give people a slow overview
- with haskell, the exapmles are simply based on the first pages of lyah
- or: Learn you a Haskell for Great Good. If someone likes those code-snips,
- I will maybe go on and release some examples based on later chapters too.
- But I think to start with, this should be enough.
- Also lyah, is gratis online:
- At this point: Thanks to the author, the book is really great
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