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Last active December 25, 2015 06:58
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Rails notes

Initial Setup

Based on

gem install rails
sudo apt-get install nodejs`

Ruby requires a javascript runtime. This is provided by nodejs.


In the beginning...

Create a template project called quizzly:

rails new quizzly

This creates a rails template project under the quizzly folder. cd quizzly. From this point onwards, I'm assuming we're in the quizzly folder.


To veiew all available rake operations: rake -T


You can look at the created database with rails db:console or sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3

Use scaffold to create data structures

rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string

This creates a timestamped file called db/migrate/_create_users.rb . To apply this run:

rake db:migrate or to roll back rake db:rollback



Start the server withrails server. You can connect to it using http://myip:3000

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