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Created February 3, 2023 05:11
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ruby "2.7.6"
# Authorization framework for Ruby/Rails application
# []
gem "action_policy", "~> 0.6.4"
# Action Policy integration for GraphQL-Ruby
# []
gem "action_policy-graphql", "~> 0.3"
# Integrate PostgreSQL's enum data type into ActiveRecord's schema and migrations.
# []
gem "activerecord-postgres_enum", "~> 2.0.1"
# Executes code after database commit wherever you want in your application
# []
gem "after_commit_everywhere", "~> 1.3.0"
# Alba is the fastest JSON serializer for Ruby.
# []
gem "alba", "~> 2.1.0"
# Configuration DSL for Ruby libraries and applications
# []
gem "anyway_config", "~> 2.3.1"
# lazy_preload implementation for ActiveRecord models
# []
gem "ar_lazy_preload", "~> 1.1.2"
# Useful tools to help construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel.
# []
gem "arel-helpers", "~> 2.14.0"
# Churn vs Complexity Chart Generator
# []
gem "attractor", "~> 2.4.0"
# Boot large ruby/rails apps faster
# []
gem "bootsnap", "~> 1.16.0", require: false
# help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading.
# []
gem "bullet", "~> 7.0.7"
# Rack middleware to measure production code usage (LOC runtime usage)
# []
gem "coverband", "~> 5.2.5"
# Provide an easy way to check the consistency of the database constraints with the application validations.
# []
gem "database_consistency", "~> 1.7.4"
# Provide compatibility between database constraints and ActiveRecord validations with better performance and consistency.
# []
gem "database_validations", "~> 1.1.1"
# Benchmarks designed to performance test your ENTIRE site
# []
gem "derailed_benchmarks", "~> 2.1.2"
# Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
# []
gem "devise", "~> 4.8.1"
# ActiveRecord soft-deletes done right
# []
gem "discard", "~> 1.2.1"
# DSL for declaring params and options of the initializer
# []
gem "dry-initializer", "~> 3.1.1"
# Create partial and anonymized production database dumps for use in development
# []
gem "evil-seed", "~> 0.4.0"
# This gem provides a mechanism for pending features.
# []
gem "feature_toggles", "~> 1.2.1"
# A comprehensive slugging and pretty-URL plugin.
# []
gem "friendly_id", "~> 5.5.0"
# Support for database functions and triggers in Rails migrations
# []
gem "fx", "~> 0.7.0"
# A GraphQL language and runtime for Ruby
# []
gem "graphql", "~> 2.0.16"
# GraphQL cursor-based stable pagination to work with Active Record relations
# []
gem "graphql-connections", "~> 1.3.0"
# Fragment cache for graphql-ruby
# []
gem "graphql-fragment_cache", "~> 1.18.1"
# Persisted queries for graphql-ruby
# []
gem "graphql-persisted_queries", "~> 1.7.0"
# The simplest way to group temporal data
# []
gem "groupdate", "~> 6.2.0"
# imgproxy URL generator
# []
gem "imgproxy", "~> 2.1.0"
# Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Rails without transpiling or bundling.
# []
gem "importmap-rails", "~> 1.1.5"
# Detect non-atomic interactions within DB transactions
# []
gem "isolator", "~> 0.8.0"
# Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL
# []
gem "jbuilder", "~> 2.11.5"
# A native development UI for ViewComponent
# []
gem "lookbook", "~> 1.5.1", require: false
# RSpec and Minitest matchers to prevent N+1 queries problem
# []
gem "n_plus_one_control", "~> 0.6.2"
# Presenting names of people in full, familiar, abbreviated, and initialized forms (but without titulation etc)
# []
gem "name_of_person", "~> 1.1.1"
# A toolkit to upgrade your next Rails application
# []
gem "next_rails", "~> 1.2.1"
# A fast JSON parser and serializer.
# []
gem "oj", "~> 3.14.1"
# Pg is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS
# []
gem "pg", "~> 1.1"
# PgSearch builds Active Record named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL's full text search
# []
gem "pg_search", "~> 2.3.6"
gem "postgresql_cursor", "~> 0.6.8"
# ActiveRecord PostgreSQL Adapter extension for using a cursor to return a large result set
# []
# Easily create styled HTML emails in Rails.
# []
gem "premailer-rails", "~> 1.12.0"
# Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications
# []
gem "puma", "~> 5.0"
# Profiles loading speed for rack applications.
# []
gem "rack-mini-profiler", "~> 3.0.0"
# Full-stack web application framework.
# []
gem "rails", "~> 7.0.4", ">="
# Rails PostgreSQL performance database insights
# []
gem "rails-pg-extras", "~> 4.13.0"
# A Ruby client library for Redis
# []
gem "redis", "~> 4.0"
# Distributed lock using Redis written in Ruby.
# []
gem "redlock", "~> 1.3.2"
# Retriable is a simple DSL to retry failed code blocks with randomized exponential backoff
# []
gem "retriable", "~> 3.1.2"
# Support for database views in Rails migrations
# []
gem "scenic", "~> 1.7.0"
# Ruby Scheduler
# []
gem "schked", "~> 1.1.2"
# Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
# []
gem "sidekiq", "~> 7.0.3"
# Allows identical sidekiq jobs to be processed with a single background call
# []
gem "sidekiq-grouping", "~> 1.3.0"
# Sidekiq strategy to support queue limits
# []
gem "sidekiq-limit_fetch", "~> 4.4.1"
# sampling callstack-profiler for ruby 2.2+
# []
gem "stackprof", "~> 0.2.23"
# A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have.
# []
gem "stimulus-rails", "~> 1.2.1"
# ActiveRecord extension which adds typecasting to store accessors
# []
gem "store_attribute", "~> 1.0.2"
# Gem for working with JSON-backed attributes as ActiveRecord models
# []
gem "store_model", "~> 1.5.1"
# Catch unsafe migrations in development
# []
gem "strong_migrations", "~> 1.4.2"
# The speed of a single-page web application without having to write any JavaScript.
# []
gem "turbo-rails", "~> 1.3.3"
gem "tzinfo-data", platforms: %i[ mingw mswin x64_mingw jruby ]
# A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
# []
gem "view_component", "~> 2.82.0"
# A collection of extensions and developer tools for ViewComponent
# []
gem "view_component-contrib", "~> 0.1.3"
# Use Vite in Rails and bring joy to your JavaScript experience
# []
gem "vite_rails", "~> 3.0.13"
# A simple gem to help you whoop your logs into shape.
# []
gem "whoop", "~> 1.0.3"
# Dynamically build a model within an RSpec context
# []
gem "with_model", "~> 2.1.6"
group :development, :test do
# Debugging functionality for Ruby
# []
gem "debug", "~> 1.7.1", platforms: %i[ mri mingw x64_mingw ]
# factory_bot_rails provides integration between factory_bot and rails 5.0 or newer
# []
gem "factory_bot_rails", "~> 6.2.0"
# the instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter
# []
gem "fuubar", "~> 2.5.1", require: false
# Show failing specs instantly
# []
gem "rspec-instafail", "~> 1.0.0", require: false
# RSpec for Rails
# []
gem "rspec-rails", "~> 6.0.1"
# Automatic Rails code style checking tool.
# []
gem "rubocop-rails", "~> 2.17.4"
group :development do
# Annotates Rails Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database schema.
# []
gem "annotate", "~> 3.2.0"
# Security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails.
# []
gem "brakeman", "~> 5.4.0", require: false
# Patch-level verification for Bundler
# []
gem "bundler-audit", "~> 0.9.1", require: false
# Hosted code coverage
# []
gem "codecov", "~> 0.6.0"
# Like Unit Tests, but for your Team Culture.
# []
gem "danger", "~> 9.2.0", require: false
# Easily add magic comments '# frozen_string_literal: true' followed by a blank line to multiple Ruby source files
# []
gem "magic_frozen_string_literal", "~> 1.2.0"
# Organize your Gemfile with annotations
# []
gem "organize_gemfile", "~> 0.1.2"
# Code coverage for Ruby
# []
gem "simplecov", "~> 0.21.2"
# Generate Sorbet RBI files from YARD documentation
# []
gem "sord", "~> 5.0.0"
# Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
# []
gem "standard", "~> 1.22.1"
# A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications.
# []
gem "web-console", "~> 4.2.0"
group :development, :development do
# Compare GraphQL schemas and get the changes that happened.
# []
gem "graphql-schema_comparator", "~> 1.1.2"
group :test do
# Headless Chrome driver for Capybara
# []
gem "cuprite", "~> 0.14.3"
# A Page Object Model DSL for Capybara
# []
gem "site_prism", "~> 3.7.3"
# Ruby applications tests profiling tools
# []
gem "test-prof", "~> 1.1.0"
# Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
# []
gem "vcr", "~> 6.1.0"
# Library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby.
# []
gem "webmock", "~> 3.18.1"
# Zonebie prevents bugs in code that deals with timezones by randomly assigning a zone on every run
# []
gem "zonebie", "~> 0.6.1"
group :production do
# Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request
# []
gem "lograge", "~> 0.12.0"
# Puma web server plugin for collecting puma metrics with Yabeda framework.
# []
gem "yabeda-puma-plugin", "~> 0.7.1", require: false
# Extensible Prometheus exporter for monitoring your Sidekiq
# []
gem "yabeda-sidekiq", "~> 0.10.0", require: false
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