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Created May 30, 2017 14:21
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Import jekyll content for contenful
const glob = require('glob')
const fs = require('fs')
const parser = require('jekyll-markdown-parser')
const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({
accessToken: '…'
// This API call will request a space with the specified ID
.then(space => {
const createEntry = (hero, content, abstract, filename) => space.createEntry('post', {
fields: {
title: {'en-US': content.parsedYaml.title},
slug: {'en-US': content.parsedYaml.permalink},
publicationDate: {'en-US': || new Date(filename.match(/^2[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/)[0])},
content: {'en-US': content.markdown},
abstract: {'en-US': abstract},
author: {'en-US': {'sys': {'type': 'Link', 'linkType': 'Entry', 'id': '3f0dPd4qJWMqIckWUwcSEK'}}},
hero: {'en-US': {'sys': {'type': 'Link', 'linkType': 'Asset', 'id': hero}}},
.then(entry => {
const importFile = f => fs.readFile(f, 'utf-8', (err, markdown) => {
const content = parser.parse(markdown)
const filename = f.split('/').pop()
const abstract = content.parsedYaml.excerpt || content.html.split('</p>').shift().replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '')
const images = content.markdown.match(/!\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/gm)
if (images) {
const img = images[0].match(/!\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/)
const filename = img[2].split('/').pop()
const url = /^\.\/uploads/.test(img[2]) ? `${img[2]}` : img[2]
'fields': {
'title': {
'en-US': img[1]
'file': {
'en-US': {
'contentType': 'image/jpeg',
'fileName': filename,
'upload': url
.then(asset => createEntry(, content, abstract, filename))
} else {
createEntry('DJtd5QnpG84a022w8iwWE', content, abstract, filename)
glob('./_posts/*.md', (err, res) => { => importFile(f))
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