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Created May 6, 2013 05:19
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# 1B problem B 2013 Google Code Jam
# adapted answer from 'dolphinigle'
gets.to_i.times do |ca|
my, n = gets.split(" ").map(&:to_i)
motes = gets.split(" ").map(&:to_i).sort
best = motes.length # all delete
if my == 1
puts "Case ##{ca+1}: #{best}"
add = 0
motes.each_with_index do |o, i|
# just eat and go next
my += o and next if my > o
# stop here, update the best before add
# important step! as it will catch the case where add and delete are mixed together
best = [best, add + n - i].min
# add
my += my - 1 and add += 1 while o >= my
my += o
best = [best, add].min
puts "Case ##{ca+1}: #{best}"
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