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Created September 30, 2013 05:29
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# HAML is a language that can be compiled to HTML
# it's syntax is easy to write and read, thus it's very popular among web developers
# grab zipped gem from
# also the dependency
# command to compile
# `jrubyc haml.rb`
# command to run
# `java -cp .:/path/to/jruby-complete-1.7.4.jar haml`
# include dependencies
$:.unshift("D:\\haml-master\\lib") # replace with your unzipped lib folder path (absolute path)
$:.unshift("D:\\tilt-master\\lib") # replace with your unzipped lib folder path (absolute path)
require "haml"
# some simple syntax
# simple plain haml
haml1 = <<EOS
#foo Hello!
# this template contains varaibles
haml2 = <<EOS
%h1= title
%h2= subtitle
= content
puts "\n"
puts "================haml1 output======================"
puts "\n"
e1 =
puts e1.render # some html
puts "\n"
puts "================haml2 output======================"
puts "\n"
e2 =
puts e2.render, {:title=>"this is title", :subtitle=>"this is subtitle", :content=>"this is content"} # some html
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