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Last active December 16, 2022 22:08
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calculator string parser
# Expr ::= Term ('+' Term | '-' Term)*
# Term ::= Factor ('*' Factor | '/' Factor)*
# Factor ::= ['-'] (Number | '(' Expr ')')
# Number ::= Digit+
log = console.log.bind(console)
tokenize = (str)->
cur = prev = 0
pos = []
while cur < str.length
if str[cur].match(/[\+\-\*\/\(\)]/)
pos.push [prev, cur]
prev = cur+1
cur = cur + 1
pos .push [prev, str.length]
tokens = []
_.each pos, (p)->
tokens.push str[p[0]...p[1]]
if p[1] < str.length
tokens.push str[p[1]]
tokens = _.compact tokens
return tokens
class Parser
constructor: (@tokens) ->
peek: ->
@tokens[0] || null
next: ->
if @tokens.length > 0 then @tokens.shift() else null
term = @parse_term()
while 1
peek = @peek()
if peek is "+" and @next()
term = term + @parse_term()
else if peek is "-" and @next()
term = term - @parse_term()
else if peek is null
return term
throw "malformed"
parse_term: ->
factor = @parse_factor()
while 1
peek = @peek()
if peek is "*" and @next()
factor = factor * @parse_factor()
else if peek is "/" and @next()
n = @parse_factor()
if n is 0
throw "divide by zero"
factor = factor / n
return factor
parse_factor: ->
negate = if @peek() is "-" and @next() then -1 else 1
if @peek() is "(" and @next()
expr = []
throw "incomplete brackets" if @tokens.indexOf(")") is -1
expr.push next while (next = @next()) isnt ")"
p = new Parser(expr)
return negate * p.parse_expr()
else if not isNaN(parseFloat @peek())
return negate * parseFloat @next()
throw "malformed expression"
test = (expr)->
tokens = tokenize(expr)
parser = new Parser(tokens)
result = parser.parse_expr()
log expr, "=", result, if result is eval(expr) then "correct!" else "wrong"
test "10/12"
test "-10/13-(12.3-3*2)/2*3+3-2*2.2"
test "10/1-2*3-(12.3-3*2)*2*3+3-2*2.2"
// for brackets
function parse(input, start) {
let str = ''
for (let i=start;i<input.length;i++) {
if (input[i] === '(') {
const [val, j] = parse(input, i+1)
i = j
str += val
} else if (input[i] === ')') {
return [evaluate(str), i]
} else {
str += input[i]
return [evaluate(str), input.length - 1]
// no brackets now
function evaluate(str) {
const re = /[-]?\d+(\.\d+)?/g
const tokens = []
let match = null
while ((match = re.exec(str))!==null) {
if (match.index + match[0].length < str.length) {
re.lastIndex += 1
tokens.push(str[match.index + match[0].length])
let i = 0
// calculate * and / first
while (i< tokens.length) {
if (i < tokens.length -1) {
let op = tokens[i+1]
if (op === '*' || op === '/') {
tokens.splice(i, 3, doMath(tokens[i], op, tokens[i+2]))
} else {
} else {
// calcualte + and - then
while (tokens.length) {
if (tokens.length === 1) {
return tokens[0]
const [a, op, b] = [tokens.shift(), tokens.shift(), tokens.shift()]
tokens.unshift(doMath(a, op, b))
return res
function doMath(a, op, b) {
a = Number(a)
b = Number(b)
switch (op) {
case '+':
return a + b
case '-':
return a - b
case '*':
return a * b
case '/':
return a / b
throw new Error('Unrecognized operator')
function calc(input) {
const s = input.replace(/\s/g, '')
return parse('(' + s + ')', 1)[0]
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