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Created September 19, 2016 04:42
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template<typename T>
T* GetAsset(const FName& Path) {
UObject* Obj = StaticLoadObject(UDungeonThemeAsset::StaticClass(), nullptr, *Path.ToString());
return Cast<T>(Obj);
void ADA413XGameMode::BuildDynamicDungeon() {
// Create a new dungeon actor
Dungeon = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ADungeon>(ADungeon::StaticClass());
// Grab a reference to the theme asset and register it with the dungeon actor
UDungeonThemeAsset* MyTheme = GetAsset<UDungeonThemeAsset>("/Game/DA_Candy/Themes/D_Candy_v2"); // Set your theme path here
// Set the builder type
Dungeon->BuilderClass = UGridDungeonBuilder::StaticClass();
// Set the dungeon configuration
UGridDungeonConfig* GridConfig = Cast<UGridDungeonConfig>(Dungeon->GetConfig());
if (GridConfig) {
GridConfig->Seed = FMath::Rand(); // Randomize our dungeon
// Set other grid config here
void ADA413XGameMode::StartPlay() {
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