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bash tab completions for gkeep
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# To install (assuming you have the bash-completions package)
# python3 -c 'import gkeep_completions; gkeep_completions.install()'
# or if you don't (this doesn't work as well, for example you have to restart your terminal and it edits your .bashrc file)
# python3 -c 'import gkeep_completions; gkeep_completions.install_rc()'
import os, sys, shlex, subprocess
def __get_files(path):
Gets all of the files from a path where the final component of the path may only be part of a
filename / directory name. Uses the directory components available and then the files /
directories in that final directory must start with the given partial path.
Hidden files are not returned in the list unless the partial filename starts with a '.'.
Paths that begin with ~ have the user's home directory expanded.
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
#path = os.path.expandvars(path) # TODO: expand $ in filenames?
# Blank path, list everything but hidden files
if path == '':
return [name for name in os.listdir('.') if name[0] != '.']
# A complete path to a directory, list all files in it except hidden
elif os.path.isdir(path):
return [os.path.join(path, name) for name in os.listdir(path) if name[0] != '.']
# Only part of a filename - get the directory part of the path
directory = os.path.dirname(path)
if directory == '':
# Only part of a file name with no directory in it
return [name for name in os.listdir('.') if name.startswith(path)]
elif os.path.isdir(directory):
# Only part of a file name with a directory in it
basename = os.path.basename(path)
return [os.path.join(directory, name) for name in os.listdir(directory)
if name.startswith(basename)]
# Invalid path
return []
def __complete_csv(path):
Complete a CSV filename partial path. This uses __get_files and then filters to only return
directories or files that end with .csv (ignoring case). Directory names end with a '/'. File
names end with a space ' '. All directory / file names are escaped for the bash command line.
files = __get_files(path)
dirs = [shlex.quote(f+os.path.sep) for f in files if os.path.isdir(f)]
csvs = [shlex.quote(f)+' ' for f in files
if os.path.isfile(f) and os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() == '.csv']
return dirs + csvs
def __is_assignment_dir(path):
Return True if the path represents an assignment directory (i.e. contains base_code, tests, and
email.txt) and False otherwsie.
return (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, 'base_code')) and
os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, 'tests')) and
os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'email.txt')))
def __complete_directory(path, assignment_dir=True):
Complete directory names from partial path. This uses __get_files and then filters to only
return directories (which end with a /). If assignment_dir is True (the default) then assignment
directories end with a space instead of a /. All directory names are escaped for the bash
command line.
# Path is already an assignment directory
if len(path) > 0 and path[-1] != '/' and __is_assignment_dir(os.path.expanduser(path)):
return [shlex.quote(path) + ' ']
# Get all directories
dirs = [f for f in __get_files(path) if os.path.isdir(f)]
if not assignment_dir:
# Always end with just a /
return [shlex.quote(d+os.path.sep) for d in dirs]
# End with a space if the directory could be an assignment (contains base_code/email.txt/tests)
return [shlex.quote(d) + ' ' if __is_assignment_dir(d) else shlex.quote(d+os.path.sep)
for d in dirs]
def __complete_word(word, possibilities):
Return a list of the complete words from a partial word given the list of possibilities. The
return possible words have a space added to the end of them.
return [possibility+' ' for possibility in possibilities if possibility.startswith(word)]
def __gkeep_query(query_type, max_age=15):
Return the results of a gkeep query for either assignments or students and returns a dictionary
with the course name as the key and the values being lists of the results.
This will create a persistent cache (even in between runs of this program) for faster access.
The max_age of the cache in seconds can be set and defaults to 15 seconds.
import tempfile, getpass, pickle
from datetime import datetime
# Attempt to get the results from the cache
user = getpass.getuser()
tmp = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'gkeep-completions-'+user)
file = os.path.join(tmp, query_type)
age = - datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file))
if age.total_seconds() <= max_age:
# TODO: touch?
with open(file, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
except OSError: pass # file doesn't exist or similar
# Run the command and get the results
info =['gkeep', 'query', query_type], capture_output=True, text=True)
if info.returncode != 0: return []
lines = info.stdout.splitlines()
# Create the dictionary
data = { }
new_class = True
for line in lines:
if line == '': new_class = True
elif new_class:
class_results = []
data[line[:-1]] = class_results
new_class = False
# Cache the results
os.makedirs(tmp, 0o700, True)
with open(file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f)
# Return the results
return data
def __complete_class_name(class_name):
Return a list of the complete class names (with spaces at the end) from a partial class name.
This requires running `gkeep query classes`.
data = __gkeep_query('assignments').keys()
words = __complete_word(class_name, data)
if not words:
data = __gkeep_query('assignments', 0.5).keys()
words = __complete_word(class_name, data)
return words
def __complete_assignment(class_name, assignment):
Return a list of the complete assignment names (with spaces at the end) from a partial
assignment name from a particular class. This requires running `gkeep query assignments`.
data = __gkeep_query('assignments')
if class_name not in data: data = __gkeep_query('assignments', 0.5)
# Each assignment name starts with P for published or U for unpublished
return __complete_word(assignment, [x.split(maxsplit=1)[1] for x in data.get(class_name, ())])
def __complete_student(class_name, student):
Return a list of the complete student names (with spaces at the end) from a partial student name
from a particular class. This requires running `gkeep query students`.
data = __gkeep_query('students')
if class_name not in data: data = __gkeep_query('students', 0.5)
return __complete_word(student, data.get(class_name, ()))
def __add(words):
"""Completion for the command line gkeep add <new class name> <csv file>"""
if len(words) == 2: return __complete_csv(words[1])
return [] # either a new class name (which could be anything) or an unknown argument
def __modify(words):
"""Completion for the command line gkeep modify <class name> <csv file>"""
if len(words) == 1: return __complete_class_name(words[0])
if len(words) == 2: return __complete_csv(words[1])
return [] # an unknown argument
def __upload(words):
"""Completion for the command line gkeep upload <class name> <directory>"""
if len(words) == 1: return __complete_class_name(words[0])
if len(words) == 2: return __complete_directory(words[1])
return [] # an unknown argument
def __update(words):
Completion for the command line
gkeep update <class name> <directory> { base_code | email | tests | all }
if len(words) == 1: return __complete_class_name(words[0])
if len(words) == 2: return __complete_directory(words[1])
if len(words) == 3: return __complete_word(words[2], ('base_code', 'email', 'tests', 'all'))
return [] # an unknown argument
def __publish(words):
"""Completion for the command line gkeep publish <class name> <assignment>"""
if len(words) == 1: return __complete_class_name(words[0])
if len(words) == 2: return __complete_assignment(words[0], words[1])
return [] # an unknown argument
def __delete(words):
"""Completion for the command line gkeep delete <class name> <assignment>"""
if len(words) == 1: return __complete_class_name(words[0])
if len(words) == 2: return __complete_assignment(words[0], words[1])
return [] # an unknown argument
def __fetch(words):
"""Completion for the command line gkeep fetch <class name> <assignment> <directory>"""
if len(words) == 1: return __complete_class_name(words[0])
if len(words) == 2: return __complete_assignment(words[0], words[1])
if len(words) == 3: return __complete_directory(words[2], False)
return [] # an unknown argument
def __query(words):
Completion for the command line
gkeep query { classes | assignments | recent | students } <#>
if len(words) == 1:
return __complete_word(words[0], ('classes', 'assignments', 'recent', 'students'))
return [] # either a number of days for recent or an unknown argument
def __trigger(words):
"""Completion for the command line gkeep trigger <class name> <assignment> <student> ..."""
if len(words) == 1: return __complete_class_name(words[0])
if len(words) == 2: return __complete_assignment(words[0], words[1])
# List possible students but remove any already listed
possible_students = __complete_student(words[0], words[-1])
already_listed = set(words[2:-1])
return [student for student in possible_students if student[:-1] not in already_listed]
def __status(words):
"""Completion for the command line gkeep status <class name> { open | closed }"""
if len(words) == 1: return __complete_class_name(words[0])
if len(words) == 2: return __complete_word(words[1], ('open', 'closed'))
return [] # an unknown argument
__subcommands = {
'add': __add,
'modify': __modify,
'upload': __upload,
'update': __update,
'publish': __publish,
'delete': __delete,
'fetch': __fetch,
'query': __query,
'trigger': __trigger,
'config': None, # no arguments
'status': __status,
'add_faculty': None, # all arguments can be anything so just don't have a completion function
def command_completion(line):
Complete a gkeep command line. The user is currently typing at the end of the given line.
Returns a list of the possiblities to fill in the final word with.
words = shlex.split(line)
except ValueError:
# We may have an unmatched quote in the final token
# Try to add either a ' or " at the end
words = shlex.split(line + '"')
except ValueError:
words = shlex.split(line + "'")
# If we ended with an un-quoted space add a new blank word to the end
if line[-1].isspace() and words[-1][-1] != line[-1]: words.append('')
# Shouldn't happen, just the gkeep command...
if len(words) == 1: return []
# Name of one of the sub-commands
if len(words) == 2:
return [key+' ' for key in __subcommands.keys() if key.startswith(words[1])]
# Use the sub-command to do the remainder of the command line arguments
__subcommand_completion = __subcommands.get(words[1])
if __subcommand_completion is None: return []
return __subcommand_completion(words[2:])
def __make_executable():
Makes sure this script is executable. Returns the command to be run by bash to register the
completion for the current shell.
import stat
script = os.path.abspath(__file__)
# Make sure the script is executable
mode = os.stat(script).st_mode
os.chmod(script, mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
except PermissionError: pass # let's hope it is already executable
# Return the command to actually be run by bash
return "complete -o nospace -C \'"+script+"\' gkeep"
def install():
Installs the code completion handler with bash-completions. The bash-completions package is
required to be installed for this to be useful. If bash-completions is not installed then this
will have no effect (well, it will write some very small files). If you want to use this
without bash-completions run install_rc(), however this is the recommended way to have it
This follows the guidelines from
If this is run as root, then the completion hook is installed into the global file. Otherwise it
is instead in the user-specific directory.
cmd = __make_executable()
# First get the bash-completions directory
if os.geteuid() == 0:
# We are root, install in a global directory
info =['pkg-config', '--variable=completionsdir', 'bash-completion'],
capture_output=True, text=True)
if info.returncode == 0:
directory = info.stdout.strip()
directory = '/etc/bash_completion.d' # default location
# Not root, install within user's profile
if 'BASH_COMPLETION_USER_DIR' in os.environ:
directory = os.environ['BASH_COMPLETION_USER_DIR']
elif 'XDG_DATA_HOME' in os.environ:
directory = os.path.join(os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME'], 'bash-completion')
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share')):
directory = os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share/bash-completion')
# No viable directory to put it in, final choice is ~/.bash_completion
with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.bash_completion'), 'a') as f:
f.write('\n# Added by gkeep\n'+cmd+'\n')
return # don't add to a directory
directory = os.path.join(directory, 'completions')
# Now add a file to register the complete command for gkeep
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(directory, 'gkeep'), 'w') as f:
f.write('# bash completion for gkeep\n\n')
def install_rc():
Installs this completer in either ~/.bashrc or /etc/bashrc depending on if the current user it
a regular user or root. The install() method is preferred to this method.
cmd = __make_executable()
file = '/etc/bashrc' if os.geteuid() == 0 else os.path.expanduser('~/.bashrc')
with open(file, 'a') as f:
f.write('\n# Added by gkeep\n'+cmd+'\n')
def __main():
if 'COMP_LINE' not in os.environ or 'COMP_POINT' not in os.environ:
cmd = __make_executable()
print("Program needs to be run from the programatic completion of bash", file=sys.stderr)
print("To register it do `"+cmd+"` in bash", file=sys.stderr)
# Get the command line up to the carat point
point = int(os.environ['COMP_POINT'])
line = os.environ['COMP_LINE'][:point]
# Other environmental variables that could be used:
#type_ = chr(int(os.environ['COMP_TYPE'])) # one of \t, ?, ! @, %
#key = chr(int(os.environ['COMP_KEY']))
# Get the completions
completions = command_completion(line)
# Print each option on its own line
if __name__ == "__main__": __main()
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