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Created November 15, 2012 02:29
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[~/dev/att-devprg-apimatrix] jonny-> cucumber features/dynamic_navigation.feature --verbose
Using the default profile...
* features/support/env.rb
* features/support/helpers.rb
* features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/feature_flags_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/permissions_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/services_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb
* features/dynamic_navigation.feature
Parsing feature files took 0m0.017s
Feature: Dynamic menus on header navigation bar
As an: Apimatrix System Administrator
I want: To be able to edit menu navigation links
So that: I can update and change menu items and their targets
Scenario: Admin adds a new header item # features/dynamic_navigation.feature:6
Given a user "Adam" has an account flagged as an Administrator # features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb:1
expected: "/"
got: "/users/auth/att/callback" (using ==) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
./features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb:6:in `/^a user "(.*?)" has an account flagged as an Administrator$/'
features/dynamic_navigation.feature:7:in `Given a user "Adam" has an account flagged as an Administrator'
And Adam is logged in # features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb:9
When Adam visits the page to add a new menu item # features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb:15
And Adam enters "Uverse" for the link title # features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb:21
And Adam enters "" for the link target # features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb:32
And Adam presses the button to submit the forms and create the new menu item # features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb:38
Then a menu item titled "Uverse" should be added to the navigation bar # features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb:44
And the link target of the menu item should be "" # features/step_definitions/dynamic_navigation_steps.rb:49
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/dynamic_navigation.feature:6 # Scenario: Admin adds a new header item
1 scenario (1 failed)
8 steps (1 failed, 7 skipped)
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