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Created December 15, 2014 10:49
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Save coderoffortune/62e68b955adba4ebd027 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple script to cleanse injected code in php files, it can use a tweak or two in performances but it does the job.
use Cwd;
use File::Find;
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $dir = cwd() . "/";
# Virus strings definitions -- START
# An array of regular expressions to identify injected code
my @virus_strings = ('^<\?php if\(!isset\(\$GLOBALS\[.*=1; } \?>',
'^<\?php \$[a-z]{10} \= .*-1; \?>',
'<\?php \$.* = .*; preg_replace\(\".*\"\); \?>');
# Loads the command line options -- START
my $match = '';
my $verbose = '';
my $test_run = '';
my $show_help = '';
my $delete_lic = '';
GetOptions ('match=s' => \$match,
'verbose' => \$verbose,
'deletelic' => \$delete_lic,
'test' => \$test_run,
'help' => \$show_help);
if($show_help) {
print "Usage: \n\n";
print "./ --match <regex> --verbose --deletelic --test --help \n\n";
print " --match <regex> Adds a new matching string to virus definitions \n";
print " --verbose Prints all the matching files and lines based on verbosity level \n";
print " --deletelic Deletes the license.php files found, otherwise it will only report how many are found \n";
print " --test Runs the script in test mode, only results are print \n";
print " --help Show this guide \n\n";
exit 0;
if($match) {
push @virus_strings, $match;
# Stats vars initializations
my $file_count = 0;
my $infected_file_count = 0;
my $license_file_count = 0;
my $license_file_removed_count = 0;
print "\n";
print STDOUT "Iterating through the directory looking for infected php files...\n";
print STDOUT "*****************************************************************\n";
print STDOUT "* THIS IS A TEST RUN *\n" if $test_run;
print STDOUT "*****************************************************************\n" if $test_run;
# Loop through the directories
find( \&parse, $dir);
# Parse the files and test for matchings against virus strings
sub parse {
if (-f $File::Find::name) {
if (m/\.php$/) {
my $file_status = 'CLEAN - ';
my $file_status_code = 0;
my $file_report = '';
my $count_once = '';
if (m/license\.php$/i) {
if($delete_lic) {
if(unlink == 0) {
local @ARGV = "$_";
local $^I = '';
while(<>) {
foreach my $virus_string (@virus_strings) {
if ((m/$virus_string/) && !$count_once) {
$count_once = '1';
$file_report .= "\t\t" . $_ . "\n";
$file_status = 'INFECTED - ';
$file_status_code = 1;
s/$virus_string//g if !$test_run;
if(($verbose eq 'clean' && $file_status_code == 0) || ($verbose eq 'infected' && $file_status_code == 1) || $verbose) {
print STDOUT $file_status . "$File::Find::name \n";
print STDOUT $file_report if $file_report;
# Prints out stats
print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "Php files: " . $file_count . "\n";
print STDOUT "Infected php files: " . $infected_file_count;
print STDOUT " (" . $license_file_count . " license.php found, " . $license_file_removed_count . " deleted)" if $license_file_count;
print STDOUT "\n\n";
exit 0;
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