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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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code samples to get video metadata from PyCon Taiwan youtube channel
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
from steve.util import (
from apiclient.discovery import build
from apiclient.errors import HttpError
from import argparser
def get_svc():
cfg = get_project_config()
API_KEY = get_from_config(cfg, 'api_key', 'youtube')
API_SERVICE_NAME = get_from_config(cfg, 'api_service_name', 'youtube')
API_VERSION = get_from_config(cfg, 'api_version', 'youtube')
return build(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION, developerKey=API_KEY)
def youtube_search_channel(svc, channel_id, max_results=50):
options = {
'channelId': channel_id,
'maxResults': max_results,
'part': 'id',
'type': 'video',
search_response =**options).execute()
pages = [[item['id']['videoId'] for item in search_response.get('items', [])]]
while 'nextPageToken' in search_response:
options['pageToken'] = search_response['nextPageToken']
print 'fetching next page {}'.format(options['pageToken'])
search_response =**options).execute()
pages.append([item['id']['videoId'] for item in search_response.get('items', [])])
return pages
def youtube_get_videos(svc, video_pages):
videos = []
for page in video_pages:
videostr = ','.join(page)
video_response = svc.videos().list(
videos.extend([v for v in video_response.get('items', [])])
return videos
def video_results_to_steve_data(video_results):
data = []
for v in video_results:
d = video_to_dict(v)
if 'id' not in v:
# should never happen
fn = 'json/{}.json'.format(v['id'])
data.append((fn, d))
return data
def video_to_dict(video):
"""Converts youtube#video to a python dict
:arg video: youtube#video response
:arg youtube_embed: the embed code to use for YouTube videos or
"object" or "iframe"
:returns: dict
snippet = video.get('snippet', {})
status = video.get('status', {})
player = video.get('player', {})
thumbnails = snippet.get('thumbnails', {})
thumbnail = thumbnails.get('high', {})
cfg = get_project_config()
video_id = video['id']
item = {
'category': get_from_config(cfg, 'category'),
'title': snippet.get('title', ''),
'description': snippet.get('description', ''),
'copyright_text': status.get('license', ''),
'recorded': snippet.get('publishedAt', '')[0:10],
'thumbnail_url': thumbnail.get('url', ''),
'embed': player.get('embedHtml', ''),
'summary': '',
'language': 'Chinese',
'state': DRAFT,
'whiteboard': 'needs editing',
'quality_notes': '',
'slug': '',
'source_url': '{}'.format(video_id)
return item
if __name__ == '__main__':
argparser.add_argument("--max-results", help="Max results", default=50)
args = argparser.parse_args()
cfg = get_project_config()
channel_id = get_from_config(cfg, 'channel_id', 'youtube')
svc = get_svc()
video_ids = youtube_search_channel(svc, channel_id, max_results=args.max_results)
videos = youtube_get_videos(svc, video_ids)
data = video_results_to_steve_data(videos)
save_json_files(cfg, data)
except HttpError, e:
print "An HTTP error %d occurred: %s" % (e.resp.status, e.content)
channel_id = UCHLnNgRnfGYDzPCCH8qGbQw
api_key = YOUR_API_KEY
api_service_name = youtube
api_version = v3
url =
category = PyCon APAC 2014
url =
# If the url is a YouTube-based url, you can either have 'object'
# based embed code or 'iframe' based embed code. Specify that
# here.
youtube_embed = object
api_url =
username = USERNAME
api_key = STEVE_KEY
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