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Last active March 30, 2024 05:59
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Leetcode 18: 4 sum
Leetcode 18: 4 sum hard
# def four_sum(nums, target)
# nums.sort!
# set =
# output = []
# (0..nums.length - 4).each do |i|
# (i + 1..nums.length - 3).each do |j|
# new_target = target - nums[i] - nums[j]
# low = j + 1
# high = nums.length - 1
# while low < high
# if nums[low] + nums[high] < new_target
# low += 1
# elsif nums[low] + nums[high] > new_target
# high -= 1
# else
# set.add([nums[i], nums[j], nums[low], nums[high]])
# low += 1
# high -= 1
# end
# end
# end
# end
# output = set.to_a
# return output
# end
def max_four(nums)
#{|k,v| v<= 4}.keys.to_a
count = nums.tally
arr = []
count.each do |k,v|
([v,4].min).times { arr << k }
def four_sum(nums, target)
nums = max_four(nums)
res = Set[]
#hash: sum is key, array of pairs of indices is value
two_sum = { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
(0...nums.length).each do |a|
(a+1...nums.length).each do |b|
sum = nums[a] + nums[b]
two_sum[target - sum].each do |pair|
if ([a,b] + pair).uniq.length == 4
c,d = pair
two_sum[sum] << [a,b]
Sure, let's break down the code with an example using `nums = [1, 0, -1, 0, -2, 2]` and `target = 0`.
1. **Initialize Hash Map for Two Sums**:
two_sum = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
This line initializes a hash map `two_sum` where the keys represent the possible sums of pairs of elements from `nums`, and the values are arrays containing pairs of indices that produce the respective sums.
2. **Iterate Over Pairs of Indices**:
(0...nums.length).each do |a|
(a+1...nums.length).each do |b|
These nested loops iterate over all pairs of indices `(a, b)` in the `nums` array.
3. **Calculate Sum and Check Complementary Value**:
sum = nums[a] + nums[b]
two_sum[target - sum].each do |pair|
For each pair of indices `(a, b)`, it calculates the sum of the corresponding elements (`nums[a] + nums[b]`). Then, it looks for the complementary value (`target - sum`) in the `two_sum` hash map. If there are pairs of indices stored for that complementary sum, it proceeds to the next step.
4. **Check if Quadruplet is Unique**:
if ([a, b] + pair).uniq.length == 4
It checks if the indices `[a, b]` combined with the indices `pair` form a unique quadruplet. If they do (i.e., all four indices are distinct), it proceeds to the next step.
5. **Add Quadruplet to Result Set**:
c, d = pair
res.add([nums[a], nums[b], nums[c], nums[d]].sort)
It extracts the indices `c` and `d` from the pair, then adds the quadruplet `[nums[a], nums[b], nums[c], nums[d]]` to the result set `res`. The quadruplet is sorted to ensure consistency.
6. **Update Hash Map with Current Pair**:
two_sum[sum] << [a, b]
Finally, it updates the `two_sum` hash map with the current pair of indices `[a, b]`, associating them with the sum `sum`.
This process continues for all pairs of indices in the `nums` array. After processing all possible pairs, the algorithm returns the unique quadruplets found in the result set `res`.
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