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Created February 20, 2020 14:40
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Example fabfile for Django deployment
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012 Zuza Software Foundation
# This file is part of Pootle.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
"""Fabric deployment file."""
from fabric.api import cd, env
from fabric.context_managers import hide, prefix, settings
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
from fabric.contrib.files import exists, upload_template
from fabric.operations import require, run, sudo
# Deployment environments
def production():
"""Work on the production environment"""
from deploy.production import fabric
env.environment = 'production'
def staging():
"""Work on the staging environment"""
from deploy.staging import fabric
env.environment = 'staging'
# Commands
def _init_directories():
"""Creates initial directories"""
if exists('%(project_path)s' % env):
sudo('rm -rf %(project_path)s' % env)
sudo('mkdir -p %(project_path)s' % env)
sudo('chown %(user)s:%(server_group)s %(project_path)s' % env)
run('mkdir -m g+w %(project_path)s/logs' % env)
def _init_virtualenv():
"""Creates initial virtualenv"""
run('virtualenv -p %(python)s --no-site-packages %(env_path)s' % env)
with prefix('source %(env_path)s/bin/activate' % env):
run('easy_install pip' % env)
def _clone_repo():
"""Clones the git repository"""
run('git clone %(project_repo)s %(project_repo_path)s' % env)
# TODO: Accept branches other than the default
def _checkout_repo():
"""Updates the git repository"""
with cd(env.project_repo_path):
run('git pull')
def _install_requirements():
"""Installs dependencies defined in the requirements file"""
with prefix('source %(env_path)s/bin/activate' % env):
run('pip install -r %(project_repo_path)s/requirements/deploy.txt' % env)
def _update_requirements():
"""Updates dependencies installed via pip"""
with prefix('source %(env_path)s/bin/activate' % env):
run('pip install -U -r %(project_repo_path)s/requirements/deploy.txt' % env)
def bootstrap():
"""Creates initial directories and virtualenv"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
if (exists('%(project_path)s' % env) and
confirm('%(project_path)s already exists. Do you want to continue?'
% env, default=False)) or not exists('%(project_path)s' % env):
print('Bootstrapping initial directories...')
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
def update_db():
"""Updates database schemas"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
with cd('%(project_repo_path)s' % env):
with prefix('source %(env_path)s/bin/activate' % env):
run('python updatedb')
def update_code():
"""Updates the source code and its requirements"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
print('Getting the latest code and dependencies...')
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
def deploy_static():
"""Runs `collectstatic` to collect all the static files"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
print('Collecting and building static files...')
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
with cd('%(project_repo_path)s' % env):
with prefix('source %(env_path)s/bin/activate' % env):
run('mkdir -p pootle/assets')
run('python collectstatic --noinput --clear')
run('python assets build')
def deploy():
"""Updates the code and installs the production site"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
print('Deploying the site...')
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
def install_site():
"""Configures the server and enables the site"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
print('Configuring and installing site...')
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
def update_config():
"""Updates server configuration files"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
# Configure VirtualHost
upload_template('deploy/%(environment)s/virtualhost.conf' % env,
env.vhost_file, context=env, use_sudo=True)
# Configure WSGI application
env.wsgi_file, context=env)
# Configure and install settings
upload_template('deploy/%(environment)s/settings.conf' % env,
% env, context=env)
def enable_site():
"""Enables the site"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
def disable_site():
"""Disables the site"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
def _switch_site(enable):
"""Switches site's status to enabled or disabled"""
action = "Enabling" if enable else "Disabling"
print('%s site...' % action)
env.apache_command = 'a2ensite' if enable else 'a2dissite'
sudo('%(apache_command)s %(project_name)s' % env)
sudo('service apache2 reload')
def touch():
"""Reloads daemon processes by touching the WSGI file"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
print('Running touch...')
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
run('touch %(wsgi_file)s' % env)
def compile_translations():
"""Compiles PO translations"""
require('environment', provided_by=[production, staging])
print('Compiling translations...')
with settings(hide('stdout', 'stderr')):
with cd(env.project_repo_path):
with prefix('source %(env_path)s/bin/activate' % env):
run('python build_mo')
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