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Created January 8, 2019 19:59
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A javascript solution to a simple practice problem
* A robot located at the top left corner of a 5x5 grid is trying to reach the
* bottom right corner. The robot can move either up, down, left, or right,
* but cannot visit the same spot twice. How many possible unique paths are
* there to the bottom right corner?
* make your solution work for a grid of any size.
// A Board class will be useful
var makeBoard = function(n) {
var board = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
board.togglePiece = function(i, j) {
this[i][j] = !this[i][j];
board.hasBeenVisited = function(i, j) {
return !!this[i][j];
return board;
var robotPaths = function(n, board, i, j) {
// Initialize these if not provided
if (!board) {
board = makeBoard(n);
i = 0;
j = 0;
// No possible paths if you’re off the board
// or on a piece you shouldn’t be on
if (!(i >= 0 && i < n && j >= 0 && j < n) || board.hasBeenVisited(i, j)) {
return 0;
// One possible path if you’re at the
// end point (the path that led there)
if (i === n - 1 && j === n - 1) return 1;
board.togglePiece(i, j);
var result =
robotPaths(n, board, i, j + 1) +
robotPaths(n, board, i, j - 1) +
robotPaths(n, board, i + 1, j) +
robotPaths(n, board, i - 1, j);
// Return the board to its original state
board.togglePiece(i, j);
return result;
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