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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# usage: script/server_restarter
# Rails autoloading, while nice in theory, frequently doesn't work. Since Rails 2.3+
# is so fast when completely reloading the server, I wrote this script to listen to the
# given directories, and kill/restart the server when any file is changed.
# It's quick, simple, and it reliably reloads your application when changes are made.
server {
access_log logs/laresistance.access_log main;
error_log logs/laresistance.error_log info;
root /home/codesnik/apps/laresistance/current/public;
location ~ ^/(images|javascripts|stylesheets|system)/ {
Jquery and Rails powered default application.js
Easy Ajax replacement for remote_functions and ajax_form based on class name
All actions will reply to the .js format
Unostrusive, will only works if Javascript enabled, if not, respond to an HTML as a normal link
respond_to do |format|
format.js {render :layout => false}
• [syeeda:/tmp/foo] nothingmuch % git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/foo/.git/
• [syeeda:/tmp/foo] nothingmuch % echo foo > foo
• [syeeda:/tmp/foo] nothingmuch % git add foo
• [syeeda:/tmp/foo] nothingmuch % git commit -m "add foo"
[master (root-commit)]: created 403b7b4: "add foo"
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 foo
• [syeeda:/tmp/foo] nothingmuch % git checkout -b contributer
Switched to a new branch "contributer"
codesnik / commit-msg
Created September 18, 2009 01:47 — forked from henrik/commit-msg
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Git commit-msg hook. If your branch name is in the form "t123", automatically
# adds "Refs #123." to commit messages unless they mention "#123" already.
# By Henrik Nyh <> 2009-09-10 under the MIT License.
# Install:
# Requires ftxdumperfuser from
# Usage: fixconsolas [files ...]
# When called with no arguments, it attempts to operate on every TrueType
# file in the current directory.
# References:
link: 'Войти'
signed_in: 'Вы вошли в систему.'
signed_out: 'Вы вышли из системы.'
unauthenticated: 'Необходимо войти в систему или зарегистрироваться.'
unconfirmed: 'Необходимо подтвердить адрес электронной почты.'
locked: 'Ваша учетная запись заблокирована.'
invalid: 'Неверная учетная запись или пароль.'
/* Trivial keyboard input layout to english switcher by Alexander V. Zhouravlev.
* Compile it with gcc -framework Carbon -o SwitchToEnglish SwitchToEnglish.m */
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
TISInputSourceRef english = TISCopyInputSourceForLanguage(CFSTR("en-US"));
if (!english)
return 1;

Getting started

First add your twitter username and password. Then server.rb and once it's started open websocket.html in your browser. You should see some tweets appear. If not take a look at the javascript console.

codesnik / script
Created January 10, 2012 09:11 — forked from waaa/script
Script for refunds and charges
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_support/core_ext'
require 'rspec'
require 'bigdecimal'
class BigDecimal
def inspect; to_s end