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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save codestation/bf1cc67ddf7c490c9626 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save codestation/bf1cc67ddf7c490c9626 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#define _GNU_SOURCE 1
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <lz4.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <zlib.h>
// PSP compat layer
#define u8 uint8_t
#define u16 uint16_t
#define u32 uint32_t
#define u64 uint64_t
#define SceOff int64_t
#define SceUID int
#define sceIoOpen(a,b,c) open(a,O_RDONLY,S_IRUSR)
#define sceIoLseek lseek
#define sceIoRead read
#define sceIoClose close
#define printk printf
#define sceKernelDelayThread(delay) usleep(delay)
#define oe_malloc malloc
// from misc headers
#define ISO_SECTOR_SIZE 2048
#define CISO_IDX_BUFFER_SIZE 0x200
#define CISO_DEC_BUFFER_SIZE 0x2000
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define NELEMS(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
// from ISODrivers/Inferno/isoread.c
#define REMAINDER(a,b) ((a) % (b))
#define IS_DIVISIBLE(a,b) (REMAINDER(a,b) == 0)
#define GET_CSO_OFFSET(block) ((g_cso_idx_cache[block] & 0x7FFFFFFF) << g_CISO_hdr.align)
// 0x00002484
void *g_sector_buf = NULL;
// 0x0000248C
int g_iso_opened = 0;
// 0x000023D0
SceUID g_iso_fd = -1;
// 0x000023D4
int g_total_sectors = -1;
// 0x00002488
static int g_is_ciso = 0;
// 0x000024C0
static void *g_ciso_block_buf = NULL;
// 0x000024C4, size CISO_DEC_BUFFER_SIZE + (1 << g_CISO_hdr.align), align 64
static void *g_ciso_dec_buf = NULL;
// 0x00002704
static int g_CISO_cur_idx = 0;
// 0x00002700
static u32 g_ciso_dec_buf_offset = (u32)-1;
static int g_ciso_dec_buf_size = 0;
// 0x00002720
static u32 g_ciso_total_block = 0;
static int lz4_compressed = 0;
struct CISO_header {
u8 magic[4]; // 0
u32 header_size; // 4
u64 total_bytes; // 8
u32 block_size; // 16
u8 ver; // 20
u8 align; // 21
u8 rsv_06[2]; // 22
// 0x00002708
struct CISO_header g_CISO_hdr __attribute__((aligned(64)));
u32 g_CISO_idx_cache[CISO_IDX_BUFFER_SIZE / 4] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
u32 *g_cso_idx_cache = NULL;
u32 g_cso_idx_start_block = -1;
// variables for the simulation
static z_stream z;
static char *g_iso_fn = NULL;
u32 *g_cso_idx_cache_orig = NULL;
void *g_ciso_block_buf_orig = NULL;
void *g_ciso_dec_buf_orig = NULL;
// simulate psp decompress function
int sceKernelDeflateDecompress(u8 *dest, u32 destSize, u8 *src, u32 unknown)
int ret = inflateInit2(&z, -15);
z.avail_in = 2048;
z.next_out = dest;
z.avail_out = destSize;
z.next_in = src;
ret = inflate(&z, Z_FULL_FLUSH);
if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) {
return -1;
} else {
return destSize;
void wait_until_ms0_ready()
// not used in simulation, lets init zlib here
z.zalloc = Z_NULL;
z.zfree = Z_NULL;
z.opaque = Z_NULL;
// 0x00000EE4
static int ciso_get_nsector(SceUID fd)
// return g_CISO_hdr.total_bytes / g_CISO_hdr.block_size;;
return g_ciso_total_block;
// 0x00000E58
static int iso_get_nsector(SceUID fd)
SceOff off, total;
off = sceIoLseek(fd, 0, PSP_SEEK_CUR);
total = sceIoLseek(fd, 0, PSP_SEEK_END);
sceIoLseek(fd, off, PSP_SEEK_SET);
return total / ISO_SECTOR_SIZE;
// 0x00000E58
static int get_nsector(void)
if(g_is_ciso) {
return ciso_get_nsector(g_iso_fd);
return iso_get_nsector(g_iso_fd);
// 0x00000F00
static int is_ciso(SceUID fd)
int ret;
u32 *magic;
g_CISO_hdr.magic[0] = '\0';
g_ciso_dec_buf_offset = (u32)-1;
g_ciso_dec_buf_size = 0;
sceIoLseek(fd, 0, PSP_SEEK_SET);
ret = sceIoRead(fd, &g_CISO_hdr, sizeof(g_CISO_hdr));
if(ret != sizeof(g_CISO_hdr)) {
ret = -1;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
goto exit;
magic = (u32*)g_CISO_hdr.magic;
if(*magic == 0x4F534943 || *magic == 0x4F53495A) { // CISO or ZISO
lz4_compressed = (*magic == 0x4F53495A) ? 1 : 0;
g_CISO_cur_idx = -1;
g_ciso_total_block = g_CISO_hdr.total_bytes / g_CISO_hdr.block_size;
printk("%s: total block %d\n", __func__, (int)g_ciso_total_block);
if(g_ciso_dec_buf == NULL) {
g_ciso_dec_buf = oe_malloc(CISO_DEC_BUFFER_SIZE + (1 << g_CISO_hdr.align) + 64);
if(g_ciso_dec_buf == NULL) {
ret = -2;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
goto exit;
g_ciso_dec_buf_orig = g_ciso_dec_buf;
if((uintptr_t)g_ciso_dec_buf & 63)
g_ciso_dec_buf = (void*)(((uintptr_t)g_ciso_dec_buf & (~63)) + 64);
if(g_ciso_block_buf == NULL) {
g_ciso_block_buf = oe_malloc(ISO_SECTOR_SIZE + 64);
if(g_ciso_block_buf == NULL) {
ret = -3;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
goto exit;
g_ciso_block_buf_orig = g_ciso_block_buf;
if((uintptr_t)g_ciso_block_buf & 63)
g_ciso_block_buf = (void*)(((uintptr_t)g_ciso_block_buf & (~63)) + 64);
if(g_cso_idx_cache == NULL) {
g_cso_idx_cache = oe_malloc(CISO_IDX_MAX_ENTRIES * 4 + 64);
if(g_cso_idx_cache == NULL) {
ret = -3;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
goto exit;
g_cso_idx_cache_orig = g_cso_idx_cache;
if((uintptr_t)g_cso_idx_cache & 63)
g_cso_idx_cache = (void*)(((uintptr_t)g_cso_idx_cache & (~63)) + 64);
ret = 0;
} else {
ret = 0x8002012F;
return ret;
// 0x000009D4
int iso_open(void)
int ret, retries;
if(g_iso_fd >= 0)
g_iso_opened = 0;
retries = 0;
do {
g_iso_fd = sceIoOpen(g_iso_fn, 0x000F0001, 0777);
if(g_iso_fd < 0) {
if(++retries >= 16) {
return -1;
} while(g_iso_fd < 0);
if(g_iso_fd < 0) {
return -1;
g_is_ciso = 0;
ret = is_ciso(g_iso_fd);
if(ret >= 0) {
g_is_ciso = 1;
g_iso_opened = 1;
g_total_sectors = get_nsector();
return 0;
// 0x00000BB4
static int read_raw_data(u8* addr, u32 size, u32 offset)
int ret, i;
SceOff ofs;
i = 0;
do {
ofs = sceIoLseek(g_iso_fd, offset, PSP_SEEK_SET);
if(ofs >= 0) {
i = 0;
} else {
printk("%s: lseek retry %d error 0x%08X\n", __func__, i, (int)ofs);
} while(i < 16);
if(i == 16) {
ret = 0x80010013;
goto exit;
for(i=0; i<16; ++i) {
ret = sceIoRead(g_iso_fd, addr, size);
if(ret >= 0) {
i = 0;
} else {
printk("%s: read retry %d error 0x%08X\n", __func__, i, ret);
if(i == 16) {
ret = 0x80010013;
goto exit;
return ret;
// 0x00001018
static int read_cso_sector(u8 *addr, int sector)
int ret;
int n_sector;
u32 offset, next_offset;
int size;
n_sector = sector - g_CISO_cur_idx;
// not within sector idx cache?
if(g_CISO_cur_idx == -1 || n_sector < 0 || n_sector >= NELEMS(g_CISO_idx_cache)) {
ret = read_raw_data((u8*)g_CISO_idx_cache, sizeof(g_CISO_idx_cache), (sector << 2) + sizeof(struct CISO_header));
if(ret < 0) {
ret = -4;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
return ret;
g_CISO_cur_idx = sector;
n_sector = 0;
offset = (g_CISO_idx_cache[n_sector] & 0x7FFFFFFF) << g_CISO_hdr.align;
// is plain?
if(g_CISO_idx_cache[n_sector] & 0x80000000) {
return read_raw_data(addr, ISO_SECTOR_SIZE, offset);
n_sector = sector - g_CISO_cur_idx;
if(g_CISO_cur_idx == -1 || n_sector < 0 || n_sector >= NELEMS(g_CISO_idx_cache)) {
ret = read_raw_data((u8*)g_CISO_idx_cache, sizeof(g_CISO_idx_cache), (sector << 2) + sizeof(struct CISO_header));
if(ret < 0) {
ret = -5;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
return ret;
g_CISO_cur_idx = sector;
n_sector = 0;
next_offset = (g_CISO_idx_cache[n_sector] & 0x7FFFFFFF) << g_CISO_hdr.align;
size = next_offset - offset;
size += 1 << g_CISO_hdr.align;
if(size <= ISO_SECTOR_SIZE)
if(g_ciso_dec_buf_offset == (u32)-1 || offset < g_ciso_dec_buf_offset || offset + size >= g_ciso_dec_buf_offset + g_ciso_dec_buf_size) {
ret = read_raw_data(g_ciso_dec_buf, size, offset);
/* May not reach CISO_DEC_BUFFER_SIZE */
if(ret < 0) {
g_ciso_dec_buf_offset = (u32)-1;
ret = -6;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
return ret;
g_ciso_dec_buf_offset = offset;
g_ciso_dec_buf_size = ret;
if(!lz4_compressed) {
ret = sceKernelDeflateDecompress(addr, ISO_SECTOR_SIZE, g_ciso_dec_buf + offset - g_ciso_dec_buf_offset, 0);
} else {
ret = LZ4_decompress_fast(g_ciso_dec_buf + offset - g_ciso_dec_buf_offset, (char *)addr, ISO_SECTOR_SIZE);
if(ret < 0) {
ret = -20;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
return ret < 0 ? ret : ISO_SECTOR_SIZE;
static int read_cso_data(u8* addr, u32 size, u32 offset)
u32 cur_block;
int pos, ret, read_bytes;
u32 o_offset = offset;
while(size > 0) {
cur_block = offset / ISO_SECTOR_SIZE;
pos = offset & (ISO_SECTOR_SIZE - 1);
if(cur_block >= g_total_sectors) {
// EOF reached
ret = read_cso_sector(g_ciso_block_buf, cur_block);
if(ret != ISO_SECTOR_SIZE) {
ret = -7;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
return ret;
read_bytes = MIN(size, (ISO_SECTOR_SIZE - pos));
memcpy(addr, g_ciso_block_buf + pos, read_bytes);
size -= read_bytes;
addr += read_bytes;
offset += read_bytes;
return offset - o_offset;
* decompress (if necessary) a compressed block and copy it to the destination
* If offset_shift is nonzero then the decompressed data will by used from this offset.
* The block_num is used to know if it needs to be decompressed
static int decompress_block(u8 *dst, u8 *src, int size, int block_num, int offset_shift)
int ret;
if(g_cso_idx_cache[block_num] & 0x80000000) {
// do not copy if the block is already in place
if(offset_shift > 0 || src != dst) {
// no decompression is needed, copy the data from the end of the buffer to the start
memmove(dst, src + offset_shift, size);
ret = size;
} else {
if(!lz4_compressed) {
// gzip decompress
ret = sceKernelDeflateDecompress(g_ciso_dec_buf, ISO_SECTOR_SIZE, src, 0);
} else {
// LZ4 decompress
ret = LZ4_decompress_fast((char *)src, (char *)g_ciso_dec_buf, ISO_SECTOR_SIZE);
if(ret < 0) {
ret = -20;
printk("%s: -> %d\n", __func__, ret);
return ret;
// copy the decompressed data to the destination buffer
memcpy(dst, g_ciso_dec_buf + offset_shift, size);
return ret;
static int refresh_cso_index(u32 size, u32 offset) {
// seek the first block offset
u32 starting_block = offset / ISO_SECTOR_SIZE;
// calculate the last needed block and read the index
u32 ending_block = (offset + size) / ISO_SECTOR_SIZE + 1;
u32 idx_size = (ending_block - starting_block + 1) * 4;
if (idx_size > CISO_IDX_MAX_ENTRIES * 4) {
// the requested index size is too big
return -1;
// out of scope, read cso index table again
if (starting_block < g_cso_idx_start_block|| ending_block >= g_cso_idx_start_block + CISO_IDX_MAX_ENTRIES) {
sceIoLseek(g_iso_fd, starting_block * 4 + 24, PSP_SEEK_SET);
u32 total_blocks = g_CISO_hdr.total_bytes / g_CISO_hdr.block_size;
if (starting_block > total_blocks) {
// the requested block goes beyond the max block number
return -1;
if (starting_block + 4096 > total_blocks) {
idx_size = (total_blocks - starting_block + 1) * 4;
} else {
idx_size = CISO_IDX_MAX_ENTRIES * 4;
sceIoRead(g_iso_fd, g_cso_idx_cache, idx_size);
g_cso_idx_start_block = starting_block;
return 0;
return starting_block - g_cso_idx_start_block;
static int read_cso_data_ng(u8 *addr, u32 size, u32 offset)
u32 cso_block;
u32 start_blk = 0;
u32 first_block_size = 0;
u32 last_block_size = 0;
u32 cso_read_offset, cso_read_size;
if(offset > g_CISO_hdr.total_bytes) {
// return if the offset goes beyond the iso size
return 0;
} else if(offset + size > g_CISO_hdr.total_bytes) {
// adjust size if it tries to read beyond the game data
size = g_CISO_hdr.total_bytes - offset;
if ((start_blk = refresh_cso_index(size, offset)) < 0) {
//FIXME: fallback to slower read, try to get a bigger block instead
// a game shouldn't request more than 8MiB in a single read so this
// isn't executed in normal cases
printk("Index for read of size %i is greater that allowed maximum\n", size);
return read_cso_data(addr, size, offset);
// check if the first read is in the middle of a compressed block or if there is only one block
// calculate the offset and size of the compressed data
cso_read_offset = GET_CSO_OFFSET(start_blk);
cso_read_size = GET_CSO_OFFSET(start_blk + 1) - cso_read_offset;
// READ #2 (only if the first block is a partial one)
read_raw_data(g_ciso_block_buf, cso_read_size, cso_read_offset);
u32 offset_shift = REMAINDER(offset, ISO_SECTOR_SIZE);
// calculate the real size needed from the decompressed block
if(offset_shift + size <= ISO_SECTOR_SIZE) {
// if the size + offset shift is less than the sector size then
// use the value directly for the first block size
first_block_size = size;
} else {
// else use the remainder
first_block_size = ISO_SECTOR_SIZE - offset_shift;
// decompress (if required)
if(decompress_block(addr, g_ciso_block_buf, first_block_size, start_blk, offset_shift) < 0) {
return -2;
// update size
size -= first_block_size;
// only one block to read, return early
if(size == 0) {
return first_block_size;
// update offset and addr
offset += first_block_size;
addr += first_block_size;
// calculate the last block (or the remaining one)
cso_block = size / 2048 + start_blk;
// don't go over the next block if the read size occupies all of it
cso_read_offset = GET_CSO_OFFSET(cso_block);
// get the compressed block size
cso_read_size = GET_CSO_OFFSET(cso_block + 1) - cso_read_offset;
// READ #3 (only if the last block is a partial one)
read_raw_data(g_ciso_block_buf, cso_read_size, cso_read_offset);
// calculate the partial decompressed block size
last_block_size = size % 2048;
// update size
size -= last_block_size;
// calculate the offset to place the last decompressed block
void *last_offset = addr + ((size / ISO_SECTOR_SIZE) * ISO_SECTOR_SIZE);
if(decompress_block(last_offset, g_ciso_block_buf, last_block_size, cso_block, 0) < 0) {
return -3;
// no more blocks
if(size == 0) {
return first_block_size +last_block_size;
// calculate the needed blocks
if(IS_DIVISIBLE(size, 2048)) {
cso_block = size / 2048;
} else {
cso_block = size / 2048 + 1;
cso_read_offset = GET_CSO_OFFSET(start_blk);
cso_read_size = GET_CSO_OFFSET(start_blk + cso_block) - cso_read_offset;
// place the compressed blocks at the end of the provided buffer
// so it can be reused in the decompression without overlap
u32 shifted_offset = cso_block * 2048 - cso_read_size;
// READ #4 (main section of compressed blocks)
read_raw_data(addr + shifted_offset, cso_read_size, cso_read_offset);
int i;
u32 read_size = 0;
// process every compressed block
for(i = 0; i < cso_block ; i++) {
// shift the source with the size of the last read
void *src = addr + shifted_offset + read_size;
// shift the destination, block by block
void *dst = addr + i * ISO_SECTOR_SIZE;
// calculate a size in case last block is a partial one and its
// size is less that the sector size
int dec_size = size < ISO_SECTOR_SIZE ? size : ISO_SECTOR_SIZE;
if(decompress_block(dst, src, dec_size, i + start_blk, 0) < 0) {
return -4;
cso_read_offset = GET_CSO_OFFSET(start_blk + i);
u32 decompressed_size = GET_CSO_OFFSET(start_blk + i + 1) - cso_read_offset;
read_size += decompressed_size;
return size + first_block_size + last_block_size;
// 0x00000C7C
int iso_read_old(u8 *address, u32 size, u32 offset)
if(g_is_ciso != 0) {
return read_cso_data(address, size, offset);
return read_raw_data(address, size, offset);
// 0x00000C7C
int iso_read(u8 *address, u32 size, u32 offset)
if(g_is_ciso != 0) {
return read_cso_data_ng(address, size, offset);
return read_raw_data(address, size, offset);
void calculate_md5(unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, int size)
MD5_CTX mdContext;
MD5_Update(&mdContext, in, size);
MD5_Final(out, &mdContext);
int test_integrity(const char *offsetFile, unsigned char *buffer)
FILE *fd = fopen(offsetFile, "r");
if(fd == NULL)
return 1;
ssize_t read;
size_t len = 0;
char *line = NULL;
int lines = 0;
while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fd)) != -1)
if(line[0] == '#')
int offset;
int read_size;
sscanf(line, "offset: %i, size: %i\n", &offset, &read_size);
memset(buffer, 0xCC, read_size);
unsigned char old_digest[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char new_digest[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
int read_buffer;
if((read_buffer = iso_read_old(buffer, read_size, offset)) < 0)
printf("Failed to read game (old method), return value: %i\n", read_buffer);
printf("Size %i, offset %i\n", read_size, offset);
return 1;
calculate_md5((unsigned char *)&old_digest, buffer, read_size);
if((read_buffer = iso_read(buffer, read_size, offset)) < 0)
printf("Failed to read game (new method), return value: %i\n", read_buffer);
printf("Size %i, offset %i\n", read_size, offset);
return 1;
calculate_md5((unsigned char *)&new_digest, buffer, read_size);
if (memcmp(old_digest, new_digest, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH) != 0) {
printf("MD5 check failed\n");
printf("Size %i, offset %i\n", read_size, offset);
return 1;
printf("Total reads: %i\n", lines);
return 0;
typedef int(*read_func)(u8 *address, u32 size, u32 offset);
int process_loops(FILE *fd, unsigned char *buffer, int loops, read_func func)
ssize_t read_size;
char *line = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < loops; i++)
// reset cso cache
g_CISO_cur_idx = -1;
while ((read_size = getline(&line, &len, fd)) != -1)
if(line[0] == '#')
int offset;
int read_size;
sscanf(line, "offset: %i, size: %i\n", &offset, &read_size);
int read_buffer;
if((read_buffer = func(buffer, read_size, offset)) < 0)
printf("Failed to read game (old method), return value: %i\n", read_buffer);
return 1;
line = NULL;
// restart offset file
fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
return 0;
int test_speed(const char *offsetFile, unsigned char *buffer, int loops)
FILE *fd = fopen(offsetFile, "r");
if(fd == NULL)
return 1;
posix_fadvise(fileno(fd), 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED);
clock_t begin, end;
double time_spent;
// start timing old read
begin = clock();
process_loops(fd, buffer, loops, iso_read_old);
end = clock();
time_spent = (double) (end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printk("time spent (old method): %f\n", time_spent);
// start timing new read
begin = clock();
process_loops(fd, buffer, loops, iso_read);
end = clock();
time_spent = (double) (end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printk("time spent (new method): %f\n", time_spent);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 3) {
return 1;
g_iso_fn = argv[1];
printk("Opening %s\n", g_iso_fn);
if(iso_open() == 0)
posix_fadvise(g_iso_fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED);
unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(1024*1024); // 1MiB
printf("Integrity test...\n");
if(test_integrity(argv[2], buffer) == 0)
printf("Integrity test OK\n");
printf("Starting speed test, %i loops\n", 500);
test_speed(argv[2], buffer, 500);
return 0;
offset: 1048576, size: 1
offset: 1048577, size: 1
offset: 1048578, size: 1
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offset: 1048580, size: 1
offset: 1048581, size: 1
offset: 1048582, size: 1
offset: 1048583, size: 1
offset: 1048584, size: 1
offset: 1048585, size: 1
offset: 1048586, size: 1
offset: 1048587, size: 1
offset: 1048588, size: 1
offset: 1048589, size: 1
offset: 1048590, size: 1
offset: 1048591, size: 1
offset: 1048592, size: 1
offset: 1048593, size: 1
offset: 1048594, size: 1
offset: 1048595, size: 1
offset: 1048596, size: 1
offset: 1048597, size: 1
offset: 1048598, size: 1
offset: 1048599, size: 1
offset: 1048600, size: 1
offset: 1048601, size: 1
offset: 1048602, size: 1
offset: 1048603, size: 1
offset: 1048604, size: 1
offset: 1048606, size: 2
offset: 1048608, size: 2
offset: 1048610, size: 2
offset: 1048612, size: 2
offset: 1048614, size: 2
offset: 1048616, size: 2
offset: 1048618, size: 2
offset: 1048620, size: 2
offset: 1048622, size: 2
offset: 1048624, size: 2
offset: 1048626, size: 2
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offset: 7733220, size: 131072
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