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Created February 3, 2014 12:00
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package com.codetinkerhack
import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq
import scala.concurrent.blocking
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Try
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
import akka.testkit.ImplicitSender
import akka.testkit.TestKit
import akka.testkit.TestProbe
object MockWorker {
def props(): Props = Props(new MockWorker())
def taskProps(): Props = Props(new TaskRunner())
case class Task(i: FiniteDuration, aRef: ActorRef)
case class Work(delays: IndexedSeq[FiniteDuration])
class TaskRunner extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive = {
case Task(i, aRef) =>
blocking {
aRef ! Success("42") // the ultimate answer...
//"Task executed for: " + i)
class MockWorker extends Actor {
var i = 0
def receive = {
case Work(delays) =>
if(delays.size > i) {
context.actorOf(MockWorker.taskProps()) ! Task(delays(i), sender)
class RetryTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("RetryTestSpec"))
with FunSuite
with BeforeAndAfterAll
with ShouldMatchers
with ImplicitSender {
override def afterAll(): Unit = {
test("case1: Testing mock worker success response") {
val client = TestProbe()
val mockWorker = system.actorOf(MockWorker.props(), "case1-genericMockWorkerTest")
val expectedResult = Success("42") // the ultimate answer...
client.send(mockWorker, Work(IndexedSeq(1.second)))
client.expectMsg(2.second, expectedResult)
test("case2: Testing mock worker with Retry proxy - Simple Success reply") {
val client = TestProbe()
val mockWorker = system.actorOf(MockWorker.props(), "case2-withRetryProxy")
val mockWorkerWrappedInProxy = system.actorOf(ReTry.props(tries = 1, retryTimeOut = 1000.millis, retryInterval = 100.millis, mockWorker))
val success = Success("42")
client.send(mockWorkerWrappedInProxy, Work(IndexedSeq(200.millis)))
client.expectMsg(2.seconds, success)
test("case3: Testing mock worker with Retry proxy - 1 try timeout - retries exceeded") {
val client = TestProbe()
val mockWorker = system.actorOf(MockWorker.props(), "case3-withRetryProxy")
val mockWorkerWrappedInProxy = system.actorOf(ReTry.props(tries = 1, retryTimeOut = 1000.millis, retryInterval = 100.millis, mockWorker))
client.send(mockWorkerWrappedInProxy, Work(IndexedSeq(1100.millis)))
client.expectMsgPF(2.seconds) { case Failure(e: Exception) if e.getMessage() == "Retries exceeded" => () }
test("case4: Testing mock worker with Retry proxy - 4 tries and all time out - retries exceeded") {
val client = TestProbe()
val mockWorker = system.actorOf(MockWorker.props(), "case4-withRetryProxy")
val mockWorkerWrappedInProxy = system.actorOf(ReTry.props(tries = 4, retryTimeOut = 1000.millis, retryInterval = 100.millis, mockWorker))
client.send(mockWorkerWrappedInProxy, Work(IndexedSeq(1100.millis, 1100.millis, 1100.millis, 1100.millis)))
client.expectMsgPF(5.seconds) { case Failure(e: Exception) => () }
test("case5: Testing mock worker with Retry proxy - 4 tries last successful - success") {
val client = TestProbe()
val mockWorker = system.actorOf(MockWorker.props(), "case5-withRetryProxy")
val mockWorkerWrappedInProxy = system.actorOf(ReTry.props(tries = 4, retryTimeOut = 1000.millis, retryInterval = 100.millis, mockWorker))
val success = Success("42")
client.send(mockWorkerWrappedInProxy, Work(IndexedSeq(1101.millis, 1102.millis, 1103.millis, 104.millis)))
client.expectMsg(5.seconds, success)
test("case6: Testing mock worker with Retry proxy - 4 tries first successful - success") {
val client = TestProbe()
val mockWorker = system.actorOf(MockWorker.props(), "case6-withRetryProxy")
val mockWorkerWrappedInProxy = system.actorOf(ReTry.props(tries = 4, retryTimeOut = 1000.millis, retryInterval = 100.millis, mockWorker))
val success = Success("42")
client.send(mockWorkerWrappedInProxy, Work(IndexedSeq(101.millis, 1102.millis, 1103.millis, 104.millis)))
client.expectMsg(5.seconds, success)
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