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Created May 7, 2019 09:48
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Port from google/spherical-harmonics []
# porting from for blender [WIP]
import math, mathutils
from random import random, uniform
PI = math.pi
TWO_PI = 2.0 * PI
FACTORIAL_CACHE = [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800, 39916800, 479001600, 6227020800, 87178291200, 1307674368000]
DOUBLE_FACTORIAL_CACHE = [1, 1, 2, 3, 8, 15, 48, 105, 384, 945, 3840, 10395, 46080, 135135, 645120, 2027025]
# Hardcoded spherical harmonic functions for low orders (l is first number
# and m is second number (sign encoded as preceeding 'p' or 'n')).
# As polynomials they are evaluated more efficiently in cartesian coordinates,
# assuming that @d is unit. This is not verified for efficiency.
def HardcodedSH00(d):
# 0.5 * sqrt(1/pi)
return 0.282095
def HardcodedSH1n1(d):
# -sqrt(3/(4pi)) * y
return -0.488603 * d.y
def HardcodedSH10(d):
# sqrt(3/(4pi)) * z
return 0.488603 * d.z
def HardcodedSH1p1(d):
# -sqrt(3/(4pi)) * x
return -0.488603 * d.x
def HardcodedSH2n2(d):
# 0.5 * sqrt(15/pi) * x * y
return 1.092548 * d.x * d.y
def HardcodedSH2n1(d):
# -0.5 * sqrt(15/pi) * y * z
return -1.092548 * d.y * d.z
def HardcodedSH20(d):
# 0.25 * sqrt(5/pi) * (-x^2-y^2+2z^2)
return 0.315392 * (-d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y + 2.0 * d.z * d.z)
def HardcodedSH2p1(d):
# -0.5 * sqrt(15/pi) * x * z
return -1.092548 * d.x * d.z
def HardcodedSH2p2(d):
# 0.25 * sqrt(15/pi) * (x^2 - y^2)
return 0.546274 * (d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH3n3(d):
# -0.25 * sqrt(35/(2pi)) * y * (3x^2 - y^2)
return -0.590044 * d.y * (3.0 * d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH3n2(d):
# 0.5 * sqrt(105/pi) * x * y * z
return 2.890611 * d.x * d.y * d.z
def HardcodedSH3n1(d):
# -0.25 * sqrt(21/(2pi)) * y * (4z^2-x^2-y^2)
return -0.457046 * d.y * (4.0 * d.z * d.z - d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH30(d):
# 0.25 * sqrt(7/pi) * z * (2z^2 - 3x^2 - 3y^2)
return 0.373176 * d.z * (2.0 * d.z * d.z - 3.0 * d.x * d.x - 3.0 * d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH3p1(d):
# -0.25 * sqrt(21/(2pi)) * x * (4z^2-x^2-y^2)
return -0.457046 * d.x * (4.0 * d.z * d.z - d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH3p2(d):
# 0.25 * sqrt(105/pi) * z * (x^2 - y^2)
return 1.445306 * d.z * (d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH3p3(d):
# -0.25 * sqrt(35/(2pi)) * x * (x^2-3y^2)
return -0.590044 * d.x * (d.x * d.x - 3.0 * d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH4n4(d):
# 0.75 * sqrt(35/pi) * x * y * (x^2-y^2)
return 2.503343 * d.x * d.y * (d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH4n3(d):
# -0.75 * sqrt(35/(2pi)) * y * z * (3x^2-y^2)
return -1.770131 * d.y * d.z * (3.0 * d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH4n2(d):
# 0.75 * sqrt(5/pi) * x * y * (7z^2-1)
return 0.946175 * d.x * d.y * (7.0 * d.z * d.z - 1.0)
def HardcodedSH4n1(d):
# -0.75 * sqrt(5/(2pi)) * y * z * (7z^2-3)
return -0.669047 * d.y * d.z * (7.0 * d.z * d.z - 3.0)
def HardcodedSH40(d):
# 3/16 * sqrt(1/pi) * (35z^4-30z^2+3)
z2 = d.z * d.z
return 0.105786 * (35.0 * z2 * z2 - 30.0 * z2 + 3.0)
def HardcodedSH4p1(d):
# -0.75 * sqrt(5/(2pi)) * x * z * (7z^2-3)
return -0.669047 * d.x * d.z * (7.0 * d.z * d.z - 3.0)
def HardcodedSH4p2(d):
# 3/8 * sqrt(5/pi) * (x^2 - y^2) * (7z^2 - 1)
return 0.473087 * (d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y) * (7.0 * d.z * d.z - 1.0)
def HardcodedSH4p3(d):
# -0.75 * sqrt(35/(2pi)) * x * z * (x^2 - 3y^2)
return -1.770131 * d.x * d.z * (d.x * d.x - 3.0 * d.y * d.y)
def HardcodedSH4p4(d):
# 3/16*sqrt(35/pi) * (x^2 * (x^2 - 3y^2) - y^2 * (3x^2 - y^2))
x2 = d.x * d.x
y2 = d.y * d.y
return 0.625836 * (x2 * (x2 - 3.0 * y2) - y2 * (3.0 * x2 - y2))
# Return floating mod x % m.
def FastFMod(x, m):
return x - (m * math.floor(x / m))
def Abs(x):
return int(math.fabs(x))
# Get the total number of coefficients for a function represented by
# all spherical harmonic basis of degree <= @order (it is a point of
# confusion that the order of an SH refers to its degree and not the order).
def SHCoeffCount(order):
return (order + 1) * (order + 1)
# Get the one dimensional index associated with a particular degree @l
# and order @m. This is the index that can be used to access the Coeffs
# returned by SHSolver.
def SHIndex(l, m):
return l * (l + 1) + m
# Compute the factorial for an integer @x. It is assumed x is at least 0.
# This implementation precomputes the results for low values of x, in which
# case this is a constant time lookup.
# The vast majority of SH evaluations will hit these precomputed values.
def Factorial(x):
return float(FACTORIAL_CACHE[x])
s = 1.0
for n in range(2, x+1):
s *= n
return s
# Compute the double factorial for an integer @x. This assumes x is at least
# 0. This implementation precomputes the results for low values of x, in
# which case this is a constant time lookup.
# The vast majority of SH evaluations will hit these precomputed values.
# See
def DoubleFactorial(x):
s = 1.0
n = x
while n > 1.0:
s *= n
n -= 2.0
return s
# Evaluate the associated Legendre polynomial of degree @l and order @m at
# coordinate @x. The inputs must satisfy:
# 1. l >= 0
# 2. 0 <= m <= l
# 3. -1 <= x <= 1
# See
# This implementation is based off the approach described in [1],
# instead of computing Pml(x) directly, Pmm(x) is computed. Pmm can be
# lifted to Pmm+1 recursively until Pml is found
def EvalLegendrePolynomial(l, m, x):
# Compute Pmm(x) = (-1)^m(2m - 1)!!(1 - x^2)^(m/2), where !! is the double factorial.
pmm = 1.0
# P00 is defined as 1.0, do don't evaluate Pmm unless we know m > 0
if m > 0:
sign = 1 if m % 2 == 0 else -1
pmm = sign * DoubleFactorial(2 * m - 1) * math.pow(1 - x * x, m / 2.0)
if l == m:
# Pml is the same as Pmm so there's no lifting to higher bands needed
return pmm
# Compute Pmm+1(x) = x(2m + 1)Pmm(x)
pmm1 = x * (2 * m + 1) * pmm
if l == m + 1:
# Pml is the same as Pmm+1 so we are done as well
return pmm1
# Use the last two computed bands to lift up to the next band until l is
# reached, using the recurrence relationship:
# Pml(x) = (x(2l - 1)Pml-1 - (l + m - 1)Pml-2) / (l - m)
for n in range(m+2, l+1):
pmn = (x * (2 * n - 1) * pmm1 - (n + m - 1) * pmm) / (n - m)
pmm = pmm1
pmm1 = pmn
# Pmm1 at the end of the above loop is equal to Pml
return pmm1
def Spherical2Cartesian(phi, theta):
r = math.sin(theta)
return [r * math.cos(phi), r * math.sin(phi), math.cos(theta)]
def Cartesian2Spherical(dir):
assert math.fabs(dir.length - 1.0) < 1e-5
# Explicitly clamp the z coordinate so that numeric errors don't cause it
# to fall just outside of acos' domain.
theta = math.acos(max(min(dir.z, 1.0), -1.0))
# We don't need to divide dir.y or dir.x by sin(theta) since they are
# both scaled by it and atan2 will handle it appropriately.
phi = math.atan2(dir.y, dir.x)
return theta, phi
def ImageXtoPhi(x, width):
# The directions are measured from the center of the pixel, so add 0.5
# to convert from integer pixel indices to float pixel coordinates.
return TWO_PI * (x + 0.5) / width
def ImageYtoTheta(y, height):
return PI * (y + 0.5) / height
def SphericaltoImageXY(phi, theta, width, height):
# Allow theta to repeat and map to 0 to pi. However, to account for cases
# where y goes beyond the normal 0 to pi range, phi may need to be adjusted.
theta = max(min(FastFMod(theta, TWO_PI), TWO_PI), 0.0)
if theta > PI:
# theta is out of bounds. Effectively, theta has rotated past the pole
# so after adjusting theta to be in range, rotating phi by pi forms an
# equivalent direction.
theta = TWO_PI - theta # now theta is between 0 and pi
phi += PI
# Allow phi to repeat and map to the normal 0 to 2pi range.
# Clamp and map after adjusting theta in case theta was forced to update phi.
phi = max(min(FastFMod(phi, TWO_PI), TWO_PI), 0.0)
# Now phi is in [0, 2pi] and theta is in [0, pi] so it's simple to inverse
# the linear equations in ImageCoordsToSphericalCoords, although there's no
# -0.5 because we're returning floating point coordinates and so don't need
# to center the pixel.
return (width * phi / TWO_PI), (height * theta / PI)
# According to Archimedes' Theorem, when we project the surface of a cylinder
# to a sphere, the area preserved. So, we can distribute the points on the cylinder,
# then map those points onto a sphere. This is much easier approach that handling
# the solid angle (ϕ) dependency.
def UniformSphereDistributing(alpha, beta):
theta = 2.0 * PI * alpha
z = beta
x = math.sqrt(1.0-z * z) * math.cos(theta)
y = math.sqrt(1.0-z * z) * math.sin(theta)
return [x,y,z]
def EvalSHValue(l, m, phi, theta):
assert l >= 0
assert -l <= m and m <= l
kml = math.sqrt((2.0 * l + 1) * Factorial(l - Abs(m)) / (4.0 * PI * Factorial(l + Abs(m))))
if m > 0:
return math.sqrt(2.0) * kml * math.cos(m * phi) * EvalLegendrePolynomial(l, m, math.cos(theta))
if m < 0:
return math.sqrt(2.0) * kml * math.sin(-m * phi) * EvalLegendrePolynomial(l, -m, math.cos(theta))
return kml * EvalLegendrePolynomial(l, 0, math.cos(theta))
def EvalSH(l, m, phi, theta):
return EvalSHValue(l, m, phi, theta), SHIndex(l, m)
def ProjectFunctionToSH(order, fn, samples):
assert order >= 0
assert samples > 0
# This is the approach demonstrated in [1] and is useful for arbitrary
# functions on the sphere that are represented analytically.
side = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(samples)))
coeff = SHCoeffCount(order) * [0.0]
for t in range(side):
for p in range(side):
alpha = (t + uniform(0.0, 1.0)) / side
beta = (p + uniform(0.0, 1.0)) / side
# See
phi = TWO_PI * beta
theta = math.acos(2.0 * alpha - 1.0)
# evaluate the analytic function for the current spherical coords
f = fn(phi, theta)
# evaluate the SH basis functions up to band O, scale them by the
# function's value and accumulate them over all generated samples
for l in range(order+1):
for m in range(-l, l+1):
sh, index = EvalSH(l, m, phi, theta)
coeff[index] += f * sh
# scale by the probability of a particular sample, which is
# 4pi/sample_side^2. 4pi for the surface area of a unit sphere, and
# 1/sample_side^2 for the number of samples drawn uniformly.
weight = 4.0 * PI / (side * side)
for i in range(len(coeff)):
coeff[i] *= weight
return coeff
def ProjectEnvImageToSH(order, fn, width, height):
assert order >= 0
# An environment map projection is three different spherical functions, one
# for each color channel. The projection integrals are estimated by
# iterating over every pixel within the image.
pixel_area = (TWO_PI / width) * (PI / height)
coeffs = SHCoeffCount(order) *[[0,0,0]]
for t in range(height):
theta = ImageYtoTheta(t, height)
# The differential area of each pixel in the map is constant across a
# row. Must scale the pixel_area by sin(theta) to account for the
# stretching that occurs at the poles with this parameterization.
weight = pixel_area * math.sin(theta)
for p in range(width):
phi = ImageXtoPhi(p, width)
color = fn(p, t)
for l in range(order+1):
for m in range(-l, l+1):
sh, index = EvalSH(l, m, phi, theta)
coeffs[index][0] += sh * weight * color[0]
coeffs[index][1] += sh * weight * color[1]
coeffs[index][2] += sh * weight * color[2]
return coeffs
def EvalSHSum(order, coeffs, phi, theta):
assert SHCoeffCount(order) == len(coeffs)
sum = 0.0
for l in range(order + 1):
for m in range(-l, l+1):
sh, index = EvalSH(l, m, phi, theta)
sum += sh * coeffs[index]
return sum
# simple test
def TEST_ProjectFunction_Fn(phi, theta):
coeffs = [-1.028, 0.779, -0.275, 0.601, -0.256, 1.891, -1.658, -0.370, -0.772]
return EvalSHSum(2, coeffs, phi, theta)
def TEST_ProjectFunction():
# The expected coefficients used to define the analytic spherical function
expected_coeffs = [-1.028, 0.779, -0.275, 0.601, -0.256, 1.891, -1.658, -0.370, -0.772]
coeffs = ProjectFunctionToSH(2, TEST_ProjectFunction_Fn, 5000)
for i in range(9):
if math.fabs(coeffs[i] - expected_coeffs[i]) > 1e-5:
print('Failed ' + str(coeffs[i]) + ' ' + str(expected_coeffs[i]))
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