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Last active June 15, 2022 08:01
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// ==UserScript==
// @name V2EX 助手
// @description 为V2EX添加自动签到、自动解析图片链接等功能
// @include https://**
// @include*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
//自动签到 代码来自caoyue@v2ex
var load, execute, loadAndExecute;
load = function(a, b, c) {
var d;
d = document.createElement("script"), d.setAttribute("src", a), b != null && d.addEventListener("load", b), c != null && d.addEventListener("error", c), document.body.appendChild(d);
return d;
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typeof a == "function" ? b = "(" + a + ")();" : b = a, c = document.createElement("script"), c.textContent = b, document.body.appendChild(c);
return c;
}, loadAndExecute = function(a, b) {
return load(a, function() {
return execute(b);
loadAndExecute("//", function() {
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var uid=$.find('a[href^="/member/"]')[0].innerHTML;//用户名
var dateinfo=new Date().getUTCDate();//获得GMT时间今天几号
var SigninInfo=uid + ":" + dateinfo + "";
var daily = $('input[id="search"]');
if (daily.length && localStorage.SigninInfo != SigninInfo ) {
url: "/mission/daily",
success: function(data) {
var awards = $(data).find('input[value^="领取"]');
if (awards.length) {
// daily.val("正在" + awards.attr("value") + "...");
url: awards.attr('onclick').match(/(?=\/).+?(?=\')/),
success: function(data) {
var days=data.split("已连续登")[1].split(" ")[1];
if ( $('a[href="/mission/daily"]').length==1 ) {$('a[href="/mission/daily"]').parent().parent().fadeOut(3000);}
url: "/balance",
success: function(data) {
function p(s) {return s < 10 ? '0' + s: s;} //自动补0
var date2="" + new Date().getUTCFullYear() + p(new Date().getUTCMonth()+1) +p(new Date().getUTCDate());
if (data.indexOf(date2+" 的每日登录奖励")!="-1") {
daily.val( "已连续领取" + days + "天,本次领到" + data.split("每日登录")[2].split(" ")[1] + "铜币" );
localStorage.SigninInfo = SigninInfo;
} else {
daily.val( "自动领取遇到意外,你可以试试手动领。" );
error: function() {
daily.val("网络异常 :(");
if (data.indexOf("已领取") != -1) {
localStorage.SigninInfo = SigninInfo;
} else {
daily.val("无法辩识领奖按钮 :(");
error: function() {
} else {
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var images = document.images;
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var image = images[i];
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image.src=image.src + "?";
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