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Last active May 28, 2021 03:59
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Guide on how to set up semantic_slam
  1. Create a catkin workspace if you have not done so $ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src && cd ~/catkin_ws/src
  2. Clone semantic_slam git clone
  3. (with python-catkin-tools installed) Init the catkin_ws and source devel/setup.bash
  cd ~/catkin_ws
  catkin init
  source devel/setup.bash
  1. Once done, your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment would have been updated with the path to your src file. To check: printenv | grep ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

  2. Install dependencies for semantic_slam with rosdep (ensure rosdep has been init and updated) rosdep install semantic_slam sudo apt install ros-melodic-octomap ros-melodic-octomap-msgs #replace with your distro for ros

  3. Build and compile the orb_slam2 first:

  chmod +x
  1. Run build on your catkin_ws root folder to build semantic_slam catkin build semantic_slam
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