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Last active October 10, 2023 10:51
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package main
import (
func main() {
tc := flag.Int("threads", 10, "Thread Count")
rut := flag.Int("rampup", 30, "Ramp up time in seconds")
et := flag.Int("etime", 1, "Execution time in minutes")
//Check if execution time is more than ramp up time
if *et*60 < *rut {
log.Fatalln("Total execution time needs to be more than ramp up time")
waitTime := *rut / *tc
log.Printf("Execution will happen with %d users with a ramp up time of %d seconds for %d minutes\n", *tc, *rut, *et)
tchan := make(chan int)
go func(c chan<- int) {
for ti := 1 ; ti <= *tc ; ti++ {
log.Printf("Thread Count %d", ti)
c <- ti
time.Sleep(time.Duration(waitTime) * time.Second)
timeout := time.After(time.Duration(*et*60) * time.Second)
for {
select { //Select blocks the flow until one of the channels receives a message
case <-timeout: //receives a msg when execution duration is over
log.Printf("Execution completed")
case ts := <-tchan: //receives a message when a new user thread has to be initiated
log.Printf("Thread No %d started", ts)
go func(t int) {
//This is the place where you add all your tests
//In my case they were making rpc calls over rabbitmq with random inputs
//They keep running till the end of execution
for {
tests.Test1(t) //sample test
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