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Created October 16, 2022 08:20
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  • Save codingbychanche/92c131f8415839ee9feff587f21d7f19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Shows how Atari Basic can be copied from ROM to RAM... Credits: This is my version of the code from the link mentioned.
; Copys Basic from ROM into RAM.
; Allows one to change Atari Basic, e.g. change ready prompt etc.
; Initial idea:
; B.Fritz 10/2022
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Some addresses to play with:
; Ready promt starts at: 48499
org $0600
lda #0
sta 204
lda #160 ; Basic starts here => 40960
sta 205
ldy #0
ldx #32 ; 32 pages => 8192 bytes.
lda (204),y ; This does the trick: Copy one byte from ROM to the same addrress in RAM
pha ; Get byte from ROM
lda #255 ; Basic off
sta $d301
pla ; Write back to RAM
sta (204),y
lda #253 ; Basic on
sta $d301
bne loop
inc 205
bne loop ; Repeat until all 32 pages are done.
; Example on how to change Atari Basic in RAM
lda #255 ; Basic off
sta $d301
ldy #0 ; Change prompt.
ldx #5
lda prompt,y
sta 48498,x
bne l2
; Activates Basic rom and returns....
; To activate in- ram- basic type Poke 54017,255.
; To return to in- rom- version type Poke 54017,253
; Some Data
.byte 'Ok '
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Switching between Atari Basic in ROM and its customized version in RAM....

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