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Created September 14, 2018 10:28
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Генерация паролей в Codeigniter 3
function get_password_hash($password)
$options = [
'salt' => random_string('alnum', 30),
'cost' => 10
return password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $options);
function password_hash($password, $algo, array $options = array())
static $func_overload;
isset($func_overload) OR $func_overload = (extension_loaded('mbstring') && ini_get('mbstring.func_overload'));
if ($algo !== 1)
trigger_error('password_hash(): Unknown hashing algorithm: '.(int) $algo, E_USER_WARNING);
return NULL;
if (isset($options['cost']) && ($options['cost'] < 4 OR $options['cost'] > 31))
trigger_error('password_hash(): Invalid bcrypt cost parameter specified: '.(int) $options['cost'], E_USER_WARNING);
return NULL;
if (isset($options['salt']) && ($saltlen = ($func_overload ? mb_strlen($options['salt'], '8bit') : strlen($options['salt']))) < 22)
trigger_error('password_hash(): Provided salt is too short: '.$saltlen.' expecting 22', E_USER_WARNING);
return NULL;
elseif ( ! isset($options['salt']))
if (function_exists('random_bytes'))
$options['salt'] = random_bytes(16);
catch (Exception $e)
log_message('error', 'compat/password: Error while trying to use random_bytes(): '.$e->getMessage());
return FALSE;
elseif (defined('MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM'))
$options['salt'] = mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
elseif (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '/' && (is_readable($dev = '/dev/arandom') OR is_readable($dev = '/dev/urandom')))
if (($fp = fopen($dev, 'rb')) === FALSE)
log_message('error', 'compat/password: Unable to open '.$dev.' for reading.');
return FALSE;
// Try not to waste entropy ...
is_php('5.4') && stream_set_chunk_size($fp, 16);
$options['salt'] = '';
for ($read = 0; $read < 16; $read = ($func_overload) ? mb_strlen($options['salt'], '8bit') : strlen($options['salt']))
if (($read = fread($fp, 16 - $read)) === FALSE)
log_message('error', 'compat/password: Error while reading from '.$dev.'.');
return FALSE;
$options['salt'] .= $read;
elseif (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes'))
$is_secure = NULL;
$options['salt'] = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16, $is_secure);
if ($is_secure !== TRUE)
log_message('error', 'compat/password: openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() set the $cryto_strong flag to FALSE');
return FALSE;
log_message('error', 'compat/password: No CSPRNG available.');
return FALSE;
$options['salt'] = str_replace('+', '.', rtrim(base64_encode($options['salt']), '='));
elseif ( ! preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9./]+$#D', $options['salt']))
$options['salt'] = str_replace('+', '.', rtrim(base64_encode($options['salt']), '='));
isset($options['cost']) OR $options['cost'] = 10;
return (strlen($password = crypt($password, sprintf('$2y$%02d$%s', $options['cost'], $options['salt']))) === 60)
? $password
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