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Rahul Singh codingsnap

  • New Delhi, India
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# Creating the class Mobile
class Mobile:
def __init__(self, serviceProvider, mobileNumber, dataUsed, paymentMethod):
self.serviceProvider = serviceProvider
self.mobileNumber = mobileNumber
self.dataUsed = dataUsed
self.paymentMethod = paymentMethod
# Creating the class Bill
class Bill:
# Creating the class Apartment
class Apartment:
def __init__(self, flatNumber, ownerName, billAmount):
self.flatNumber = flatNumber
self.ownerName = ownerName
self.billAmount = billAmount
# Creating the class Apartment_Demo
offset = 0 # Time
output_notes = []
for pattern in prediction_output:
# if the pattern is a chord
if ('+' in pattern) or pattern.isdigit():
notes_in_chord = pattern.split('+')
temp_notes = []
for current_note in notes_in_chord:
sequence_length = 100
network_input = []
for i in range(len(notes) - sequence_length):
seq_in = notes[i : i+sequence_length] # contains 100 values
network_input.append([ele_to_int[ch] for ch in seq_in])
# Any random start index
start = np.random.randint(len(network_input) - 1)
from keras.models import Sequential, load_model
from keras.layers import *
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping
model = Sequential()
model.add( LSTM(units=512,
input_shape = (normalised_network_input.shape[1], normalised_network_input.shape[2]),
return_sequences = True) )
model.add( Dropout(0.3) )
model.add( LSTM(512, return_sequences=True) )
# No. of examples
n_patterns = len(network_input)
# Desired shape for LSTM
network_input = np.reshape(network_input, (n_patterns, sequence_length, 1))
normalised_network_input = network_input/float(n_vocab)
# Hoe many elements LSTM input should consider
sequence_length = 100
# All unique classes
pitchnames = sorted(set(notes))
# Mapping between ele to int value
ele_to_int = dict( (ele, num) for num, ele in enumerate(pitchnames) )
network_input = []
network_output = []
n_vocab = len(set(notes))
print("Total notes- ", len(notes))
print("Unique notes- ", n_vocab)
#output: Total notes- 60498
# Unique notes- 359
notes = []
for file in glob.glob("midi_songs/*.mid"):
midi = converter.parse(file) # Convert file into stream.Score Object
print("parsing %s"%file)
elements_to_parse = midi.flat.notes
notes_demo = []
for ele in elements_to_parse:
# If the element is a Note, then store it's pitch
if isinstance(ele, note.Note):
# If the element is a Chord, split each note of chord and join them with +
elif isinstance(ele, chord.Chord):
notes_demo.append("+".join(str(n) for n in ele.normalOrder))