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Last active July 20, 2024 23:35
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  • Save codingtony/b667b9b1feed1cb3af6e221acd7085b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save codingtony/b667b9b1feed1cb3af6e221acd7085b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get school list from fraser institute as CSV
wget -O school.json
jq '.data[] | { sid:.sid, title:.title, province:.province, type:.schoolType, rank:.schoolInfoData."Rank This Yr", city:.schoolInfoData.SchoolCity, pubOrPriv:.schoolInfoData.IND_or_PUB,lang:.schoolInfoData.SchoolLanguage,admin:.schoolInfoData.AdminBodyName } ' school.json | jq -rn -L. 'include "json2csv"; [inputs]|json2csv' > school.csv
def json2headers:
def isscalar: type | . != "array" and . != "object";
def isflat: all(.[]; isscalar);
paths as $p
| getpath($p)
| if type == "array" and isflat then $p
elif isscalar and (($p[-1]|type) == "string") then $p
else empty end ;
def json2array($header):
def value($p):
try getpath($p) catch null
| if type == "object" then null else . end;
[$header[] as $p | value($p)];
def json2csv:
( [.[] | json2headers] | unique) as $h
| ([$h[]|join("_") ],
| json2array($h)
| map( if type == "array" then map(tostring)|join("|") else tostring end)))
| @csv ;
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This seems not working anymore. It looks like what the api returns is encrypted or encoded now.

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Yes it seems to be encrypted. The key seems to be in the javascript

getProvinceLatestYear: function() {
                    return Object(o["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e() {
                        var t;
                        return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) {
                            while (1)
                                switch (e.prev = {
                                case 0:
                                    return t = "".concat(P, "/province_latest_year.json"), = 3, w.get(t).catch((function(e) {
                                case 3:
                                    return e.abrupt("return", e.sent);
                                case 4:
                                case "end":
                                    return e.stop()
                        }), e)
            j = function() {
                function e() {
                    var t = this;
                    Object(r["a"])(this, e),
                    this.hashMap = {},
                    this.keySalt = "phaiy7aeHieX`ieV",
                    this.eKey = "Xuhahxu7si3Ke]z@",
                    this.bypass = ["language", "appVersion"],
                    ["latestYear", "userLocation", "userAddress", "currentMapProvice", "schoolData", "school_average", "areaNames"].forEach((function(e) {
                        return t.migrate(e)
                return Object(s["a"])(e, [{
                    key: "hashKey",
                    value: function(e) {
                        return this.hashMap[e] || (this.hashMap[e] = u.a.SHA1(e + this.keySalt).toString().substr(2, 16)), this.hashMap[e]
                }, {
                    key: "migrate",
                    value: function(e) {
                        var t = localStorage.getItem(e);
                        if (null === t)
                            return !1;
                        var a = t.length;
                        "=" === t.substr(4, 1) && "=" === t.substr(a - 5, 1) || this.setItem(e, t),
                }, {
                    key: "getItem",
                    value: function(e) {
                        if (-1 !== this.bypass.indexOf(e))
                            return localStorage.getItem(e);
                        var t = this.hashKey(e),
                            a = localStorage.getItem(t);
                        if (null === a)
                            return null;
                        var o = a.length;
                        if ("=" !== a.substr(4, 1) || "=" !== a.substr(o - 5, 1))
                            return localStorage.removeItem(t), null;
                        var n = u.a.AES.decrypt(a.substr(5, o - 10), u.a.SHA1(this.eKey + a.substr(0, 4) + a.substr(o - 4)).toString()).toString(u.a.enc.Utf8);
                        return n || (localStorage.removeItem(t), null)
                }, {
                    key: "generateSalt",
                    value: function() {
                        return u.a.lib.WordArray.random(4).toString(u.a.enc.Hex)
                }, {
                    key: "setItem",
                    value: function(e, t) {
                        if (-1 !== this.bypass.indexOf(e))
                            return localStorage.setItem(e, t);
                        var a = this.generateSalt();
                        localStorage.setItem(this.hashKey(e), a.substr(0, 4) + "=" + u.a.AES.encrypt(t, u.a.SHA1(this.eKey + a).toString()) + "=" + a.substr(4))
                }, {
                    key: "removeItem",
                    value: function(e) {
                }]), e

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