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Created April 3, 2017 20:38
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Option Explicit
End Enum
Private pSubject As String
Private pBodyText As String
Private pBlindCopyTo As New Collection
Private pCopyTo As New Collection
Private pRecipients As New Collection
Private pAttachments As New Collection
Private pKeepCopy As EMAIL_STORECOPY
Private pPassword As String
Private pLoginID As String
Private pMailDoc As Object
Dim pLotusSession As NotesSession
Dim pDB As Object
Public Sub Class_Initialize()
pLoginID = Environ("USERNAME")
End Sub
' --- Public Functions
Public Sub sendEmail(password As String)
initializeDB password
pMailDoc.SEND False
End Sub
Public Sub addAttachment(attachment As String)
pAttachments.Add attachment
End Sub
Public Sub addRecipient(recipient As String)
pRecipients.Add recipient
End Sub
Public Sub addBCC(recipient As String)
pBlindCopyTo.Add recipient
End Sub
Public Sub addCC(recipient As String)
pCopyTo.Add recipient
End Sub
' --- Getters
Public Property Get subject() As String
subject = pSubject
End Property
Public Property Get bodyText() As String
bodyText = pBodyText
End Property
Public Property Get keepCopy() As EMAIL_STORECOPY
Set keepCopy = pKeepCopy
End Property
Public Property Get loginID() As String
loginID = pLoginID
End Property
' --- Setters
Public Property Let subject(value As String)
pSubject = value
End Property
Public Property Let bodyText(value As String)
pBodyText = value
End Property
Public Property Let keepCopy(value As EMAIL_STORECOPY)
Set pKeepCopy = value
End Property
Public Property Let loginID(value As String)
pLoginID = value
End Property
' --- Private Functions
Private Sub initializeDB(password As String)
Set pLotusSession = New NotesSession
pLotusSession.Initialize (password)
Dim dbName As String
dbName = pLoginID & ".nsf"
Set pDB = pLotusSession.GetDatabase("", "C:\Notes\Data\Mail\" & dbName)
If Not pDB.isopen Then pDB.OPENMAIL
End Sub
' Purpose: Creates the Lotus Notes email object and initializes
Private Sub initializeMaildoc()
pMailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "Form", "Memo"
If pRecipients.count > 0 Then pMailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "sendTo", getRecipients(pRecipients)
If pBlindCopyTo.count > 0 Then pMailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "copyTo", getRecipients(pBlindCopyTo)
If pCopyTo.count > 0 Then pMailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "blindCopyTo", getRecipients(pCopyTo)
pMailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "subject", pSubject
pMailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "Body", pBodyText
pMailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "PostedDate", Now()
End Sub
' Purpose: Converts a collection of attachment strings to maildoc attachment items, and attaches them to
' the maildoc item.
Private Sub initializeAttachments()
If pAttachments.count = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim oAttachment As Object
Set oAttachment = pMailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Attachment")
Dim filePath As Variant, oEmbed As Object, i As Integer, attachName As String
For Each filePath In pAttachments
i = i + 1
attachName = "attachment" & i
Set oEmbed = oAttachment.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", filePath, attachName)
Next filePath
End Sub
' Purpose: Converts collection of recipients to an array for ingestion by MailDoc
' @param Collection recipients - A collection to be converted to an array
Private Function getRecipients(recipients As Collection) As Variant()
ReDim recipArray(recipients.count - 1) As Variant
Dim recipient As Variant, i As Integer
For i = 0 To recipients.count - 1
recipArray(i) = recipients(i + 1)
Next i
getRecipients = recipArray
End Function
Private Sub cleanup()
Set pMailDoc = Nothing
Set pDB = Nothing
Set pLotusSession = Nothing
End Sub
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