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Last active June 23, 2017 21:37
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  • Save codrcodz/dcb1254f03a6885172e96407806f46b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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kernel_version="$(uname -r 2>/dev/null)"; \
os_release="$(grep -oP "(?<=(el))." <<<${kernel_version} )"; \
header(){ \
printf "\n\n----------\n"; \
printf "%s" "${1}"; \
printf "\n----------\n\n"; \
}; \
printf "\n=============================\n"; \
printf "Reboot Checks for:\n"; \
hostname; \
printf "============================="; \
header "Kernel Version:";\
printf "${kernel_version}\n"; \
header "Listening Services:"; \
sudo netstat -plnt \
| tail -n +3 \
| while read protocol _ _ ip_and_port _ _ pid_and_prog; do \
printf "${pid_and_prog##*/} "; \
printf "${ip_and_port}/${protocol}\n"; \
done \
| sort; \
header "Running Services Not Enabled at Boot (if any):"; \
if [[ ${os_release} != "7" ]]; then
for service in $(chkconfig --list \
| grep 3:off \
| awk '{print $1}'); do \
service ${service} status 2>&1 \
| egrep -i '(running$|running\.\.\.)' \
| egrep -i -v 'not running' \
| while read status; do \
printf "${service}:\n${status}\n\n"; \
done; \
else \
for service in $( \
systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running 2>/dev/null \
| grep -oP ".*\.service.*?(?=(\s))" \
| egrep -v "@"
); do \
printf "${service}: "; \
systemctl is-enabled ${service} 2>/dev/null; \
done \
| grep "disabled"; \
fi; \
header "Services in a Failed State (if any):"; \
if [[ ${os_release} == "7" ]]; then \
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service --state=failed 2>/dev/null \
| grep -oP "[[:alnum:]_-]+\.service(?=(\s))"; \
fi; \
header "File System Check (fsck) Counts on ext Filesystems:"; \
for partition in $( \
mount \
| grep -oP "^/dev/.*?(?=(\s.*ext))" \
); do \
printf "\n${partition}:\n$( \
tune2fs -l ${partition} \
| egrep -i "mount count" \
)\n"; \
done; \
header "Cluster Configuration:"; \
if [ ! -e "/etc/cluster/cluster.conf" ]; then \
printf "Clustering Not Configured\n"; \
else \
printf "\nCluster Config:\n$(cat /etc/cluster/cluster.conf 2>/dev/null)\n"; \
printf "Cluster Daemons Running (if any):\n"; \
netstat -plnt \
| egrep -i "(ricci|luci|modclusterd|rgman|cman|clvm)"; \
fi; \
header "File System Table Syntax Errors:"; \
mount -a 2>&1 >/dev/null; \
if [[ "${?}" == "0" ]]; then \
printf "No Syntax Errors in /etc/fstab"; \
else \
printf "Syntax errors in /etc/fstab; DO NOT REBOOT"; \
fi; \
header "NFS Exports:"; \
if [ -z "$(cat /etc/exports 2>/dev/null)" ]; then \
printf "No NFS Exports Configured\n"; \
else \
printf "\n$(cat /etc/exports)\n"; \
fi; \
header "NFS Mounts:"; \
if [ -z "$(cat /etc/fstab \
| grep ':' \
| grep -vP "^\s*#")" ]; then \
printf "No NFS Mounts Configured\n"; \
else \
cat /etc/fstab | grep ':'; \
fi; \
header "MySQL/MariaDB Status Checks:"; \
printf "Service Status:\n"; \
if [[ ${os_release} != "7" ]]; then \
service mysqld status 2>&1; \
else \
systemctl status mariadb 2>&1; \
fi; \
for i in {Master,Slave}; do \
if [[ -n $(echo "show $i status" | mysql 2>&1 | grep "ERROR") ]]; then \
printf "MySQL Login Error\n"; \
elif [[ -z $(echo "show $i status" | mysql 2>&1 | grep -v "ERROR") ]]; then \
printf "\n$i Status:\nNot configured as MySQL replication $i\n"; \
else \
printf "\n$i Status:\n$(echo "show $i status\G" | mysql 2>&1 )\n"; \
fi; \
done; \
header "Postfix Status Checks:"; \
printf "Postfix Config Errors (if any):\n"; \
postfix check 2>&1; \
header "nginx Status Checks:"; \
printf "Config File Syntax Check:\n"; \
nginx -t 2>&1; \
header "httpd Status Checks:"; \
printf "Config File Syntax Check:\n"; \
httpd -t 2>&1; \
printf "\nService Status:\n"; \
if [[ ${os_release} != "7" ]]; then \
service httpd status 2>&1; \
else \
systemctl status httpd 2>&1; \
fi; \
if [[ "${?}" == "0" ]]; then \
header "Site Statuses:"; \
if [ -z $(httpd -S 2>&1 \
| grep "namevhost" \
| awk '{print $4}' \
| head -n1) ]; then \
printf "\nNo vhosts appear to be configured;\n"; \
printf "below is raw output of the VirtualHost configuration check:\n\n"; \
printf "$(httpd -S 2>&1 \
| egrep -v "^Syntax OK")\n\n"; \
else \
printf "\n"; \
for site in $(httpd -S 2>&1 \
| grep "namevhost" \
| awk '{print $4}' \
| sort -u); do \
printf "\nSite: $site\n"; \
if [ -z "$(curl -IL $site 2>/dev/null)" ]; then \
printf "Site Down\n--\n"; \
else \
printf "$(curl -I $site 2>/dev/null)\n"; \
fi; \
done \
| egrep -A1 "^Site:"; \
fi; \
fi; \
printf "\n";
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