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Last active May 26, 2016 01:29
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@ids = [[1,'I'],[5,'V'],[10,'X'],[50,'L'],[100,'C'],[500,'D'],[1000,'M']]
def to_roman(num)
str = ''
@ids.reverse.each { |id|
until num / id[0] == 0
str += id[1]
num -= id[0]
if num == id[0]-1 && check[0] != 1
str += "I" + id[1]
num -= id[0]-1
return str
def err_msg(num,expected)
return "Error! #{num} => #{to_roman(num).inspect} Expected #{num} => #{expected.inspect}"
def do_test(num,expected)
return to_roman(num) == expected ? true : err_msg(num,expected)
tests = [[2,"II"],[5,"V"],[9,"IX"],[10,"X"],[11,"XI"],[15,"XV"],[19,"XIX"]]
tests += [[50,"L"],[60,"LX"],[65,"LXV"],[69,"LXIX"],[100,"C"],[600,"DC"]]
tests << [1669,"MDCLXIX"]
puts "Testing Identities"
@ids.each { |id| puts do_test(id[0],id[1]) }
puts "Testing Non Identities"
tests.each { |test| puts do_test(test[0],test[1]) }
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By changing the ids array you can create now identities (which will automatically be tested!)

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