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Last active October 28, 2016 13:36
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example (don't forget to update the default URL from
#!/usr/bin/env python
Search st2 using a pattern.
Usage: [-u=<url>] (action|key|rule|trigger) <pattern>
Positional Arguments:
<pattern> a regex to search against
Optional Arguments:
-u --url=<endpoint> StackStorm URL [default:]
Alternative until st2 natively supports search.
See Please upvote! :)
from docopt import docopt
from pymongo import MongoClient
# only the following entities have a uid field
# for i in action apikey rule sensor trace trigger trigger_instance; do mongo st2 --eval "db.${i}_d_b.find({}, {"uid":1,"_id":0}).limit(1).shellPrint()" | tail -n +3 | grep $i >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$i yes" || echo "$i no"; done
'action': 'action_d_b',
'rule': 'rule_d_b',
'trigger': 'trigger_d_b',
'key': 'key_value_pair_d_b'
def main(collection, pattern, url):
db = MongoClient("mongodb://%s:27017" % url)['st2']
for obj in db[collection].find({"uid": {"$regex": ".*%s.*" % pattern}}, {"uid": 1, "_id": 0}):
print obj['uid']
def parse_collection(options):
return [SUPPORTED_ENTITIES[k] for k, v in options.iteritems()
if k in SUPPORTED_ENTITIES.keys() and v is True][0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__, version='st2search 0.1')
main(parse_collection(args), args['<pattern>'], args['--url'])
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