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Forked from david-christiansen/FizzBuzzC.idr
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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module FizzBuzzC
%default total
-- Dependently typed FizzBuzz, constructively
-- A number is fizzy if it is evenly divisible by 3
data Fizzy : Nat -> Type where
ZeroFizzy : Fizzy 0
Fizz : Fizzy n -> Fizzy (3 + n)
-- Fizzy is a correct specification of divisibility by 3 - that is, if n is
-- fizzy then there exists some k such that n = 3*k.
fizzyCorrect : (n : Nat) -> Fizzy n -> (k : Nat ** n = 3 * k)
fizzyCorrect Z ZeroFizzy = (Z ** Refl)
fizzyCorrect (S (S (S k))) (Fizz x) =
let (k' ** ih) = fizzyCorrect k x
in (S k' ** ?fizzyIsAOK)
-- Basic fizziness lemmas
oneNotFizzy : Not (Fizzy 1)
oneNotFizzy (Fizz f) impossible
twoNotFizzy : Not (Fizzy 2)
twoNotFizzy (Fizz f) impossible
fizzyUp : Not (Fizzy n) -> Not (Fizzy (3 + n))
fizzyUp nope ZeroFizzy impossible
fizzyUp nope (Fizz f) = nope f
-- Fizziness is decidable
decFizzy : (n : Nat) -> Dec (Fizzy n)
decFizzy Z = Yes ZeroFizzy
decFizzy (S Z) = No oneNotFizzy
decFizzy (S (S Z)) = No twoNotFizzy
decFizzy (S (S (S k))) with (decFizzy k)
decFizzy (S (S (S k))) | (Yes prf) = Yes (Fizz prf)
decFizzy (S (S (S k))) | (No contra) = No $ fizzyUp contra
-- A number is buzzy if it is evenly divisible by 5
data Buzzy : Nat -> Type where
ZeroBuzzy : Buzzy 0
Buzz : Buzzy n -> Buzzy (5 + n)
-- Correctness of buzziness spec elided due to verbosity
oneNotBuzzy : Not (Buzzy 1)
oneNotBuzzy (Buzz b) impossible
twoNotBuzzy : Not (Buzzy 2)
twoNotBuzzy (Buzz b) impossible
threeNotBuzzy : Not (Buzzy 3)
threeNotBuzzy (Buzz b) impossible
fourNotBuzzy : Not (Buzzy 4)
fourNotBuzzy (Buzz b) impossible
buzzOff : Not (Buzzy n) -> Not (Buzzy (5 + n))
buzzOff nope ZeroBuzzy impossible
buzzOff nope (Buzz b) = nope b
decBuzzy : (n : Nat) -> Dec (Buzzy n)
decBuzzy Z = Yes ZeroBuzzy
decBuzzy (S Z) = No oneNotBuzzy
decBuzzy (S (S Z)) = No twoNotBuzzy
decBuzzy (S (S (S Z))) = No threeNotBuzzy
decBuzzy (S (S (S (S Z)))) = No fourNotBuzzy
decBuzzy (S (S (S (S (S k))))) with (decBuzzy k)
decBuzzy (S (S (S (S (S k))))) | (Yes prf) = Yes (Buzz prf)
decBuzzy (S (S (S (S (S k))))) | (No way) = No (buzzOff way)
-- A version of Dec that tracks two properties - DoubleDec A B is isomorphic
-- to (Dec A, Dec B). This is just for readability.
data DoubleDec : Type -> Type -> Type where
Neither : Not a -> Not b -> DoubleDec a b
First : a -> Not b -> DoubleDec a b
Second : Not a -> b -> DoubleDec a b
Both : a -> b -> DoubleDec a b
decFizzBuzz : (n : Nat) -> DoubleDec (Fizzy n) (Buzzy n)
decFizzBuzz n with (decFizzy n, decBuzzy n)
decFizzBuzz n | (Yes f, Yes b) = Both f b
decFizzBuzz n | (No nf, Yes b) = Second nf b
decFizzBuzz n | (Yes f, No nb) = First f nb
decFizzBuzz n | (No nf, No nb) = Neither nf nb
-- Let's show some fizzing and buzzing. Start with all the nats:
nats : Stream Nat
nats = iterate S Z
-- and the fizzed and buzzed nats
fizzBuzz : Stream (n : Nat ** DoubleDec (Fizzy n) (Buzzy n))
fizzBuzz = map (\n => (n ** (decFizzBuzz n))) (tail nats)
instance Show (n : Nat ** DoubleDec (Fizzy n) (Buzzy n)) where
show (x ** Neither _ _) = show x
show (x ** First _ _) = "Fizz"
show (x ** Second _ _) = "Buzz"
show (x ** Both _ _) = "FizzBuzz"
-- Take the first 100 numbers' FizzBuzzes, then print them to the screen.
namespace Main
main : IO ()
main = sequence_ . map (putStrLn . show) . take 100 $ fizzBuzz
---------- Proofs ----------
FizzBuzzC.fizzyIsAOK = proof
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc k' (plus k' 0)
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc k' (S (plus k' (plus k' 0)))
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc k' (plus k' (plus k' 0))
rewrite ih
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