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Forked from zypeh/
Created August 16, 2016 04:13
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A simple snippets from [Infosec Institute]("")
# !/usr/python
# The FIN scan utilizes the FIN flag inside the TCP packet,
# along with the port number to connect to on the server.
# If there is no response from the server, then the port is open.
import logging
from scapy.all import *
dst_ip = ""
src_port = RandShort()
fin_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(dport=dst_port,flags="F"),timeout=10)
if (str(type(fin_scan_resp))=="<type 'NoneType'>"):
print "Open|Filtered"
# If the server responds with an RST flag set in the TCP packet for the FIN scan
# request packet, then the port is closed on the server.
if(fin_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags == 0x14):
print "Closed"
# An ICMP packet with ICMP type 3 and code 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 13 in response to
# the FIN scan packet from the client means that the port is filtered and the port state cannot be found.
if(int(fin_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).type)==3 and int(fin_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).code) in [1,2,3,9,10,13]):
print "Filtered"
#! /usr/python
# In a NULL scan, no flag is set inside the TCP packet. The TCP packet is
# sent along with the port number only to the server.
import logging
from scapy.all import *
dst_ip = ""
src_port = RandShort()
null_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(dport=dst_port,flags=""),timeout=10)
# If the server sends no response to the NULL scan packet, then that particular port is open.
if (str(type(null_scan_resp))=="<type 'NoneType'>"):
    print "Open|Filtered"
# If the server responds with the RST flag set in a TCP packet, then the port is closed on the server.
    if(null_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags == 0x14):
        print "Closed"
# An ICMP error of type 3 and code 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 13 means the port is filtered on the server.
    if(int(null_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).type)==3 and int(null_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).code) in [1,2,3,9,10,13]):
        print "Filtered"
#! /usr/bin/python
# The TCP ACK scan is not used to find the open or closed state of a port;
# It is used to find if a stateful firewall is present on the server or not.
# It only tells if the port is filtered or not. This scan type cannot find the open/closed state of the port.
import logging
from scapy.all import *
dst_ip = ""
src_port = RandShort()
ack_flag_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(dport=dst_port,flags="A"),timeout=10)
# A TCP packet with the ACK flag set and the port number to connect to is sent to the server.
# If the server responds with the RSP flag set inside a TCP packet, then the port is unfiltered and a stateful firewall is absent.
if (str(type(ack_flag_scan_resp))=="<type 'NoneType'>"):
print "Stateful firewall present\n(Filtered)"
# If the server doesn’t respond to our TCK ACK scan packet or if it responds with a TCP packet with ICMP type 3 or code 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 13 set,
# then the port is filtered and a stateful firewall is present.
if(ack_flag_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags == 0x4):
print "No firewall\n(Unfiltered)"
if(int(ack_flag_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).type)==3 and int(ack_flag_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).code) in [1,2,3,9,10,13]):
print "Stateful firewall present\n(Filtered)"
#! /usr/bin/python
# This script sends the first handshake using the SYN flag and port to connect to the server in a TCP packet.
# If the server responds with a RST instead of a SYN-ACK, then that particular port is closed on the server.
import logging
from scapy.all import *
dst_ip = ""
src_port = RandShort()
tcp_connect_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(sport=src_port,dport=dst_port,flags="S"),timeout=10)
if(str(type(tcp_connect_scan_resp))=="<type 'NoneType'>"):
print "Closed"
if(tcp_connect_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags == 0x12):
send_rst = sr(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(sport=src_port,dport=dst_port,flags="AR"),timeout=10)
print "Open"
elif (tcp_connect_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags == 0x14):
print "Closed"
# !/usr/python
# Similar to the TCP connect scan. This time we sends a TCP packet with the
# SYN flag set and the port number to connect to. If the port is open, the
# server responds with the SYN and ACK flags inside a TCP packet.
# But this time the client sends a RST flag in a TCP packet and not RST+ACK,
# which was the case in the TCP connect scan.
#! /usr/bin/python
import logging
from scapy.all import *
dst_ip = ""
src_port = RandShort()
stealth_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(sport=src_port,dport=dst_port,flags="S"),timeout=10)
if(str(type(stealth_scan_resp))=="<type 'NoneType'>"):
print "Filtered"
if(stealth_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags == 0x12):
send_rst = sr(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(sport=src_port,dport=dst_port,flags="R"),timeout=10)
print "Open"
elif (stealth_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags == 0x14):
print "Closed"
if(int(stealth_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).type)==3 and int(stealth_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).code) in [1,2,3,9,10,13]):
print "Filtered"
#! /usr/bin/python
# A TCP window scan uses the same technique as that of TCP ACK scan. It also sends a TCP packet with the ACK
# flag set and the port number to connect to. But this scan type can be used to find the state of the port on the
# server. In a TCP ACK scan, an RST indicates an unfiltered state. But in a TCP windows scan, when an RST is
# received from the server, it then checks the value of the windows size. If the value of window size is positive,
# then the port is open on the server.
import logging
from scapy.all import *
dst_ip = ""
src_port = RandShort()
window_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(dport=dst_port,flags="A"),timeout=10)
if (str(type(window_scan_resp))=="<type 'NoneType'>"):
print "No response"
# If the windows size of the TCP packet with the RST flag set to zero, then the port is closed on the server.
if(window_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).window == 0):
print "Closed"
elif(window_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).window > 0):
print "Open"
#! /usr/bin/python
import logging
from scapy.all import *
dst_ip = ""
src_port = RandShort()
def udp_scan(dst_ip,dst_port,dst_timeout):
udp_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/UDP(dport=dst_port),timeout=dst_timeout)
# If the server sends no response to the client’s UDP request packet for that port,
# it can be concluded that the port on the server is either open or filtered. No final state of the port can be decided.
if (str(type(udp_scan_resp))=="<type 'NoneType'>"):
retrans = []
for count in range(0,3):
for item in retrans:
if (str(type(item))!="<type 'NoneType'>"):
return "Open|Filtered"
# The client sends a UDP packet with the port number to connect to.
# If the server responds to the client with a UDP packet, then that particular port is open on the server.
elif (udp_scan_resp.haslayer(UDP)):
return "Open"
# The client sends a UDP packet and the port number it wants to connect to, but the server responds with an ICMP
# port unreachable error type 3 and code 3, meaning that the port is closed on the server.
if(int(udp_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).type)==3 and int(udp_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).code)==3):
return "Closed"
# If ICMP error type 3 and code 1, 2, 9, 10, or 13, then that port on the server is filtered.
elif(int(udp_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).type)==3 and int(udp_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).code) in [1,2,9,10,13]):
return "Filtered"
#! /usr/bin/python
# In the XMAS scan, a TCP packet with the PSH, FIN, and URG flags set, along with
# the port to connect to, is sent to the server.
# If the port is open, then there will be no response from the server.
import logging
from scapy.all import *
dst_ip = ""
src_port = RandShort()
xmas_scan_resp = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip)/TCP(dport=dst_port,flags="FPU"),timeout=10)
if (str(type(xmas_scan_resp))=="<type 'NoneType'>"):
print "Open|Filtered"
# If the server responds with the RST flag set inside a TCP packet,
# the port is closed on the server.
if(xmas_scan_resp.getlayer(TCP).flags == 0x14):
print "Closed"
# If the server responds with the ICMP packet with an ICMP unreachable error type 3 and ICMP code 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 13,
# then the port is filtered and it cannot be inferred from the response whether the port is open or closed.
if(int(xmas_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).type)==3 and int(xmas_scan_resp.getlayer(ICMP).code) in [1,2,3,9,10,13]):
print "Filtered"
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