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Created July 28, 2021 06:08
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The Umami build log from Digital Ocean
[2021-06-24 13:11:40] => Got dockerfile_path: Dockerfile
[2021-06-24 13:11:40]
[2021-06-24 13:11:41] => Building app using Dockerfile
[2021-06-24 13:11:41] => Injecting app environment variables:
[2021-06-24 13:11:41] => Using Dockerfile: /.app_platform_workspace/Dockerfile
[2021-06-24 13:11:41] => Using build context /.app_platform_workspace/
[2021-06-24 13:11:41]
[2021-06-24 13:11:43] INFO[0002] Resolved base name node:12.18-alpine to build
[2021-06-24 13:11:43] INFO[0002] Resolved base name node:12.18-alpine to production
[2021-06-24 13:11:43] INFO[0002] Using dockerignore file: /.app_platform_workspace/.dockerignore
[2021-06-24 13:11:43] INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest node:12.18-alpine
[2021-06-24 13:11:43] INFO[0002] Retrieving image library/node:12.18-alpine from registry mirror <registry-uri-1>
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest node:12.18-alpine
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Returning cached image manifest
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest node:12.18-alpine
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Returning cached image manifest
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest node:12.18-alpine
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Returning cached image manifest
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Built cross stage deps: map[0:[/build/prod_node_modules /build/node_modules/.prisma/ /build/yarn.lock /build/package.json /build/.next /build/public]]
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest node:12.18-alpine
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Returning cached image manifest
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Retrieving image manifest node:12.18-alpine
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Returning cached image manifest
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Executing 0 build triggers
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] Checking for cached layer <registry-uri-2>
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0002] No cached layer found for cmd RUN yarn config set --home enableTelemetry 0
[2021-06-24 13:11:44] INFO[0003] Unpacking rootfs as cmd RUN yarn config set --home enableTelemetry 0 requires it.
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] ARG BASE_PATH
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] No files changed in this command, skipping snapshotting.
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] ARG DATABASE_TYPE
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] No files changed in this command, skipping snapshotting.
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] ENV BASE_PATH=$BASE_PATH
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] No files changed in this command, skipping snapshotting.
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] ENV DATABASE_URL "postgresql://umami:umami@db:5432/umami" DATABASE_TYPE=$DATABASE_TYPE
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] No files changed in this command, skipping snapshotting.
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] WORKDIR /build
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] cmd: workdir
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] Changed working directory to /build
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] Creating directory /build
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] Taking snapshot of files...
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] RUN yarn config set --home enableTelemetry 0
[2021-06-24 13:11:48] INFO[0006] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
[2021-06-24 13:11:51] INFO[0010] cmd: /bin/sh
[2021-06-24 13:11:51] INFO[0010] args: [-c yarn config set --home enableTelemetry 0]
[2021-06-24 13:11:51] INFO[0010] Running: [/bin/sh -c yarn config set --home enableTelemetry 0]
[2021-06-24 13:11:52] yarn config v1.22.4
[2021-06-24 13:11:52] success Set "0" to true.
[2021-06-24 13:11:52] Done in 0.03s.
[2021-06-24 13:11:52] INFO[0010] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
[2021-06-24 13:11:52] INFO[0011] Pushing layer <registry-uri-3> to cache now
[2021-06-24 13:11:52] INFO[0011] Pushing image to <registry-uri-4>
[2021-06-24 13:11:52] INFO[0011] COPY package.json yarn.lock /build/
[2021-06-24 13:11:53] INFO[0011] Taking snapshot of files...
[2021-06-24 13:11:53] INFO[0011] RUN yarn install --production --frozen-lockfile
[2021-06-24 13:11:53] INFO[0011] cmd: /bin/sh
[2021-06-24 13:11:53] INFO[0011] args: [-c yarn install --production --frozen-lockfile]
[2021-06-24 13:11:53] INFO[0011] Running: [/bin/sh -c yarn install --production --frozen-lockfile]
[2021-06-24 13:11:53] yarn install v1.22.4
[2021-06-24 13:11:53] [1/4] Resolving packages...
[2021-06-24 13:11:53] [2/4] Fetching packages...
[2021-06-24 13:12:01] INFO[0019] Pushed image to 1 destinations
[2021-06-24 13:13:10] info fsevents@2.3.1: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module.
[2021-06-24 13:13:10] info "fsevents@2.3.1" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
[2021-06-24 13:13:10] [3/4] Linking dependencies...
[2021-06-24 13:13:10] warning "@formatjs/cli > @vue/compiler-sfc@3.0.11" has unmet peer dependency "vue@3.0.11".
[2021-06-24 13:13:18] [4/4] Building fresh packages...
[2021-06-24 13:13:27] Done in 93.68s.
[2021-06-24 13:13:27] INFO[0105] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
[2021-06-24 13:15:02] INFO[0200] Pushing layer <registry-uri-5> to cache now
[2021-06-24 13:15:02] INFO[0200] Pushing image to <registry-uri-6>
[2021-06-24 13:15:04] INFO[0203] RUN cp -R node_modules/ prod_node_modules/
[2021-06-24 13:15:04] INFO[0203] cmd: /bin/sh
[2021-06-24 13:15:04] INFO[0203] args: [-c cp -R node_modules/ prod_node_modules/]
[2021-06-24 13:15:04] INFO[0203] Running: [/bin/sh -c cp -R node_modules/ prod_node_modules/]
[2021-06-24 13:15:11] INFO[0209] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
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