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Forked from jrmuizel/
Created December 29, 2022 07:23
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Popular crates

Crates ordered by the number of dependent crates that were newly added to since the begining of April

  1. serde 39
  2. clap 35
  3. serde_json 34
  4. serde_derive 34
  5. libc 32
  6. log 27
  7. rand 25
  8. lazy_static 25
  9. regex 22
  10. futures 17
  11. error-chain 16
  12. syn 14
  13. quote 13
  14. time 13
  15. byteorder 12
  16. rustc-serialize 12
  17. hyper 12
  18. env_logger 10
  19. rust-crypto 9
  20. num 9
  21. nom 9
  22. chrono 9
  23. bitflags 9
  24. getopts 8
  25. toml 8
  26. glib-sys 8
  27. pkg-config 8
  28. gobject-sys 7
  29. futures-cpupool 7
  30. url 7
  31. tokio-service 6
  32. tokio-io 6
  33. clippy 6
  34. tokio-core 6
  35. bytes 6
  36. openssl 6
  37. tempdir 6
  38. gstreamer-sys 6
  39. protobuf 5
  40. nix 5
  41. yaml-rust 5
  42. reqwest 5
  43. hyper-native-tls 5
  44. tokio-proto 5
  45. handlebars 4
  46. docopt 4
  47. gcc 4
  48. cortex-m 4
  49. gstreamer-base-sys 4
  50. walkdir 4
  51. proc-macro-hack 4
  52. uuid 4
  53. tokio-timer 4
  54. image 4
  55. mio 4
  56. ring 4
  57. num_cpus 4
  58. iron 4
  59. slog 3
  60. vcell 3
  61. quick-error 3
  62. piston_window 3
  63. rayon 3
  64. petgraph 3
  65. base64 3
  66. term 3
  67. svg 3
  68. popcorn 3
  69. sozu-lib 3
  70. spectral 3
  71. glob 3
  72. mio-uds 3
  73. rls-span 2
  74. pbr 2
  75. itertools 2
  76. slab 2
  77. slog-term 2
  78. xml-rs 2
  79. fake-simd 2
  80. encoding 2
  81. glium 2
  82. piston2d-graphics 2
  83. shellexpand 2
  84. crc 2
  85. pulldown-cmark 2
  86. crypto-tests 2
  87. open 2
  88. tdo-core 2
  89. rusttype 2
  90. notify 2
  91. staticfile 2
  92. gstreamer-tag-sys 2
  93. postgres 2
  94. cursive 2
  95. focus-events 2
  96. generic-array 2
  97. unicode-width 2
  98. typed-arena 2
  99. svgbob 2
  100. find_folder 2
  101. i2cdev 2
  102. scoped_threadpool 2
  103. crossbeam 2
  104. syntex_syntax 2
  105. ansi_term 2
  106. conrod 2
  107. tempfile 2
  108. colored 2
  109. byte-tools 2
  110. hexf-parse 2
  111. fnv 2
  112. linked-hash-map 2
  113. bindgen 2
  114. digest 2
  115. json_typegen_shared 2
  116. sozu-command-lib 2
  117. errno 2
  118. shlex 2
  119. quickcheck 2
  120. bzip2 2
  121. digest-buffer 2
  122. rpassword 2
  123. bit-vec 1
  124. sha1 1
  125. hex 1
  126. cookie 1
  127. luminance 1
  128. any-cache 1
  129. piston 1
  130. gtk-sys 1
  131. bio 1
  132. gdnative-macros 1
  133. glib 1
  134. racer 1
  135. parse-generics-poc 1
  136. curl 1
  137. tokio-tls 1
  138. daggy 1
  139. hexf-impl 1
  140. notify-rust 1
  141. synom 1
  142. bincode 1
  143. png 1
  144. arena-tree 1
  145. scopeguard 1
  146. phf_codegen 1
  147. arrayvec 1
  148. syntect 1
  149. slog-stdlog 1
  150. skylane_scanner 1
  151. text_io 1
  152. focus-sound 1
  153. params 1
  154. serde_bytes 1
  155. ocl 1
  156. wavefront_obj 1
  157. memenhancer 1
  158. hyper-rustls 1
  159. dbus 1
  160. openssl-sys 1
  161. netbuf 1
  162. json_typegen_derive 1
  163. data-encoding 1
  164. order-stat 1
  165. atom 1
  166. lalrpop-util 1
  167. ao_rs 1
  168. sysconf 1
  169. structopt-derive 1
  170. either 1
  171. sample 1
  172. urlparse 1
  173. cast 1
  174. gstreamer-audio-sys 1
  175. popcorn-blas 1
  176. spongedown 1
  177. unicode-segmentation 1
  178. input-sys 1
  179. grpc 1
  180. rust-ini 1
  181. vorbis 1
  182. derive_builder 1
  183. cslice 1
  184. git2 1
  185. serde-value 1
  186. zalgo 1
  187. try_from 1
  188. mime 1
  189. focus-input 1
  190. amq-protocol 1
  191. relm-gen-widget 1
  192. lsns 1
  193. caca-sys 1
  194. metrics 1
  195. typenum 1
  196. unshare 1
  197. poe-superfilter-support 1
  198. quick-xml 1
  199. fast-math 1
  200. krb5-sys 1
  201. user32-sys 1
  202. rocksdb 1
  203. lua 1
  204. serde-xml-rs 1
  205. csv 1
  206. cgmath 1
  207. tar 1
  208. parking_lot 1
  209. atom_syndication 1
  210. sqlite 1
  211. argparse 1
  212. tdo-export 1
  213. histogram 1
  214. tabwriter 1
  215. flate2 1
  216. mount 1
  217. rustc_version 1
  218. lapin-futures 1
  219. domafic 1
  220. antidote 1
  221. tiny_http 1
  222. mysql 1
  223. bigdecimal 1
  224. serde-protobuf 1
  225. procinfo 1
  226. libcruby-sys 1
  227. trait-group 1
  228. lambda_calculus 1
  229. syntex 1
  230. lalrpop 1
  231. pnet 1
  232. plist 1
  233. serde_cbor 1
  234. serde_yaml 1
  235. rustfft 1
  236. semver 1
  237. bytepack 1
  238. knock 1
  239. glfw 1
  240. r0 1
  241. ffmpeg-sys 1
  242. ssh2 1
  243. ws 1
  244. svgparser 1
  245. peg 1
  246. zip 1
  247. cpr 1
  248. phf 1
  249. promiser 1
  250. vcpkg 1
  251. syslog 1
  252. termion 1
  253. rusoto 1
  254. focus-window 1
  255. seahash 1
  256. blas-sys 1
  257. num-traits 1
  258. rmpv 1
  259. gl 1
  260. stream-dct 1
  261. syntex_errors 1
  262. term_size 1
  263. native-tls 1
  264. net2 1
  265. kernel32-sys 1
  266. mac-notification-sys 1
  267. winapi 1
  268. gdnative-sys 1
  269. winrt 1
  270. piston2d-opengl_graphics 1
  271. structopt 1
  272. linefeed 1
  273. gtk 1
  274. derive-new 1
  275. unicode_categories 1
  276. fallible-iterator 1
  277. gdk-sys 1
  278. zxcvbn 1
  279. typemap 1
  280. cstr-macro 1
  281. sha2 1
  282. cortex-m-semihosting 1
  283. serde_test 1
  284. itoa 1
  285. pom 1
  286. llvm-sys 1
  287. nalgebra 1
  288. volatile-register 1
  289. maplit 1
  290. bmp 1
  291. pathfinding 1
  292. autoimpl-derive 1
  293. rls-data 1
  294. tokio-rpc 1
  295. elementtree 1
  296. gstreamer-video-sys 1
  297. iron-test 1
  298. alto 1
  299. stderr 1
  300. rustfmt 1
  301. rmp 1
  302. pool 1
  303. json 1
  304. tokio-thrift-codegen 1
  305. integer-encoding 1
  306. skylane 1
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