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Created January 7, 2022 22:33
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System F is normalizing, apparently.
I'm borrowing generously from and
But CBV.
(* Trying to formalize the normalization of closed system F terms *)
Require Import List Arith Bool.
Import ListNotations.
Definition name := nat.
(* Don't really need de Bruijn for types: *)
(* We just do the "textbook logic book" trick and add a bunch of free var assumptions. *)
Inductive type :=
| Tvar : name -> type
| Arrow : type -> type -> type
| Forall : name -> type -> type.
Fixpoint is_free (n : name) (t : type) :=
match t with
| Tvar k => if k =? n then true else false
| Arrow t1 t2 => (is_free n t1) || (is_free n t2)
| Forall k t1 =>
if n =? k then false else
(is_free n t1)
(* Boring ol' shadowing substitution *)
Fixpoint ty_subst (n : name) (t u : type) :=
match t with
| Tvar k => if k =? n then u else Tvar k
| Arrow t1 t2 => Arrow (ty_subst n t1 u) (ty_subst n t2 u)
| Forall k t1 =>
if n =? k then t else
Forall k (ty_subst n t1 u)
(* No explicit type abstractions or applications: we don't really care about type-checking. *)
Inductive term :=
| Var : nat -> term
| App : term -> term -> term
| Abs : term -> term.
(* An evaluation context is either empty, or a pair of a term and an
eval context, with the remainder of the bindings. *)
Inductive eval_ctxt :=
| Empty_ctxt : eval_ctxt
| Push_ctxt : term -> eval_ctxt -> eval_ctxt -> eval_ctxt.
Notation "[::]" := Empty_ctxt.
Inductive value := VAbs : term -> eval_ctxt -> value.
Fixpoint nth_error (ectx : eval_ctxt) (n : nat) : option value :=
match ectx with
| Empty_ctxt => None
| Push_ctxt t e cs =>
match n with
| 0 => Some (VAbs t e)
| S m => nth_error cs m
Definition cons_ctxt (v : value) (e : eval_ctxt) : eval_ctxt :=
match v with
| VAbs t e' => Push_ctxt t e' e
Notation "v ::: e" := (cons_ctxt v e)(at level 30, right associativity).
Inductive TmEval : eval_ctxt -> term -> value -> Prop :=
| Eval_var : forall ectx n v,
nth_error ectx n = Some v ->
TmEval ectx (Var n) v
(* Weak reduction *)
| Eval_abs : forall ectx t, TmEval ectx (Abs t) (VAbs t ectx)
(* Call by value *)
| Eval_app : forall ectx ectx' t t' u v v',
TmEval ectx t (VAbs t' ectx') ->
TmEval ectx u v ->
TmEval (v ::: ectx') t' v' ->
TmEval ectx (App t u) v'
Hint Constructors TmEval.
Definition context := list type.
Definition is_free_ctxt : name -> context -> bool :=
fun n ctxt =>
List.existsb (fun ty => is_free n ty) ctxt.
Fixpoint is_bound n ty :=
match ty with
| Tvar _ => false
| Arrow ty1 ty2 =>
is_bound n ty1 || is_bound n ty2
| Forall m ty' =>
(m =? n) || is_bound n ty'
(* true iff no bound variable if ty1 is free in ty2 *)
Definition no_capture ty1 ty2 :=
forall n, is_bound n ty1 = true -> is_free n ty2 = false.
(* Type checking is undecidable, but who cares? *)
Inductive Tyrel : context -> term -> type -> Prop :=
| Tyrel_var : forall ctxt n ty,
List.nth_error ctxt n = Some ty ->
Tyrel ctxt (Var n) ty
| Tyrel_abs : forall ctxt ty1 ty2 t,
Tyrel (ty1::ctxt) t ty2 ->
Tyrel ctxt (Abs t) (Arrow ty1 ty2)
| Tyrel_app : forall ctxt ty1 ty2 t u,
Tyrel ctxt t (Arrow ty1 ty2) ->
Tyrel ctxt u ty1 ->
Tyrel ctxt (App t u) ty2
| Tyrel_ty_abs : forall ctxt n ty t,
is_free_ctxt n ctxt = false ->
Tyrel ctxt t ty ->
Tyrel ctxt t (Forall n ty)
| Tyrel_ty_app : forall ctxt n ty1 ty2 t,
no_capture ty1 ty2 -> (* very required! *)
Tyrel ctxt t (Forall n ty1) ->
Tyrel ctxt t (ty_subst n ty1 ty2) (* No tags for substs, because they only matter operationally. *)
(* What we really care about: a term normalizes in a context. *)
Definition norm (ectx : eval_ctxt) (t : term) :=
exists v, TmEval ectx t v.
(* We actually care about *pairs* of predicates, one for term (and
closures) and one for just values *)
Record comp_pair :=
{ comp_term : eval_ctxt -> term -> Prop;
comp_val : value -> Prop }.
Definition valuation := name -> comp_pair.
Definition extend (f : valuation)(v : name)(P : comp_pair) : valuation :=
fun var => if var =? v then P else f var.
(* This is the "usual" computability predicates stuff, but for normal forms in a given strategy.*)
Record computable (P : comp_pair) :=
comp_norm : forall ectx t, comp_term P ectx t -> norm ectx t;
comp_val_of_term : forall ectx t v, TmEval ectx t v -> comp_term P ectx t -> comp_val P v;
comp_term_of_val : forall ectx t v, TmEval ectx t v -> comp_val P v -> comp_term P ectx t
Definition norm_pred := {| comp_term := norm; comp_val := fun _ => True |}.
(* A good sanity check, but we use it for dummy values later *)
Lemma computable_norm : computable norm_pred.
constructor; simpl; auto.
intros; eexists; eauto.
(* Amusingly, we could probably use empty sets, and have a nice empty
interpretation for types without values, like Forall X.X...
The "usual" proof has neutral terms in all types.
Hint Resolve computable_norm.
(* The usual interpretation of types in system F with computable predicates *)
(* Though this is the "positive" version, where a term at arrow type is computable
iff its *values* are. *)
Fixpoint interp_term (ty : type) : valuation -> eval_ctxt -> term -> Prop :=
fun val =>
match ty with
| Tvar v => comp_term (val v)
| Arrow t1 t2 =>
fun ectx t =>
exists t' ectx',
TmEval ectx t (VAbs t' ectx') /\
forall v,
interp_val t1 val v ->
interp_term t2 val (v ::: ectx') t'
| Forall name ty =>
fun ectx t =>
forall P, computable P -> interp_term ty (extend val name P) ectx t
with interp_val (ty : type) : valuation -> value -> Prop :=
fun val =>
match ty with
| Tvar v => comp_val (val v)
| Arrow t1 t2 =>
fun v =>
match v with
| VAbs t env =>
forall v,
interp_val t1 val v ->
interp_term t2 val (v ::: env) t
| Forall name ty =>
fun v =>
forall P, computable P -> interp_val ty (extend val name P) v
Definition computable_valuation (val : valuation) :=
forall v, computable (val v).
Lemma computable_valuation_extend : forall n val P,
computable_valuation val ->
computable P -> computable_valuation (extend val n P).
unfold extend, computable_valuation.
intros n ? ? ? ? m.
case (m =? n); auto.
Hint Resolve computable_valuation_extend.
(* Surprisingly useful. This is a bit sad, since we don't really want
to rely on it in the non-deterministic setting, or if confluence
fails. *)
Lemma eval_det : forall ectx t v v',
TmEval ectx t v -> TmEval ectx t v' -> v = v'.
intros t ectx v v' H; revert v'; induction H; intros v2 H'; inversion H'; subst; auto; try congruence.
assert (v = v0) by firstorder.
subst v.
assert (H2 : VAbs t' ectx' = VAbs t'0 ectx'0) by firstorder.
inversion H2; subst.
now auto.
Hint Resolve eval_det.
(* The crucial Girard trick: interpretations satisfy the computability conditions. *)
Lemma computable_interp_term : forall ty val,
computable_valuation val ->
computable {| comp_term := interp_term ty val; comp_val := interp_val ty val |} .
induction ty.
simpl; intros val H; constructor; simpl; intros; try (destruct (H n); now eauto).
- intros; constructor; simpl.
+ intros ectx t [t' [ectx' [eval_t _]]].
eexists; now eauto.
+ intros ectx t v eval_t [t' [ectx' [eval_t2 comp_t']]].
assert (v = VAbs t' ectx') by eauto; subst.
+ intros ectx t v; destruct v as [t' ectx']; intros eval_t comp_t'.
eexists; now eauto.
- intros; constructor; simpl.
+ pose (P := norm_pred).
assert (h := computable_norm : computable P).
intros ectx t comp_t.
assert (comp_t1 := comp_t _ h).
assert (comp_ext : computable_valuation (extend val n P)) by auto.
assert (comp_t2 := IHty _ comp_ext).
destruct comp_t2; simpl in *.
now auto.
+ intros ectx t v eval_t h P comp_p.
assert (h0 : computable_valuation (extend val n P)) by auto.
assert (comp_ext := IHty _ h0).
destruct comp_ext; simpl in *.
now eauto.
+ intros ectx t v eval_t h P comp_p.
assert (h0 : computable_valuation (extend val n P)) by auto.
assert (comp_ext := IHty _ h0).
destruct comp_ext; simpl in *.
now eauto.
Hint Resolve computable_interp_term.
Check nth_error.
Definition ctxt_val : valuation -> eval_ctxt -> context -> Prop :=
fun val ectx ctx =>
forall n ty,
List.nth_error ctx n = Some ty ->
exists v,
nth_error ectx n = Some v /\
interp_val ty val v.
(* The notion of equality for computable pairs. Probably we should use
setoids here, a lot of pain later because of our laziness...*)
Definition equiv_comp_pair P P' :=
(forall ectx t,
comp_term P ectx t <-> comp_term P' ectx t)
(forall v,
comp_val P v <-> comp_val P' v)
Lemma equiv_comp_pair_sym : forall P P',
equiv_comp_pair P P' -> equiv_comp_pair P' P.
intros P P'; unfold equiv_comp_pair; firstorder.
Lemma equiv_comp_pair_refl : forall P,
equiv_comp_pair P P.
intros P; unfold equiv_comp_pair; firstorder.
Hint Resolve equiv_comp_pair_refl.
Lemma extend_equiv : forall val val' n P,
(forall m, equiv_comp_pair (val m) (val' m)) ->
forall k, equiv_comp_pair (extend val n P k) (extend val' n P k).
unfold extend.
destruct (k =? n); simpl; auto.
Lemma ty_subst_ext : forall ty val val',
(forall n, equiv_comp_pair (val n) (val' n)) ->
(forall ectx t, interp_term ty val ectx t -> interp_term ty val' ectx t)
(forall v, interp_val ty val v -> interp_val ty val' v).
induction ty; intros val val' H; split; simpl; intros; try apply H; auto.
- destruct H0 as [t' [ectx' [eval_t comp_t]]].
exists t', ectx'; split; auto.
intros; eapply IHty2; [now auto | apply comp_t].
eapply IHty1; intros; [apply equiv_comp_pair_sym; now auto| now auto].
- destruct v; intros; eapply IHty2; eauto.
apply H0.
eapply IHty1; [intros; apply equiv_comp_pair_sym; eauto| now eauto].
- eapply IHty; [intros; apply extend_equiv; eauto| now auto].
- eapply IHty; [intros; apply extend_equiv; eauto| now auto].
(* Crucial to deal with our lack of DB in types.
You think you're simplifing your life at first...
Lemma is_not_free_extend : forall ty n val P,
is_free n ty = false ->
(forall ectx t,
interp_term ty val ectx t <->
interp_term ty (extend val n P) ectx t)
(forall v,
interp_val ty val v <->
interp_val ty (extend val n P) v)
induction ty; simpl; intros.
- unfold extend; assert (eq := Nat.eqb_eq n n0).
destruct (n =? n0); split; intros; try congruence; reflexivity; eauto.
- rewrite orb_false_iff in *.
destruct H.
split; [split; intro h; destruct h as [t' [ectx' [h1 h2]]]; exists t', ectx'; split; eauto; intros v| ].
+ edestruct IHty1; edestruct IHty2; eauto.
rewrite<- H3.
rewrite<- H2.
+ edestruct IHty1; edestruct IHty2; eauto.
rewrite H3.
rewrite H2.
+ intros v; destruct v.
split; intros h v; edestruct IHty1; edestruct IHty2; eauto.
-- rewrite<- H2.
rewrite<- H3.
-- rewrite H2.
rewrite H3.
now eauto.
- assert (eq := Nat.eqb_eq n0 n).
destruct (n0 =? n).
assert (n0 = n) by firstorder; subst.
+ assert (forall P0 k,
(extend val n P0 k)
(extend (extend val n P) n P0 k)).
unfold extend; intros; destruct (k =? n); simpl;
apply equiv_comp_pair_refl; eauto.
split; split; intros; eapply ty_subst_ext; intros;
try apply H0; try (apply equiv_comp_pair_sym; apply H0); try apply H1; eauto. (* Maybe first [apply ...] here? *)
+ assert (forall P0 k,
(extend (extend val n0 P) n P0 k)
(extend (extend val n P0) n0 P k)).
unfold extend; intros.
assert (eq' := Nat.eqb_eq k n).
assert (eq'' := Nat.eqb_eq k n0).
destruct (k =? n); destruct (k =? n0); simpl; try apply equiv_comp_pair_refl.
assert (n0 = n) by (firstorder; congruence).
assert (false = true) by (apply eq; eauto).
split; split; intros;
try (eapply ty_subst_ext; intros;
apply equiv_comp_pair_sym; apply H0; apply IHty; now eauto).
-- eapply ty_subst_ext; intros; try apply equiv_comp_pair_sym; try apply H0.
apply IHty; eauto.
-- assert (interp_term ty (extend (extend val n P0) n0 P) ectx t) by (eapply ty_subst_ext; intros; try apply H0; eauto).
revert H3.
apply IHty; eauto.
-- eapply ty_subst_ext; intros; try apply equiv_comp_pair_sym; try apply H0; eauto.
apply IHty; eauto.
-- assert (interp_val ty (extend (extend val n P0) n0 P) v) by (eapply ty_subst_ext; intros; try apply H0; eauto).
revert H3.
apply IHty; eauto.
(* WTF *)
Lemma no_capture_arrow1 : forall ty1_1 ty1_2 ty2, no_capture (Arrow ty1_1 ty1_2) ty2 -> no_capture ty1_1 ty2.
unfold no_capture; simpl.
setoid_rewrite orb_true_iff; auto.
Hint Resolve no_capture_arrow1.
Lemma no_capture_arrow2 : forall ty1_1 ty1_2 ty2, no_capture (Arrow ty1_1 ty1_2) ty2 -> no_capture ty1_2 ty2.
unfold no_capture; simpl.
setoid_rewrite orb_true_iff; auto.
Hint Resolve no_capture_arrow2.
Lemma no_capture_forall : forall n ty1 ty2, no_capture (Forall n ty1) ty2 -> no_capture ty1 ty2.
unfold no_capture; simpl.
setoid_rewrite orb_true_iff; auto.
Hint Resolve no_capture_forall.
Lemma no_capture_forall_free : forall n ty1 ty2,
no_capture (Forall n ty1) ty2 ->
is_free n ty2 = false.
unfold no_capture; intros n ty1 ty2 H; generalize (H n); simpl.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl; simpl; auto.
Hint Resolve no_capture_forall_free.
(* And the magical lemma to swap substitution and interpretation. Also painful. *)
Lemma ty_subst_extend : forall ty1 n ty2 val,
let interp_ty2 := {| comp_term := interp_term ty2 val; comp_val := interp_val ty2 val |} in
no_capture ty1 ty2 ->
(forall ectx t, interp_term (ty_subst n ty1 ty2) val ectx t <-> interp_term ty1 (extend val n interp_ty2) ectx t)
(forall v, interp_val (ty_subst n ty1 ty2) val v <-> interp_val ty1 (extend val n interp_ty2) v)
induction ty1; unfold extend in *; simpl; intros m; intros.
- simpl; destruct (n =? m); now auto.
- split; split; intros h.
+ destruct h as [t' [ectx' [eval_t comp_t]]].
exists t', ectx'; split; auto; intros v0.
apply IHty1_2; eauto.
apply comp_t.
apply IHty1_1; eauto.
+ destruct h as [t' [ectx' [eval_t comp_t]]].
exists t', ectx'; split; auto.
intros; apply IHty1_2; eauto.
apply comp_t.
apply IHty1_1; eauto.
+ destruct v; intros v comp_v.
apply IHty1_2; eauto.
apply h.
apply IHty1_1; eauto.
+ destruct v; intros v comp_v.
apply IHty1_2; eauto.
apply h.
apply IHty1_1; eauto.
- simpl; unfold extend.
case_eq (m =? n); intros eq_n_m; try rewrite eq_n_m; simpl;
[assert (m = n) by (apply beq_nat_true; eauto) | assert (m <> n) by (apply beq_nat_false; eauto)];
[subst; unfold extend; split; intros; split; intros;
(val_ext : forall n m,
((fun var : name =>
if var =? n
then P else val var) m)
((fun var : name =>
if var =? n
then P
else if var =? n then {| comp_term := interp_term ty2 val; comp_val := interp_val ty2 val |} else val var) m)
) by (intros k1 k2; destruct (k2 =? k1); eauto);
eapply ty_subst_ext; eauto; try apply val_ext; intros; try (apply equiv_comp_pair_sym; apply val_ext) |].
split; split; intros; assert (IH := IHty1 m ty2 (extend val n P)); clear IHty1; unfold extend in *.
+ apply (ty_subst_ext
fun var : name =>
if var =? m
comp_term := interp_term ty2 (fun var0 : name => if var0 =? n then P else val var0);
comp_val := interp_val ty2 (fun var0 : name => if var0 =? n then P else val var0) |}
else if var =? n then P else val var
_); [| apply IH; eauto].
assert (at_most_one : ((n0 =? m) = false) \/ ((n0 =? n) = false)) by
(case_eq (n0 =? m); case_eq (n0 =? n);
repeat rewrite Nat.eqb_neq;
repeat rewrite Nat.eqb_eq;
intros; try congruence; auto).
split; intros; destruct (n0 =? m); destruct (n0 =? n); simpl; try reflexivity; destruct at_most_one; try congruence.
-- symmetry; eapply is_not_free_extend; eauto.
-- symmetry; eapply is_not_free_extend; eauto.
+ apply IH; [ now eauto |].
apply (ty_subst_ext
fun var : name =>
if var =? n
then P
else if var =? m then {| comp_term := interp_term ty2 val; comp_val := interp_val ty2 val |} else val var
_); [ | now auto].
intros n0;
assert (at_most_one : ((n0 =? m) = false) \/ ((n0 =? n) = false)) by
(case_eq (n0 =? m); case_eq (n0 =? n);
repeat rewrite Nat.eqb_neq;
repeat rewrite Nat.eqb_eq;
intros; try congruence; auto).
split; intros; destruct (n0 =? m); destruct (n0 =? n); simpl; try reflexivity; destruct at_most_one; try congruence.
-- eapply is_not_free_extend; eauto.
-- eapply is_not_free_extend; eauto.
+ apply (ty_subst_ext
fun var : name =>
if var =? m
comp_term := interp_term ty2 (fun var0 : name => if var0 =? n then P else val var0);
comp_val := interp_val ty2 (fun var0 : name => if var0 =? n then P else val var0) |}
else if var =? n then P else val var
_); [| apply IH; eauto].
assert (at_most_one : ((n0 =? m) = false) \/ ((n0 =? n) = false)) by
(case_eq (n0 =? m); case_eq (n0 =? n);
repeat rewrite Nat.eqb_neq;
repeat rewrite Nat.eqb_eq;
intros; try congruence; auto).
split; intros; destruct (n0 =? m); destruct (n0 =? n); simpl; try reflexivity; destruct at_most_one; try congruence.
-- symmetry; eapply is_not_free_extend; eauto.
-- symmetry; eapply is_not_free_extend; eauto.
+ apply IH; [now eauto |].
apply (ty_subst_ext
fun var : name =>
if var =? n
then P
else if var =? m then {| comp_term := interp_term ty2 val; comp_val := interp_val ty2 val |} else val var
_); [| now eauto].
assert (at_most_one : ((n0 =? m) = false) \/ ((n0 =? n) = false)) by
(case_eq (n0 =? m); case_eq (n0 =? n);
repeat rewrite Nat.eqb_neq;
repeat rewrite Nat.eqb_eq;
intros; try congruence; auto).
split; intros; destruct (n0 =? m); destruct (n0 =? n); simpl; try reflexivity; destruct at_most_one; try congruence;
eapply is_not_free_extend; eauto.
Definition interp_pair ty val :=
{| comp_term := interp_term ty val; comp_val := interp_val ty val |}.
Lemma comp_eval : forall P ectx ectx' t t',
computable P ->
(forall v, TmEval ectx' t' v -> TmEval ectx t v) ->
comp_term P ectx' t' -> comp_term P ectx t.
destruct H.
destruct (comp_norm0 ectx' t' H1) as [v eval'].
apply comp_term_of_val0 with (v := v); auto.
eapply comp_val_of_term0; now eauto.
Lemma is_free_ctx_nth_error : forall n m ctx ty,
is_free_ctxt n ctx = false ->
List.nth_error ctx m = Some ty ->
is_free n ty = false.
unfold is_free_ctxt.
assert (is_free n (nth m ctx (Tvar n)) = false).
apply existsb_nth; auto.
apply nth_error_Some; congruence.
assert (nth m ctx (Tvar n) = ty) by (apply nth_error_nth; auto).
subst; auto.
Lemma ctxt_val_extend : forall P n val ectx ctx,
is_free_ctxt n ctx = false ->
computable P -> ctxt_val val ectx ctx ->
ctxt_val (extend val n P) ectx ctx.
unfold ctxt_val.
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? h n ty ?.
edestruct h as [v [nth_v interp_v]]; eauto.
exists v; split; auto.
apply is_not_free_extend; auto.
eapply is_free_ctx_nth_error; eauto.
(* Somewhat painless once you get *everything perfectly right* up to here. *)
Theorem ty_safe : forall ctx t ty ectx val,
computable_valuation val ->
Tyrel ctx t ty ->
ctxt_val val ectx ctx ->
interp_term ty val ectx t.
intros ctx t ty ectx val val_comp H; revert ectx val val_comp; induction H; simpl; intros; auto.
- pose (P := {| comp_term := interp_term ty val; comp_val := interp_val ty val |}).
assert (comp_ty : computable (interp_pair ty val)) by (unfold interp_pair; auto).
destruct comp_ty.
edestruct H0 as [v [lookup_v comp_v]]; eauto.
simpl in *.
eapply comp_term_of_val0; now eauto.
- exists t, ectx; split; [now auto|intros].
apply IHTyrel; [now auto|].
intros n; destruct n; simpl.
+ intros ty eq; inversion eq; subst.
destruct v.
unfold ":::"; simpl.
exists (VAbs t0 e); split; now auto.
+ intros ty; simpl.
intros eq.
edestruct H0 as [v' [lookup_v' comp_v']]; eauto.
exists v'; unfold ":::"; destruct v; simpl; now auto.
- simpl in *.
edestruct IHTyrel1 as [t' [ectx' [eval_t comp_t]]]; eauto.
assert (comp_ty1 : computable (interp_pair ty1 val)) by (unfold interp_pair; auto).
assert (comp_ty2 : computable (interp_pair ty2 val)) by (unfold interp_pair; auto).
destruct comp_ty1; destruct comp_ty2; simpl in *.
assert (norm_u : norm ectx u) by auto.
destruct norm_u as [v eval_u].
assert (comp_red_t_u : interp_term ty2 val (v ::: ectx') t') by (eapply comp_t; eauto).
apply (comp_eval (interp_pair ty2 val)) with (ectx' := (v ::: ectx'))(t' := t'); unfold interp_pair; simpl; auto.
intros; now eauto.
- apply IHTyrel; eauto.
apply ctxt_val_extend; auto.
- simpl in *.
apply ty_subst_extend; auto.
(* Easy peesy. We do use the fact that there is *some* computable predicate. *)
Theorem norm_f : forall t ty,
Tyrel [] t ty ->
norm [::] t.
pose (val := fun _ : name => norm_pred).
assert (interp_term ty val [::] t).
- apply ty_safe with (ctx := []); auto.
+ intro; simpl; apply computable_norm.
+ intro n; destruct n; simpl; intros; congruence.
- assert (comp : computable (interp_pair ty val))
by (unfold interp_pair; apply computable_interp_term; intro; simpl; apply computable_norm).
destruct comp; auto.
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