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Created May 20, 2024 17:00
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type term =
| Var of int
| Num of int
| App of term * term
| Lam of term
| Plus of term * term
| Ite of term * term * term
type input = { mutable pos : int; mutable str : string }
let glob = { pos = 0; str = "" }
let set_glob str =
glob.pos <- 0;
glob.str <- str
let peek () =
String.get glob.str glob.pos
let pop () =
if glob.pos < String.length glob.str then
let head = peek() in
glob.pos <- glob.pos + 1;
else failwith "Unexpected end of input"
let eof () = glob.pos == String.length glob.str
let is_digit c =
'0' <= c && c <= '9'
let to_digit () =
let c = pop () in
Char.code c - Char.code '0'
let parse_char c =
let d = pop () in
if c == d then
failwith ("Unexpected char "
^ Char.escaped c
^ " at position:"
^ Int.to_string glob.pos
^ " got "
^ Char.escaped d)
let parse_int () =
let value = ref 0 in
while not (eof ()) && is_digit (peek ()) do
value := !value * 10;
value := !value + to_digit ()
let parse_num () =
let i = parse_int () in
Num i
let parse_neg () =
let _ = pop () in
let i = parse_int () in
Num (-i)
let parse_var () =
let _ = pop () in
let i = parse_int () in
Var i
let rec parse_lam () =
let _ = pop () in
parse_char ' ';
Lam(parse_term ())
parse_app () =
let _ = pop () in
parse_char ' ';
let t1 = parse_term () in
parse_char ' ';
let t2 = parse_term () in
App(t1, t2)
and parse_term () =
let c = peek () in
if c == '$' then
parse_var ()
else if c == '@' then
parse_app ()
else if c == '\\' then
parse_lam ()
else if c == '?' then
parse_ite ()
else if c == '+' then
parse_plus ()
else if c == '-' then
parse_neg ()
else if is_digit c then
parse_num ()
failwith ("Unexpected char "
^ Char.escaped c
^ " at position:"
^ Int.to_string glob.pos)
and parse_plus () =
let _ = pop () in
parse_char ' ';
let t1 = parse_term () in
parse_char ' ';
let t2 = parse_term () in
Plus(t1, t2)
and parse_ite () =
let _ = pop () in
parse_char ' ';
let t1 = parse_term () in
parse_char ' ';
let t2 = parse_term () in
parse_char ' ';
let t3 = parse_term () in
Ite(t1, t2, t3)
let rec pretty_term t =
match t with
| Plus(t1, t2) -> "+ " ^ pretty_term t1 ^ " " ^ pretty_term t2
| Ite(t1, t2, t3) ->
"? " ^ pretty_term t1 ^ " " ^ pretty_term t2 ^ " " ^ pretty_term t3
| Var i -> "$" ^ Int.to_string i
| Num i -> Int.to_string i
| App (t, u) -> "@ " ^ pretty_term t ^ " " ^ pretty_term u
| Lam t -> "\\ " ^ pretty_term t
type value =
| VNum of int
| Clos of term * value list
let rec pretty_val v =
match v with
| VNum i -> Int.to_string i
| Clos (t, vs) ->
let vs = List.fold_left (fun s v -> s ^ ", " ^ pretty_val v) "" vs in
"\\" ^ pretty_term t ^ "[" ^ vs ^ "]"
exception TypeMismatch of string
let rec eval t env =
match t with
| Var i -> List.nth env i
| Num i -> VNum i
| Plus(t1, t2) ->
let v1 = eval t1 env in
let v2 = eval t2 env in
match v1, v2 with
| VNum i, VNum j -> VNum (i + j)
| _ ->
("Expected int * int, got "
^ pretty_val v1
^ " "
^ pretty_val v2))
| Ite(t1, t2, t3) ->
let vcond = eval t1 env in
match vcond with
| VNum i ->
if i <> 0 then
eval t2 env
eval t3 env
| _ ->
("Expected int, got "
^ pretty_val vcond))
| Lam t -> Clos (t, env)
| App (t, u) ->
let lval = eval t env in
match lval with
| Clos (t, env') ->
let v = eval u env in
eval t (v :: env')
| _ ->
("Expected a lambda, got "
^ pretty_val lval
^ " "
^ pretty_term u))
let run t =
eval t []
(* The Z combinator, which is a call by value fixed point for fix.*)
(* It's defined as:
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
\f. (\x. f (\v. x x v)) (\x. f (\v. x x v))
let z =
let xxv = App (App (Var 1, Var 1), Var 0) in
let lxxv = Lam xxv in
let flxxv = App(Var 1, lxxv) in
let lflxxv = Lam flxxv in
let self_app = App(lflxxv, lflxxv) in
Lam self_app
let decr t = Plus(t, Num (-1))
(* No recursion here so we have to lambda and then uze the Z combinator. *)
0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0
\mul n m. if n != 0 then m + (mul (n - 1) m) else 0
let mul =
let rec_call = App(App(Var 2, decr (Var 1)), Var 0) in
let rec_call_plus = Plus(Var 0, rec_call) in
let ite = Ite(Var 1, rec_call_plus, Num 0) in
Lam (Lam (Lam ite))
let fst = Lam (Lam (Var 1))
(* Run with: *)
(* dune exec tiny_lc --profile release *)
let () =
let three_times_four = App(App(App(z, mul), Num 1000), Num 1000) in
let decr_three = decr (Num 3) in
let test = App(App(App(mul, fst), Num 1), Num 7) in
set_glob "@ \\ + 3 $0 -2";
set_glob "? 0 2 5";
set_glob (pretty_term three_times_four);
let t = parse_term () in
print_endline ("parsed: " ^ pretty_term t);
print_endline ("evaled: " ^ pretty_val (run t))
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