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Created February 6, 2022 03:54
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Soundness of 2nd order arithmetic
(* A relatively straightforward formalization of HA^2 *)
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Inductive tm :=
| v(name : string)
| Succ(a : tm)
| Z
| Plus(a b : tm)
| Times(a b : tm)
Inductive pred :=
(* Just unary predicates? *)
| Atom : string -> tm -> pred
(* Quantification over terms *)
| Forallt : string -> pred -> pred
(* Quantification over terms *)
| ForallP : string -> pred -> pred
| Impl : pred -> pred -> pred.
Notation "P ⇒ Q" := (Impl P Q)(at level 30, right associativity).
Notation "t ∈ X" := (Atom X t)(at level 20, no associativity).
Notation "'FORALL' X , P" := (ForallP X P)(at level 33).
Notation "'all' x , P" := (Forallt x P) (at level 33).
Check (all "foo", v"foo" ∈ "Bar" ⇒ v"foo" ∈ "Bar").
Definition PVal := string -> nat -> Prop.
Definition VVal := string -> nat.
Definition extend{A} (f : string -> A) : string -> A -> (string -> A) :=
fun s a s' =>
if string_dec s s' then
f s'.
Fixpoint eval_tm (vval : VVal) (t : tm) : nat :=
match t with
| v x => vval x
| Succ t => S (eval_tm vval t)
| Z => 0
| Plus t1 t2 => (eval_tm vval t1) + (eval_tm vval t2)
| Times t1 t2 => (eval_tm vval t1) * (eval_tm vval t2)
Fixpoint eval (pval : PVal) (vval : VVal) (P : pred) : Prop :=
match P with
| t ∈ X => (pval X) (eval_tm vval t)
| all x, P => forall n, eval pval (extend vval x n) P
| FORALL X, P => forall Pr, eval (extend pval X Pr) vval P
| P ⇒ Q => (eval pval vval P) -> (eval pval vval Q)
Import ListNotations.
Definition ctxt := list pred.
Fixpoint free_pred_var (name : string) (P : pred) : bool :=
match P with
| _ ∈ X => eqb name X
| all x, P => free_pred_var name P
| FORALL X, P =>
if string_dec name X then
else free_pred_var name P
| P ⇒ Q => (free_pred_var name P) || (free_pred_var name Q)
Fixpoint free_tm_var_tm (name : string) (t : tm) : bool :=
match t with
| v x => eqb x name
| Succ t => free_tm_var_tm name t
| Z => false
| Plus t1 t2 => (free_tm_var_tm name t1) || (free_tm_var_tm name t2)
| Times t1 t2 => (free_tm_var_tm name t1) || (free_tm_var_tm name t2)
Fixpoint free_tm_var (name : string) (P : pred) : bool :=
match P with
| t ∈ _ => free_tm_var_tm name t
| all x, P =>
if string_dec name x then
else free_tm_var name P
| FORALL X, P => free_tm_var name P
| P ⇒ Q => (free_tm_var name P) || (free_tm_var name Q)
Fixpoint bound_tm_var (name : string) (P : pred) : bool :=
match P with
| _ ∈ _ => false
| all x, P => eqb x name || (bound_tm_var name P)
| FORALL X, P => bound_tm_var name P
| P ⇒ Q => (bound_tm_var name P) || (bound_tm_var name Q)
Fixpoint bound_pred_var (name : string) (P : pred) : bool :=
match P with
| _ ∈ _ => false
| all x, P => bound_pred_var name P
| FORALL X, P => (eqb X name) || bound_pred_var name P
| P ⇒ Q => (bound_pred_var name P) || (bound_pred_var name Q)
Definition no_capture_tm (P : pred) (t : tm) : Prop :=
forall x, bound_tm_var x P = true -> free_tm_var_tm x t = false.
Definition no_capture_prop (P : pred) (Q : pred) : Prop :=
(* We need a bunch of these conditions to avoid capture *)
(forall x, bound_tm_var x P = true -> bound_tm_var x Q = false)
(forall x, bound_tm_var x Q = true -> free_tm_var x P = false)
(forall x, bound_tm_var x P = true -> free_tm_var x Q = false)
(* We only need this direction for predicate variables, since they
can't be free in terms. *)
(forall X, bound_pred_var X P = true -> free_pred_var X Q = false)
Definition free_pred name Γ := existsb (free_pred_var name) Γ.
Definition free_tm name Γ := existsb (free_tm_var name) Γ.
Fixpoint subst_tm_tm (t : tm) (x : string)(u : tm) :=
match t with
| v y => if string_dec x y then u else v y
| Succ t => Succ (subst_tm_tm t x u)
| Z => Z
| Plus t1 t2 => Plus (subst_tm_tm t1 x u) (subst_tm_tm t2 x u)
| Times t1 t2 => Times (subst_tm_tm t1 x u) (subst_tm_tm t2 x u)
Fixpoint subst_tm_pred (P : pred)(x : string)(u : tm) :=
match P with
| t ∈ X => subst_tm_tm t x u ∈ X
| all y, P =>
if string_dec x y then all y, P else all y, (subst_tm_pred P x u)
| FORALL X, P => FORALL X, (subst_tm_pred P x u)
| P ⇒ Q => (subst_tm_pred P x u) ⇒ (subst_tm_pred Q x u)
(* We'll use this to abstract over terms in predicates *)
Definition pattern_var : string := "_".
(* This is where we'll get full 2nd order comprehension *)
Fixpoint subst_pred_pred (P : pred)(X : string)(Q : pred) :=
match P with
| t ∈ Y => if string_dec X Y then subst_tm_pred Q pattern_var t else P
| all y, P => all y, (subst_pred_pred P X Q)
| FORALL Y, P =>
if string_dec X Y then FORALL Y, P
else FORALL Y, (subst_pred_pred P X Q)
| P1 ⇒ P2 => (subst_pred_pred P1 X Q) ⇒ (subst_pred_pred P2 X Q)
Notation "x # Γ" := (free_tm x Γ = false)(at level 30).
Notation "X ## Γ" := (free_pred X Γ = false)(at level 30).
Definition P : string := "P".
Definition x : string := "x".
Definition y : string := "y".
Notation "t1 ≃ t2" := (FORALL P, t1 ∈ P ⇒ t2 ∈ P) (at level 20).
Notation "∃ y , Q" := (FORALL P, (all y, Q ⇒ P) ⇒ P)(at level 10).
Notation "⊥" := (FORALL P, all y, v y ∈ P).
Inductive derives : ctxt -> pred -> Prop :=
| axiom : forall Γ P, In P Γ -> derives Γ P
| imp_intro : forall Γ P Q, derives (P::Γ) Q -> derives Γ (P ⇒ Q)
| forallt_intro : forall Γ x P, x # Γ -> derives Γ P -> derives Γ (all x, P)
| forallP_intro : forall Γ X P, X ## Γ -> derives Γ P -> derives Γ (FORALL X, P)
| imp_elim : forall Γ P Q, derives Γ (P ⇒ Q) -> derives Γ P -> derives Γ Q
| forallt_elim : forall Γ P x t,
no_capture_tm P t ->
derives Γ (all x, P) -> derives Γ (subst_tm_pred P x t)
| forallP_elim : forall Γ P X Q,
no_capture_prop P Q ->
derives Γ (FORALL X, P) -> derives Γ (subst_pred_pred P X Q)
| zero_S : forall Γ, derives Γ (all y, Succ (v y) ≃ Z ⇒ ⊥)
| inj_S : forall Γ,
derives Γ (all x, all y, (Succ (v x)) ≃ (Succ (v y)) ⇒ (v x ≃ v y))
| plus_Z : forall Γ, derives Γ (all x, Plus (v x) Z ≃ v x)
| plus_S : forall Γ,
derives Γ (all x, all y, Plus (v x) (Succ (v y)) ≃ Succ (Plus (v x) (v y)))
| times_Z : forall Γ, derives Γ (all x, Times (v x) Z ≃ Z)
| times_S : forall Γ,
derives Γ (all x, all y, Times (v x) (Succ (v y)) ≃ (Plus (v x) (Times (v x) (v y))))
| ind : forall Γ,
derives Γ (FORALL P, Z ∈ P ⇒ (all x, v x ∈ P ⇒ (Succ (v x)) ∈ P) ⇒ all x, v x ∈ P)
Notation "Γ ⊢ P" := (derives Γ P)(at level 40).
Definition validates(pval : PVal)(vval : VVal) (Γ : ctxt) : Prop :=
Forall (eval pval vval) Γ.
Definition models (Γ : ctxt)(P : pred) : Prop :=
forall pval vval,
validates pval vval Γ -> eval pval vval P.
Notation "Γ ⊧ P" := (models Γ P)(at level 40).
Lemma forall_iff : forall A (P Q : A -> Prop),
(forall x, P x <-> Q x) ->
(forall x, P x) <-> (forall x, Q x).
Lemma impl_iff : forall P Q R S : Prop,
(P <-> R) -> (Q <-> S) -> (P -> Q) <-> (R -> S).
Lemma extend_subst_tm : forall t vval x u n,
eval_tm vval u = n ->
eval_tm vval (subst_tm_tm t x u) = eval_tm (extend vval x n) t.
induction t; intros; simpl; auto.
unfold extend.
destruct (string_dec x0 name); subst; auto.
Lemma eval_tm_ext : forall t vval vval',
(forall x, vval x = vval' x) ->
eval_tm vval t = eval_tm vval' t.
induction t; intros; simpl; auto.
Lemma eval_ext : forall P pval vval vval',
(forall x, vval x = vval' x) ->
eval pval vval P <-> eval pval vval' P.
induction P0; intros; simpl.
- erewrite eval_tm_ext; eauto; reflexivity.
- apply forall_iff; intros.
eapply IHP0.
+ intros; unfold extend.
rewrite<- H.
- apply forall_iff; intros; eapply IHP0; now auto.
- rewrite IHP0_1 in *; try apply H.
rewrite IHP0_2 in *; try apply H.
Lemma eval_ext' : forall P pval pval' vval,
(forall X, pval X = pval' X) ->
eval pval vval P <-> eval pval' vval P.
induction P0; intros; simpl.
- erewrite H; reflexivity.
- apply forall_iff; intros; eapply IHP0; now auto.
- apply forall_iff; intros Pr; eapply IHP0.
intros X; unfold extend; destruct (string_dec s X); now auto.
- rewrite IHP0_1; eauto.
rewrite IHP0_2; eauto.
Lemma eval_ext'' : forall P pval pval' vval,
(forall X n, pval X n <-> pval' X n) ->
eval pval vval P <-> eval pval' vval P.
induction P0; intros; simpl.
- erewrite eval_tm_ext; eauto; reflexivity.
- apply forall_iff; intros; eapply IHP0; now eauto.
- apply forall_iff; intros; eapply IHP0; intros.
unfold extend; destruct (string_dec s X); auto; reflexivity.
- rewrite IHP0_1; eauto.
rewrite IHP0_2; eauto.
Lemma extend_commut : forall A s1 s2 a b (f : string -> A),
s1 <> s2 ->
forall s, extend (extend f s2 b) s1 a s = extend (extend f s1 a) s2 b s.
unfold extend.
destruct (string_dec s1 s);
destruct (string_dec s2 s); congruence.
Lemma extend_idem : forall A s1 s2 a b (f : string -> A),
s1 = s2 ->
forall s, extend (extend f s2 b) s1 a s = extend f s1 a s.
unfold extend.
destruct (string_dec s1 s); auto.
destruct (string_dec s2 s); auto.
Lemma no_capture_tm_forall : forall P x t,
no_capture_tm (all x, P) t -> no_capture_tm P t.
unfold no_capture_tm; simpl; intros.
apply H.
apply Bool.orb_true_intro; right; auto.
Lemma no_capture_tm_imp_l : forall P Q t,
no_capture_tm (P ⇒ Q) t -> no_capture_tm P t.
unfold no_capture_tm; simpl; intros; apply H.
apply Bool.orb_true_intro; auto.
Lemma no_capture_tm_imp_r : forall P Q t,
no_capture_tm (P ⇒ Q) t -> no_capture_tm Q t.
unfold no_capture_tm; simpl; intros; apply H.
apply Bool.orb_true_intro; auto.
Hint Resolve no_capture_tm_imp_l no_capture_tm_imp_r.
Lemma nfree_tm_extend_tm : forall t vval x n,
free_tm_var_tm x t = false ->
eval_tm vval t = eval_tm (extend vval x n) t.
induction t; simpl; auto;
intros vval s n.
- unfold extend; destruct (string_dec s name); subst; [| now auto].
rewrite eqb_refl; congruence.
- rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff.
intros [h1 h2].
now eauto.
- rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff.
intros [h1 h2].
now eauto.
Lemma nfree_tm_extend_pred : forall P pval vval x n,
free_tm_var x P = false ->
eval pval vval P <-> eval pval (extend vval x n) P.
induction P0; simpl; intros.
- erewrite <- nfree_tm_extend_tm; now auto.
- split; intros h n'; destruct (string_dec x0 s); subst; auto.
+ eapply eval_ext; [apply extend_idem; now auto| now auto].
+ eapply eval_ext; [apply extend_commut; now auto|].
apply IHP0; now auto.
+ assert (h' := h n'); clear h.
erewrite eval_ext in h'; [| eapply extend_idem; now auto].
+ assert (h' := h n'); clear h.
erewrite eval_ext in h'; [| eapply extend_commut; now auto].
eapply IHP0; eauto.
- split; intros Pr h.
+ apply IHP0; now auto.
+ eapply IHP0; now auto.
- rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff in H; destruct H as [h1 h2].
erewrite IHP0_1; eauto.
erewrite IHP0_2; eauto.
Lemma nfree_pred_extend_pred : forall P pval vval X Q,
free_pred_var X P = false ->
eval pval vval P <-> eval (extend pval X Q) vval P.
induction P0; simpl; intros.
- unfold extend.
destruct string_dec; subst; try rewrite eqb_refl in *; try congruence.
- split; intros h n'.
+ erewrite<- IHP0; now eauto.
+ erewrite IHP0; now eauto.
- split; intros Pr h; destruct (string_dec X s); subst; auto.
+ eapply eval_ext'; [apply extend_idem; now auto| now auto].
+ eapply eval_ext'; [apply extend_commut; now auto|].
apply IHP0; auto.
+ assert (h' := Pr h).
eapply eval_ext' in h';
[eapply h' | ].
intros; erewrite extend_idem; now eauto.
+ rewrite IHP0; [| eauto].
eapply eval_ext'; [apply extend_commut; now auto|].
now eauto.
- rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff in H; destruct H as [h1 h2].
erewrite IHP0_1; eauto.
erewrite IHP0_2; eauto.
Lemma no_capture_tm_forall_extend : forall x P u t vval,
no_capture_tm (all x, P) t ->
eval_tm vval t = eval_tm (extend vval x u) t.
unfold no_capture_tm; simpl.
intros x P u; induction t; simpl; intros; auto.
- unfold extend.
assert (h := H name).
destruct (string_dec x); auto.
rewrite e in h.
rewrite eqb_refl in *.
rewrite Bool.orb_true_l in *.
firstorder; congruence.
- erewrite IHt1; eauto; try erewrite IHt2; eauto; intros; assert (h := H _ H0);
rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff in *; destruct h; now auto.
- erewrite IHt1; eauto; try erewrite IHt2; eauto; intros; assert (h := H _ H0);
rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff in *; destruct h; now auto.
Lemma extend_subst : forall P pval vval x u n,
no_capture_tm P u ->
eval_tm vval u = n ->
eval pval vval (subst_tm_pred P x u) <-> eval pval (extend vval x n) P.
induction P0; intros; simpl.
- erewrite extend_subst_tm; now eauto.
- destruct (string_dec x0 s); subst; simpl.
+ split; intros h n.
-- eapply eval_ext; [| apply h].
intros s'.
unfold extend.
destruct (string_dec s s'); eauto.
-- eapply eval_ext; [| apply h].
intros s'; unfold extend.
destruct (string_dec s s'); eauto.
+ split; intros h n.
-- (* First, swap the extends! *)
assert (h_swap := extend_commut _ x0 s (eval_tm vval u) n vval n0).
eapply eval_ext; [symmetry; apply h_swap|].
eapply IHP0; eauto; [eapply no_capture_tm_forall; eauto|].
erewrite <- no_capture_tm_forall_extend; now eauto.
-- eapply IHP0; eauto; try eapply no_capture_tm_forall; eauto.
erewrite <- no_capture_tm_forall_extend; eauto.
assert (h_swap := extend_commut _ x0 s (eval_tm vval u) n vval n0).
eapply eval_ext; [apply h_swap|].
apply h; now auto.
- split; intros Pr h; eapply IHP0; eauto.
- rewrite IHP0_1; eauto;
rewrite IHP0_2; eauto; now eauto.
Lemma extend_ext : forall pval X (P : nat -> Prop) P',
(forall n, P n <-> P' n) ->
forall Y m, extend pval X P Y m <-> extend pval X P' Y m.
unfold extend.
intros; destruct (string_dec X Y); simpl; auto; reflexivity.
(* Wow this stings *)
Lemma no_capture_prop_forall : forall P Q x, no_capture_prop (all x, P) Q -> no_capture_prop P Q.
unfold no_capture_prop; simpl.
((intros P Q s1; intros (h1 & h2 & h3 & h4); repeat split; intros s2;
assert (h1' := h1 s2);
assert (h2' := h2 s2);
assert (h3' := h3 s2);
assert (h4' := h4 s2);
destruct (string_dec s1 s2) as [eq | neq];
((try (rewrite eqb_refl in *));
simpl in *; intros; auto;
(try rewrite<- eqb_neq in *);
(try rewrite neq in *); simpl in *; auto))).
- rewrite H in *.
destruct (string_dec s2 s2); auto; try congruence.
assert (ex_falso := h1' (eq_refl true)).
- rewrite H in *.
destruct (string_dec s2 s1); auto.
symmetry in e.
rewrite<- eqb_eq in *.
Lemma no_capture_prop_FORALL : forall P Q X, no_capture_prop (FORALL X, P) Q -> no_capture_prop P Q.
unfold no_capture_prop; simpl.
setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff.
Lemma no_capture_prop_impl1 : forall P1 P2 Q,
no_capture_prop (P1 ⇒ P2) Q -> no_capture_prop P1 Q.
unfold no_capture_prop; simpl.
setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff.
setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff.
Lemma no_capture_prop_impl2 : forall P1 P2 Q,
no_capture_prop (P1 ⇒ P2) Q -> no_capture_prop P2 Q.
unfold no_capture_prop; simpl.
setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff.
setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff.
Lemma extend_subst' : forall P pval vval X Q,
no_capture_prop P Q ->
let V := fun n => eval pval (extend vval pattern_var n) Q in
eval pval vval (subst_pred_pred P X Q) <-> eval (extend pval X V) vval P.
induction P0; intros; simpl.
- unfold extend.
destruct (string_dec X s); simpl; try reflexivity.
unfold V.
rewrite extend_subst; [reflexivity | | reflexivity].
unfold no_capture_prop in H.
destruct H as [h1 [h2 [h3 h4]]].
now auto.
- apply forall_iff; intros n.
+ pose (V' := (fun m => eval pval (extend (extend vval s n) pattern_var m) Q)).
assert (forall n, V n <-> V' n).
-- unfold V, V'.
destruct (string_dec s pattern_var).
++ apply eval_ext; intros.
apply extend_idem; now auto.
{ apply nfree_tm_extend_pred.
unfold no_capture_prop in H; destruct H as [h1 [h2 [h3 h4]]].
assert (h3' := h3 s).
simpl in h3'.
rewrite eqb_refl in *; simpl in h3'.
now auto. }
apply eval_ext; intros; apply extend_commut; now auto.
-- assert (h' := IHP0 pval (extend vval s n)).
assert (h'' := eval_ext'' P0 (extend pval X V) (extend pval X V')).
rewrite h''; [| apply extend_ext; now auto].
(* whew *)
apply h'.
now apply (no_capture_prop_forall _ _ _ H).
- destruct (string_dec X s) as [eq | neq]; simpl; apply forall_iff; intros Pr.
+ apply eval_ext'; intros.
rewrite extend_idem; now auto.
+ rewrite IHP0.
-- apply eval_ext''.
intros X' m.
rewrite extend_commut; [| now auto].
unfold extend.
destruct (string_dec s X'); [reflexivity |].
destruct (string_dec X X'); [| reflexivity].
unfold V.
replace (fun s' : string => if string_dec s s' then Pr else pval s') with (extend pval s Pr) by reflexivity.
replace (fun s' : string => if string_dec pattern_var s' then m else vval s') with (extend vval pattern_var m) by reflexivity.
rewrite<- nfree_pred_extend_pred; [reflexivity|].
destruct H as (h1 & h2 & h3 & h4).
apply h4.
simpl; rewrite eqb_refl; now auto.
-- eapply no_capture_prop_FORALL; now eauto.
- apply impl_iff.
+ apply IHP0_1.
eapply no_capture_prop_impl1; now eauto.
+ apply IHP0_2.
eapply no_capture_prop_impl2; now eauto.
Lemma validates_extend_nfree : forall Γ pval vval x n,
x # Γ ->
validates pval vval Γ ->
validates pval (extend vval x n) Γ.
induction Γ; simpl; intros pval vval s n nfree h; constructor.
- rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff in nfree; destruct nfree as [free1 free2].
inversion h; subst.
apply nfree_tm_extend_pred; now auto.
- inversion h; subst.
apply IHΓ; auto.
rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff in nfree; destruct nfree as [free1 free2].
Lemma validates_extend_nfree' : forall Γ pval vval X P,
X ## Γ ->
validates pval vval Γ ->
validates (extend pval X P) vval Γ.
induction Γ; simpl; intros pval vval s n nfree h; constructor.
- rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff in nfree; destruct nfree as [free1 free2].
inversion h; subst.
apply nfree_pred_extend_pred; auto.
- inversion h; subst.
apply IHΓ; auto.
rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff in nfree; destruct nfree as [free1 free2].
Hint Resolve validates_extend_nfree validates_extend_nfree'.
Theorem soundness : forall Γ P, Γ ⊢ P -> Γ ⊧ P.
intros G P d; induction d.
- intro; unfold validates; intros.
rewrite Forall_forall in *.
apply H0; now auto.
- intro; simpl.
apply IHd.
constructor; now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
intros; apply IHd; now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
intros; apply IHd; now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
intros pval vval h.
eapply extend_subst; now eauto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
intros pval vval h;
eapply extend_subst'; now eauto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
unfold extend; simpl.
intros; exfalso.
assert (h := H0 (fun n => n <> 0)); simpl in h.
destruct h; now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
unfold extend; simpl; intros.
assert (h := H0 (fun k => Pr (Nat.pred k))); simpl in h; now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
unfold extend; simpl; intros.
replace (n + 0) with n in H0 by auto; now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
unfold extend; simpl; intros.
replace (n + S n0) with (S (n + n0)) in H0 by auto; now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
unfold extend; simpl; intros.
replace (n * 0) with 0 in H0 by auto; now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
unfold extend; simpl; intros.
Require Import Lia.
replace (n * S n0) with (n + n * n0) in H0 by lia; now auto.
- unfold "⊧" in *; simpl in *.
unfold extend; simpl; intros.
induction n; now auto.
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