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Last active September 28, 2022 03:00
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Require Import Lia.
Section Iter_to_ind.
Variable B : Prop.
Variable F : Prop -> Prop.
Hypothesis F_ext : forall P Q, (P <-> Q) -> (F P <-> F Q).
Fixpoint iter_prop (n : nat) : Prop :=
match n with
| 0 => B
| S m => F (iter_prop m)
Definition Psi W n := (W 0 <-> B) /\ (forall i, i < n -> W (S i) <-> F (W i)).
Lemma exists_psi : forall n, exists W, Psi W n.
induction n.
- exists (fun _ => B).
unfold Psi; intuition; lia.
- destruct IHn as [W h].
exists (fun k => (k < S n /\ W k) \/ (k = S n /\ F (W n))).
unfold Psi.
+ unfold Psi in h.
intuition; lia.
+ intros i lti.
assert (i < n \/ i = n) by lia.
destruct H.
assert ((S i < S n /\ W (S i) \/ S i = S n /\ F (W n))
(W (S i))) by (intuition; lia).
rewrite H0.
assert (F (i < S n /\ W i \/ i = S n /\ F (W n))
F (W i)) by (apply F_ext with (Q := W i); intuition; lia).
rewrite H1.
apply h; auto.
{ subst; clear lti.
assert (S n < S n /\ W (S n) \/ S n = S n /\ F (W n) <->
F (W n)) by (intuition; lia).
rewrite H.
assert (F (n < S n /\ W n \/ n = S n /\ F (W n)) <->
F (W n)) by (apply F_ext with (Q := W n); intuition; lia).
rewrite H0.
Lemma forall_exists : forall n, (forall W, Psi W n -> W n) -> exists W, (Psi W n) /\ W n.
intros n h.
edestruct (exists_psi n).
exists x; split; auto.
apply h; auto.
Lemma exists_forall : forall n, (exists W, (Psi W n) /\ W n) -> (forall W, Psi W n -> W n).
destruct n; intros h; destruct h as [X h] ; unfold Psi in h.
- unfold Psi.
intros W h'.
destruct h as [[h _] x0].
destruct h' as [h' _].
- intros W h'.
apply h'; auto.
assert (X n <-> W n).
{ unfold Psi in h'.
destruct h as [[x0 xs] _].
destruct h' as [wo ws].
induction n.
- intuition.
- rewrite ws, xs; try lia.
apply F_ext, IHn; auto. }
erewrite F_ext; [ | symmetry; now eauto].
destruct h as [[_ xs] xn].
apply xs; auto.
Theorem iter_impred : forall n, (exists W, Psi W n /\ W n) <-> iter_prop n.
intros n.
- intros h; assert (h' := exists_forall _ h).
apply h'; unfold Psi; simpl; intuition.
- intros h; exists iter_prop.
unfold Psi; intuition.
Lemma impred_base : (exists W, Psi W 0 /\ W 0) <-> B.
- intros (W&(w0&ws)&wn); intuition.
- intros b; exists (fun _ => B); unfold Psi; intros; intuition; lia.
Lemma impred_succ : forall n, (exists W, Psi W (S n) /\ W (S n))
<-> F (exists W, Psi W n /\ W n).
split; intros h.
- destruct h as [W [w_ind wn]].
apply F_ext with (Q := Psi W n /\ W n).
+ split; intros; [| exists W; auto].
unfold Psi.
unfold Psi in w_ind.
split; [split; [now intuition|] |].
{ intros; apply w_ind; lia.}
destruct H as [W' [h wn']].
assert (forall k, k < (S n) -> W k <-> W' k).
{ induction k.
- intros _; split; intros; try apply w_ind; try apply h; intuition.
- intros.
split; intros.
{ apply h; try lia.
eapply F_ext; [symmetry; apply IHk; lia |].
apply w_ind; try lia; auto.}
apply w_ind; try lia.
eapply F_ext; [apply IHk; lia|].
apply h; try lia; auto. }
rewrite H; [| lia]; auto.
+ destruct w_ind as [h1 h2].
apply F_ext with (Q := W n).
{ split; try now intuition.
intro h; split; auto.
unfold Psi.
split; auto. }
apply h2; auto.
- apply forall_exists.
unfold Psi.
intros W [w0 ws].
apply ws; auto.
revert h.
rewrite F_ext with (Q := W n); auto.
+ intros [W' [[h0 hs] hn]].
revert hn.
assert (forall k, k < S n -> W' k <-> W k).
induction k; intuition.
- apply ws; try lia.
rewrite F_ext with (Q := W' k); [| rewrite IHk; intuition; lia].
apply hs; try lia.
- apply hs; try lia.
rewrite F_ext with (Q := W k); [| rewrite IHk; intuition; lia].
apply ws; try lia.
apply H; lia.
+ intros h; exists W; unfold Psi.
split; [split |]; auto.
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