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Last active February 1, 2022 12:00
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Profalux volets / ConBee II / deCONZ / Phoscon / Homebridge / Homekit

Profalux Volets (shutters) with Homekit


  • 2 Profalux volets
  • 2 dedicated profalux remotes (1 for each volet) + 1 "global" remote that controls them simultaneously
  • Raspberry pi
  • ConBee II
  • deCONZ
  • Phoscon App
  • Hombridge
  • Homebridge-hue plugin
  • Homekit

Profalux remotes programming notes

Finally found the docs on the Profalux site. See...

  • Reset a remote (does this just disconnect from an existing Zigbee network?) R x5
  • Open the network R then stop
  • Join a network R then up
  • Copy a remote (make the global remote control the other volets)
    1. The 2 remotes must be in the same network (see open and join above)
    2. On the remote that works with the volet: Up + Down then stop (the volet should move up and down continuously)
    3. On the global remote: R then stop (TODO: verify)

RPI backup stuff

  • live image via ssh: ssh pi@homebridge.local "sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M" | dd of=./backup.img bs=1M
  • test the image:
    sudo losetup -Pf ./backup.img
    # find the loopback device that was created, loop8 in my case
    sudo mount /dev/loop8p1 /mnt
    ll /mnt
    sudo unmount /mnt
    sudo mount /dev/loop8p2 /mnt
    ll /mnt
    sudo unmount /mnt
    sudo losetup -d /dev/loop8
  • shrinking the image: sudo ~/dev/PiShrink/ -d ./backup.img ./backup-shrunk.img
  • big compression of shrunk image (from 7GB to 1GB): zstd --ultra -T0 -22 ./backup-shrunk.img -o ./backup-shrunk.img.zst
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