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Coen Jacobs coenjacobs

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coenjacobs / gist:2571441
Created May 1, 2012 21:12 — forked from boonebgorges/gist:2571318
Update Woo Framework for all WooThemes on an installation
* Updates Woo Framework in all WooThemes on a WP installation
* To use:
* - Get the latest copy of the framework
* - Unzip to /wp-content/framework/
* - Visit wp-admin?cac_update_woo=1 as super admin
coenjacobs / gist:1389756
Created November 23, 2011 20:09 — forked from remkus/gist:1235165
Example of WordPress coding standards
add_filter( 'body_class' , 'ft_add_guest_body_class' );
* Adds a body class for guests.
* @author Remkus de Vries
* @link
* @tested WordPress 3.2.1
* @param array $classes Existing body classes