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Forked from bgveenstra/
Last active March 30, 2017 22:23
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Week 1 Learning Objectives

Developers will be able to...

Command Line

  • Navigate the file system from the command line.
  • Create, move, copy, and delete files or directories from the command line.
  • Research unfamiliar bash commands and options with --help, man, and/or online resources.
  • Describe the uses of the sudo and chmod commands.

HTML & CSS Review

  • Recognize common HTML tags and attributes.
  • Describe the structure of an HTML document.
  • Apply CSS styles to HTML elements based on tag, class, or id.
  • Distinguish among block, inline, and inline-block elements.
  • Draw the CSS box model.

GitHub Workflow

  • Explain the uses of Git and GitHub for tracking changes and collaborating on projects.
  • Draw a model of local, remote, and working copies of their repositories.
  • Write some code to improve your work, commit the changes, and write a strong commit message.
  • Deploy their first live website using gh-pages.

JavaScript Data Types

  • Identify JavaScript data types.
  • Give examples of commonly-used JavaScript operations.
  • Explain 4 ways to create variables with var, let, const, or no reserved word.
  • Get and set the values of variables.
  • Differentiate between primitive and reference values.

JavaScript Control Flow

  • Predict the output of boolean expressions, including "truthy" and "falsey" values.
  • Write conditional statements based on descriptions of behavior.
  • Write loops based on descriptions of behavior.
  • Compare & contrast for and while loops.
  • Identify "blocks" in JavaScript code.

JavaScript Functions

  • Identify the differences between defining a function and calling (invoking) a function (casting the spell).
  • Distinguish between printing a result and returning a result.
  • Draw a model of a function that includes arguments as input, side effects, and return values as output.
  • identify the scope of any given variable.
  • associate the keyword this with the concept of an "execution context."

Chrome Dev Tools and Debugging

  • Use the console tab to gather diagnostic information about code (read various error messages and logs of their own creation).
  • Use the sources tab to view the JavaScript on the page.
  • Use the elements tab to view an manipulate the DOM and styling.
  • View sites in mobile mode with the device mode.

DOM Manipulation

  • Describe and draw the document object model (DOM) of a simple HTML document.
  • Explain the relationship between JavaScript and jQuery and the benefits of using jQuery for DOM manipulation.
  • Select elements from the page using CSS selectors and use jQuery to dynamically change the DOM.

DOM Events

  • Explain what DOM events are and how they are triggered.
  • Attach event listeners to DOM elements.
  • Target the source of an event.
  • Respond to events with a callback.
  • Use event delgation to taget elements added after page load.


  • Implement class-based CSS.
  • Use a CDN to import Materialize into projects.
  • Effectively use a grid system to space elements across the page.
  • Improve the design of HTML pages with the aid of Materialize
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