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Created June 16, 2013 03:40
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Save cofearabi/5790670 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
get stock data from yahoo and put them into mysql database server
use strict;
use warnings;
use Web::Scraper;
use URI;
use Encode;
# use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use String::Scanf;
use DBI;
# binmode STDIN, ':encoding(cp932)';
# binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(cp932)';
# binmode STDERR, ':encoding(cp932)';
my $time = time();
# my $thisDay = thisDay($time);
# my $prev50Day = prev50Day($time,12);
# my @start;
# my @end;
my @hajimari;
my @owari;
$hajimari[5] = prev50Day($time,366);
$owari[5] = prev50Day($time,306);
$hajimari[4] = prev50Day($time,305);
$owari[4] = prev50Day($time,245);
$hajimari[3] = prev50Day($time,244);
$owari[3] = prev50Day($time,184);
$hajimari[2] = prev50Day($time,183);
$owari[2] = prev50Day($time,123);
$hajimari[1] = prev50Day($time,122);
$owari[1] = prev50Day($time,62);
$hajimari[0] = prev50Day($time,61);
$owari[0] = thisDay($time);
# my $start[0] = prev50day($time,185);
# my $end[0] = prev50day($time,124);
# my $start[1] = prev50day($time,123);
# my $end[1] = prev50day($time,62);
# my $start[2] = prev50day($time,61);
# my $end[2] = thisday($time)
sub thisDay{
my $time = shift || time();
my $thisDay = $time ;
my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd) = (localtime($thisDay))[5,4,3];
$yyyy += 1900;
$mm += 1;
sprintf('%4d/%02d/%02d', $yyyy, $mm, $dd)
sub prev50Day{
my $time = shift || time();
my $prevDay = $time - (24 * 60 * 60 * $_[0]);
my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd) = (localtime($prevDay))[5,4,3];
$yyyy += 1900;
$mm += 1;
sprintf('%4d/%02d/%02d', $yyyy, $mm, $dd)
sub chghiduke{
my $hiduke0 = shift;
# my @hidu = split(/\年/,$hiduke0);
# print $hidu[0];
my $a;
my $b;
my $c;
print $a . $b . $c . "\n";
# $hiduke0 =~ s/年/\//;
sprintf('%4d/%02d/%02d', $a,$b,$c)
# 新しいExcelワークブックの作成
# my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("temp.xls");
my $dbuser="root";
my $dbpass="root";
my $dbname="stock_db";
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:$dbname";
my $dsh = DBI -> connect ( $dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass , { RaiseError => 0 } );
my $sth;
# my @list = split(/\//, $thisDay );
# print $list[0]."\n";
# print $list[1]."\n";
# print $list[2]."\n";
# print $list[3]."\n";
# my @list1 = split(/\//, $prev50Day );
# print $list1[0]."\n";
# print $list1[1]."\n";
# print $list1[2]."\n";
# 新しいExcelワークブックの作成
# my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("temp.xls");
while( my $Meigara0 = <IN> )
my @Meigara_list = split(/\,/,$Meigara0);
my $Meigara = $Meigara_list[0];
print encode('utf-8',$Meigara) . "\n";
# ワークシートの追加
# my $worksheet = $workbook->addworksheet($Meigara);
# $worksheet->set_column('B:B', 18);
# $worksheet->set_column('A:A', 18);
# $worksheet->set_column('G:G', 12);
# 書式の追加と定義
# $format = $workbook->addformat(); # 書式の追加
# $format->set_bold();
#a3 $format->set_color('red');
# $format->set_align('center');
# 行、列の書き方で書式付とそうでない文字列を出力
# $col = $row = 0;
# $worksheet->write($row, $col, "Hi Excel!", $format);
# $worksheet->write(1, $col, "Hi Excel!");
# A1という書き方を使って、数字と式を出力
# $worksheet->write('A3', 1.2345);
# $worksheet->write('A4', '=SIN(PI()/4)');
# my $ws = scraper {
# process
# '//center/div[@class="invest"]/table[2]/tr[2]/td[3]',
# meigara => [ 'text', sub { s/,//g } ];
# process
# '//center/div[@class="invest"]/table[2]/tr[2]/td[1]',
# code => [ 'text', sub { s/,//g } ];
# process
# '//center/div[@class="invest"]/table[2]/tr[2]/td[5]/b',
# price => [ 'text', sub { s/,//g } ];
# process
# '//center/div[@class="invest"]/table[2]/tr[2]/td[4]',
# jikoku=> [ 'text', sub { s/,//g } ];
# };
# my $price = 0;
# my $jikoku;
# my $code;
# my $meigara;
# foreach my $stock(@STOCKS) {
# my $res = $ws->scrape(URI->new('' . $Meigara));
# $price = $res->{price};
# $jikoku = $res->{jikoku};
# print $jikoku . " " . $price . "\n";
my $i = 0;
my $j =0;
my $length;
for ( $i =5 ;$i >= 0 ; $i--){
my @list1 = split(/\//, $hajimari[$i] );
# print $list1[0]."\n";
# print $list1[1]."\n";
# print $list1[2]."\n";
my @list = split(/\//, $owari[$i]);
# print $list[0]."\n";
# print $list[1]."\n";
# print $list[2]."\n";
# print $list[3]."\n";
print $hajimari[$i] . " - " . $owari[$i] . "\n";
my $scraper = scraper {
process '//tr[@bgcolor="#ffffff"]/td[1]','sdata[]' => 'TEXT';
process '//tr[@bgcolor="#ffffff"]/td[2]','svalue[]' => 'TEXT';
process '//tr[@bgcolor="#ffffff"]/td[3]','hvalue[]' => 'TEXT';
process '//tr[@bgcolor="#ffffff"]/td[4]','lvalue[]' => 'TEXT';
process '//tr[@bgcolor="#ffffff"]/td[5]','evalue[]' => 'TEXT';
process '//tr[@bgcolor="#ffffff"]/td[6]','mount[]' => 'TEXT';
process '//tr[@bgcolor="#ffffff"]/td[7]','fvalue[]' => 'TEXT';
process '//b[@class="yjXL"]','name' => 'TEXT';
my $res = $scraper->scrape(URI->new("".$list1[0]."&a=".$list1[1]."&b=".$list1[2]."&f=".$list[0]."&d=".$list[1]."&e=".$list[2]."&g=d&s=".$Meigara.".t&y=0&z=&x=sb"));
my @sdata = @{$res->{sdata}};
my @svalue = @{$res->{svalue}};
my @lvalue = @{$res->{lvalue}};
my @hvalue = @{$res->{hvalue}};
my @evalue = @{$res->{evalue}};
my @amount = @{$res->{mount}};
my @fvalue = @{$res->{fvalue}};
my $name = $res->{name};
$length = @svalue;
my $hiduke = "日付";
# $worksheet->write( 0 , 0, $name );
# $worksheet->write( 0 , 1, encode('utf-8',$hiduke ));
# $worksheet->write( 0 , 1, $hiduke );
# $worksheet->write( 0 , 2, "始値");
# $worksheet->write( 0 , 3, "高値");
# $worksheet->write( 0 , 4, "安値");
# $worksheet->write( 0 , 5, "終値");
# $worksheet->write( 0 , 6, "出来高");
# $worksheet->write( 0 , 7, "修正値");
for ( $_= 0; $_ < $length; $_++){
# print $sdata[$_], ",", "\"";
# print encode('utf-8',$sdata[$_]), ",", "\"";
# print encode('utf-8',$svalue[$_]), "\"", ",", "\"","\n";
$svalue[$_] =~ s/\,//g;
$hvalue[$_] =~ s/\,//g;
$lvalue[$_] =~ s/\,//g;
$evalue[$_] =~ s/\,//g;
$amount[$_] =~ s/\,//g;
$fvalue[$_] =~ s/\,//g;
# $worksheet->write($j + $length - $_ ,1, chghiduke($sdata[$_]));
# $worksheet->write($j + $length - $_ ,2, $svalue[$_]);
# $worksheet->write($j + $length - $_ ,3, $hvalue[$_]);
# $worksheet->write($j + $length - $_ ,4, $lvalue[$_]);
# $worksheet->write($j + $length - $_ ,5, $evalue[$_]);
# $worksheet->write($j + $length - $_ ,6, $amount[$_]);
# $worksheet->write($j + $length - $_ ,7, $fvalue[$_]);
my $sql="insert into table_stock (hiduke,meigara,svalue,hvalue,lvalue,evalue,amount,fvalue) values ('" . chghiduke($sdata[$_]) . "','" . $Meigara . "','" . $svalue[$_] . "','" . $hvalue[$_] . "','" . $lvalue[$_] . "','" . $evalue[$_] . "','" . $amount[$_] . "','" . $fvalue[$_] . "');";
$sth = $dsh->prepare($sql);
my $num_rows = $sth->rows;
print "num_rows:" . $num_rows . "\n";
$j = $j + $length;
# print $j . " " . $jikoku . " " . $price . "\n" ;
# $worksheet->write($j + 1 ,1, $jikoku);
# $worksheet->write($j + 1 ,5, $price);
$dsh -> disconnect;
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