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Created April 13, 2015 08:55
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the subtitle of code rush
0:17lots of people
0:19and here are looking for the silicon valley experince arrive one suitcase
0:24and when they head south on the one oh one
0:27hoping to see me at this place they've heard about
0:32is freeways
0:33and its office
0:35and it's strip mall
0:38it looks like every place i've ever been random wondering where the com wanted to
0:42come here was a good price
0:47itself is the underlying
0:50thing that's computers were why is it important to the world's because it's
0:54the blood of the organism that's our culture and our executive makes
0:59everything good
1:02technology has become a contract signed him and i think that people stamp on it
1:06and the plant stand on the whole naked
1:19understands that software is
1:21the kind of decides he originally sealed gold rush metaphor of the california
1:25gold rush all over again
1:27it's the kind of hollywood of the
1:29twenties this very
1:31small said the people is
1:33nearly two findings
1:35what was going to be like
1:37named you know the computer with becoming ubiquitous and kuwaiti interact
1:42with the world more and more deviated to the computer
1:45this is very small group of people
1:49let them know what's going to be the
1:58most into usable
1:59a small team of engineers at netscape communications created software that
2:03made surfing the internet easy
2:06and process changed the face of computing
2:10on vista
2:10however the company is in big trouble
2:13driven to the ground by its rival and software colossus microsoft only a
2:18radical strategy will help save
2:24the skip is giving away its sources into programmers and some of the company
2:33the source code is two secret formula for her husband
2:38because named muscle and it's widely adapters it'll make netscape's cody
2:43internet standards
2:44drawn users to his father products and restoring the company's sagging fortunes
2:50our story focuses on a team of engineers who will come together in this building
2:54over the course of the next year they will turn their lives inside out create
2:59mozilla embattled giant competitors to save their company
3:02and shape the future of computing
3:12happening frank workbooks what it will cost
3:17for the big nuts
3:20trying to
3:28enjoying his work
3:31puberty in lancaster chilling out of we say we're giving us the communicate with
3:35regard to what
3:36so important not getting a mistake and he really want we need a wayward we're
3:41working to rectify those students who were to developers by march thirty first
3:45a few short weeks from now is one of the most ambitious schedules in the
3:49company's history
3:50isn't jumping we've been very specific going pigeon handout online managerial
3:59michael troy
4:00one of netscape's first employees heads the team that will prepare mozilla for
4:04public release
4:09we're probably joe golden a failed microsoft republicans which is like a
4:12bug anyway but just as we've been doesn't means
4:15weekend yet the morning and the word weapon colorado's a yeah a lot from
4:26firefox clint eastwood with my kids but what is the the words that are in the
4:31estimating smithfield address tonight
4:36placing my office is the greatest place in the world but
4:40sexually harassed this whole glad you're our first thing that really was a gun
4:45there's free soda administered giant
4:49basically i work at disneyland as far as they're concerned
4:52let's talk about marathon versus print
4:54the hard part is to run with significant intensive the whole way knowing that if
4:58you ever stop what start walking
5:00you're not going to make it and just keep the end in sight and know that
5:03there's a certainty
5:04uh... jim rusk an expert on software security
5:08is brought in to enforce rigorous standards of engineering precision
5:12imagine if you had a project where you felt
5:14doing was imminent all the different players wondering they pushed beyond
5:18their level committed to the way of running faster can anyone help them
5:21for their turf kind of tension and anxiety over making the schedule
5:27genie's a win ski free source code evangelist will enlist outside
5:31developers netscape scarves
5:33resource salinas is trying to change the rules right
5:36fairview gardens adversely suffer the one thing they have in common sense
5:41they're all actors at home
5:44like reading uh... seller hoping attacking the for the smart people and
5:49get something from it now so that everyone that a facility
5:59every one of
6:06building with hundreds of engineers converging on muscle up with new code to
6:11enable it's released tar hernandez make sure that they're changes do not crash
6:15mazzola and bring everyone's work to a halt
6:18this is how we keep track of all the changes that are going to
6:21green is good
6:24life changes going on right here and we have built on side
6:36some of the worst crashes are reserved for scott collins all within a week or
6:40greater who stands by from late night trouble should have a moderate part
6:45davey contract had been there for about that
6:48another sixty hours or so
6:50writing software is different from uh...
6:53selling real estate
6:55selling real estate some people the people were sleep at night
6:58when they go sleep you have to stop selling real estate
7:01here's never sleep here
7:06you can see what he was decked out with a better life
7:08other peoples
7:11i have a nice karoge format saturday richardson artwork for my children
7:17i have to tell the light switches this is what i'd like to get if i was truly
7:21love me she'd let me have one
7:24life is good
7:31okay that had biology yes i voted here dash people just like to meet with us
7:39repeatedly its code netscape's engineers must make thousands of bugfixes often
7:44minute changes that will allow the code to be used by an outside developers
7:49generous enhanced
7:50warranted being four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen
7:56one by the in the massive code can stop everyone else's work and threatened the
8:00ship date
8:01biting someone that you don't want that in the fall of two oh two four
8:05you team of twenty people building a car it sees a step back forty feet more to
8:10all the bad guys not putting on the wheel
8:13enough forty programmers working they all come she with cotija recanted rouse
8:17of little details piled up on n_p_r_'s usually considered pieces whether
8:21they're going to correctly have to assemble into a whole and see if the
8:24whole workers adult women are not insurable gave my dad bits
8:28but all aqua
8:32filipinos government is going on
8:34news talk about a recipe notebook if you look at twelve someone would have to run
8:38for and they have to always have the right size answers but for some
8:42announcements offered to tell them to be the right size chunks
8:45you can figure it out to be put it all together you can get on people go i
8:48don't like the way the states
8:50bulky and now you have to wonder with all these details coming together
8:54which was the problem
8:56who's causing the problem how can you fix it you've got to ship on a certain
9:00and that you have all these people a clock ticking
9:04it's pretty intense
9:05since netscape began the amount of code making a puzzle
9:08has increased by a factor of thirty
9:11the job of programming and debugging addresses upon a precarious balance of
9:15science in a reportedly one of their own they uh... talk about what they do it if
9:21it was a kind of alchemy
9:23the kind of wizardry
9:25it does remind me of athletics in that way you know why isn't one of the
9:29baseball here
9:31often though the hitters themselves can't really explain it
9:34and often the best software people
9:36cannot themselves understand why they're so good at it
9:40i think what makes a great programmer videos being raised techy
9:44my particular team and that's the fact that we all grew up hechinger we all
9:47grew up with
9:48with computers around there somewhere
9:51so that we were exposed to them before we became
9:55adults if
9:56and it was a really adults
9:58jim for most of us
10:02a lot of life out there from al fayed fifth seventeen was around here
10:07life which is the niners is a very very scary place its resources to that
10:14puts oregon puzzles of problems
10:18warned puzzling
10:19is math and that puzzling is the exact same feeling the exact same problem let
10:23me go through on your program
10:26when i was young and the building with a rector sets in waco hal the structures
10:31the builder in software
10:34my mom is a first-class he fits
10:37and so i have heard the unique experience of being able to talk
10:40shop with my mom she's a director of really important stuff it's on
10:48netscape one other code words for is the average person going to be able to use a
10:52welcome my mom use it
10:55yeah my mom things my my progress optimizing them parlors
11:02but i was twelve years old making fifty bucks an hour
11:04we're going to get worse
11:07because it was what shape the cheque growth to be a it was sick if your
11:17thing about that makes a youth culture news once capacitor for a ones and
11:22arlyne online with his parents entire life threatening me
11:28twenty four seven three nine three five one
11:33throw yourself into a thing where you don't know what sets dropped
11:38transformation of stability and so it's very calm but weird when irony is that
11:43the very people who are inventing the future can see there on the future
11:48this is a monk lighting systems there are very few women in the society's
11:52these are male
11:54societies there secret societies they function very much like the maze
11:59some street
12:06one white house let's say is yes we
12:14that you can see
12:16skeleton actually boasted that he was excused
12:20a lot of people in that state don't get out much because there is work all the
12:24time bone most people social interaction i would expect israel's revolves around
12:28work just because so many people spend so much for time at work definitive
12:34study didn't save the pieces that we know what it takes us because of the
12:40says would vote for you
12:42all we have left to hold on to release the work place and it is the modern
12:47people get to know your history since wednesday started here about jobs
12:54there's a kind of thing really admit that and continuity technical stuff
12:59we're going to go out and while using the and
13:03distributors your interest in research right
13:06uptight but as we said today that a fall
13:09of forces meeting is to make sure that says the company we are incredibly
13:13focused on getting the bug at zero
13:15we've been
13:16motley focused
13:18up until now we need to be
13:20deadly focused organic iraq but the project by flash
13:24is the interest
13:28from did not technically reportedly university this weekend he did not
13:33answer is really assistants for me
13:35the footage interviews with the rest of us the military history trying to manage
13:42programmers is like trying to herd cats
13:44you know you want to be cast if you like cats and interested what what's unique
13:49that picture
13:51that the retail all like to go same directions
13:55in less than four years
13:57netscape has grown from a handful of people to over two thousand and
14:01sometimes locating a programmer becomes yet another obstacle for the browser
14:05came to overcome i'd say he's not in there that would be my guess straight up
14:12whistle as tiny we sincerely this afternoon
14:15about a
14:18jumpstart ready to take a hit on ok well-to-do series roberto good aniket
14:24around worldwide do not match breakdown homed
14:28the person that matches like without a doubt offering it must have got i think
14:37netscape's predicament has much to do with this man
14:40yes his company microsoft has made him the richest and arguably the most
14:44powerful men in the world
14:47all right if we could have order would like to again
14:50dealing netscape's browser is a potential threat to his computing empire
14:54gates has moved swiftly making his own browser free suitability
14:58and netscape claims also engaging in unfair business practices to take away
15:02its customers
15:04but we need to explore today with the u_n_ your company across a line
15:08or any other hand
15:10whether this is just the carping of disgruntled rivals netscape c_e_o_ jim
15:14barksdale argues his company's case before the senate and certainly nobody
15:18here on this panel is a greater my mister gates or his company than i am
15:23hasset microsoft be held accountable for some other actions actions that
15:28pc aliya manufacturers to use their products and exclusionary practices that
15:33prevent them from using my products not all companies succeed
15:37something l_ to embrace change
15:39this is the way technology in the free market works
15:43the softwares industry success has not been driven by government regulation
15:48a bike freedom
15:50and the basic human desire learn innovate into excel meanwhile
15:55thousands of miles away and its cable programmers continue working around the
15:59clock race to meet merciless released
16:02these guys they've been through work rehabilitation keep working towards
16:07they don't need photo in its leaves that need anything but it's it's a pay but
16:12that's after
16:15are what caused the from harvard team and said well how do you don't suffer or
16:18reading a book that i
16:19talk about all the things that i thought were really important and itself me like
16:22they were shaking has got
16:24that he doesn't have a principal seven members of the principal twenty two
16:28it's always the right way to really haven't got a clue right i'd really like
16:31the air on the side of
16:33every day we wake up in a
16:34morning ancestors based on today
16:38what's the best way to determine whether roberto that i personally or meeting you
16:43three arrests do not have time to read all two million tons of first go to see
16:48there are no remaining problems
16:55plans for a
16:56with march thirty first only days away the team can proceed until jeff one-time
17:01an expert on some of netscape's most arcane code finds time to complete the
17:06bug fixes on his list event
17:10ragnarok officials opposed the individual in the company has a rift
17:18and this frank mcconnell's infinitive him into the
17:24hopefully uh... that most of them tonight
17:26is going to scottsdale knifing is going to get it all done the good news is
17:30actually i think by about
17:32much of a was nine or eleven o'clock at night he actually was completely done
17:40then returned to the instruments of service
17:48drafted as commits to really was really hard rock but i'm not going to tell you
17:52because a preacher definitely conferences and louisiana whatever small
17:58source about the clean clothes but most of my life and you will not do things
18:02that care
18:12tremendous uh... we
18:23is it's not quite prepared but it's perfect enough
18:26as your about to remove the
18:28yes they are part of it right yes i do have a spare tire this is the first big
18:33test will announce senator actually be able to make most of the work
18:38if not netscape stands a good chance of missing its march thirty first deadline
18:42by far the city anything other than the government and people there are going to
18:46vote for a fifth of its own yes i think that's the bank
18:50kaloor gna oregon i recognized
18:53mindlessly cancel their material
18:56no all good
18:59it's pretty simple house that's built a suspicious of the scripts that are setup
19:03says save that were to compile them and they'll get lumped together and to those
19:07of us quickly made
19:10this for three decades what clinton st louis intl restaurant
19:17incidents going on
19:34uh... belittled heads no i don't think it working than charlotte
19:50he has a very well i don't think we've gotten some of the buildings once more
19:55and it worked
19:58with the source almost ready to ship
20:00netscape must explain the significance of mozilla to the press
20:03basically what we want to do is we want to give them a little bit of history
20:07and then we want to go into what's actually going to happen tomorrow the
20:12other important takeaway them to you from this is that's this is a really
20:20that high standard and hopefully square
20:28preparatory over and over it
20:34hi this is maggie and confiscated scheduled conference call with scandal
20:38brooding at brown
20:40indicted scottsdale laughing out mystical to press will create a similar
20:43with the same his ears and head for the company and certainly
20:48financial at eleven a_m_ this morning that sketch stock went public and wall
20:52street went bunkers initially offered at a price of twenty eight dollars a share
20:56in netscape shot up to seventy two within minutes
20:59stock is you know extraordinary levels in the first couple of
21:03really days and weeks of its introduction
21:06it is the biggest initial public offering in base for wall street mystery
21:20extended less than three years after its record-breaking piano for netscape story
21:25generated different response expect uneasiness on smudged and pressed yet
21:31so an aids and so i said it will be made available to the developer community and
21:37and tested to see him walking through that and see if you have some questions
21:42instead of forty five or whatever speculating
21:46everyone pays served at rock and roll dough retained
21:51fifi not complicated it across
21:57representing poison by opening up the source code we basically send our
22:01developers community from themselves are inside of us eighteen hundreds of
22:05thousands of dollars outside nesting
22:08it's no wonder that stand for suspects updates that state then all the best
22:11game members or community thing
22:15stereotypical fifteen star
22:20microphone can pick up a quick microvascular forever
22:24and at the end
22:25give it up on the brochure
22:32this was a lot more smoothly
22:38has the latest peter further admits to having somebody known morrow in software
22:44development there's always a bump in the room
22:47resorted apple story
22:48through the
22:53yet have comfortable with that
22:55at or with whatever we packaged
22:58what collapse that back at a landmark
23:02at an early enough to pay
23:04muscle has a small piece of code from apple
23:07that has not been cleared for public license
23:10we have to escalate
23:12privacy marketers and i hope you're going to go over our heads for the heads
23:17we'll try to get there is a candidate for the return of yeltsin's four seven
23:20percent infomercial people process differences in the adolescent throughout
23:26uh... close
23:35in order to shipman's over the next morning scott collins is called in to
23:39replace apples code with his own invention and theoretically we believe
23:43this is possible
23:44it's my last book
23:46when i complete this bug
23:47i will be allowed directs
23:51so i stayed up until about five forty this morning readiness replace the class
23:57just made my life living
23:59tell database of iran's all running are only good and think ever so we got
24:04rebel to ship the regular short it's my understanding that jamie is going to be
24:08the person that's going to be pushing bandits up to the website at around ten
24:13o'clock a separate
24:16and we're going to be seating some different battle opportunities for the
24:19process anti-incumbent television camera as soon as we are
24:28his whatever
24:30maintenance issue has would than harm
24:43one way to learn to run a marathon is put a person up twenty six miles into
24:46the desert and say you know that this is following your back it's going to go off
24:51in a certain length of time if you don't get into a town
24:53well that'll motivate you to get in but there's a certain chance that you'll be
24:56blown up
25:02self-guided collage
25:04welcome everybody to the conference call thanks for joining us this morning
25:08admits cape announce that the first developer release of its communicator
25:12five out of source code
25:13is available for download from the mud mazzola dot org website
25:20he'll retire stock
25:21uh... thick report it's the first floor conflict free on the other side
25:25and today it on the end of march is way down so we are
25:29fortunate so that for the world is a saying where do i need to be part of it
25:32and we're very excited to see what happens for good news is
25:35the marathon or is now coming into town with that bob on his back and looks like
25:38he's going to make it
25:46they don't have a theoretical framework to write software they just arriving at
25:55artists like hitting a baseball bat
25:57if they are holding gets a home run nobody's asking questions involve this
26:02doesn't make sense or what do you do that what is your work nobody cares what
26:05works yet
26:11the best yadda yadda yadda yadda with i think it was rejected
26:22talk like that the uh... machine-made that controls the d_p_ push
26:27is like dancing isabella disputes blast many lives
26:30all c_b_s_t_v_ gusty wind pitted dot right
26:37day it's super baxter was their their without real p
26:56here talent means it didn't help bridge the stores dot on the has admitted
27:05the bond market as a student of the instrumental card
27:14civil rights in israel's home
27:25for a moment
27:26everyone admits
27:32in the first elizabeth release the source code is downloaded thousands of
27:36times but the number of downloads is no guarantee that netscape will receive
27:40enough valuable contributions to help the company reverse its life
27:48is those pavlov timmy's pavlov atwater metro meyer cvs pavlov her pap or
27:54uh... have sleeping or have tired up to a thin
27:58without him it would be here once behind misdeeds notarize
28:02antitrust code writers from around the world willing to work on my cell without
28:07one such contributor comes from rural georgia
28:13had been amazing lasted three years when
28:16spaces mother content to well so-and-so call from a maybe new yorkers i was
28:20coming to atlanta and i want to talk to stay order so you know
28:23and they were going to go now to have lunch blase enough to assist person from
28:26new york n and then i'll say well he's been work in which there were no some
28:31programming issues for a here seventy one contaminated welded
28:35he tell a nearly sixteen no idea
28:40and that's great that's a that's a wonderful thing because he's he's
28:44these it doesn't matter that these young going to place with how the case
28:49wait a second or two
28:52this is where he
28:53does whatever he does is flabbergasted
28:57to take pictures how that's done something for this
29:02worldwide company
29:04instead of his homework with in look back at the old boulder code
29:08and i i was really frightened by healthiness incredibly massi and his
29:12fault for with her look
29:14it was taking
29:15you know years trying to figure out what it was doing so we basically data from
29:22provides and providing the code that makes the browser show everything faster
29:27more efficiently than it used to his keyboarding all let's just
29:32like talking it's just
29:34an expression
29:36you can express himself that way and its it's just totally
29:42unconscious on them
29:43just a part of heavy equipment
29:47in the past free code contributions helped build the internet
29:51how a commercial enterprise will benefit from free code remains a big question
29:56well it's certainly in my whole but the along this amount to
29:59of new people that no one company could afford to have worked on the product
30:04not controlling to the netscape navigator communicator
30:08will make a significant difference in improving the product
30:11how that works against any competitor
30:15remains to be saying
30:29analyst for san francisco investment banking closely monitors netscape's
30:33radical plan for investors deeper to participate in the internet stocks
30:38but the market is really kind of a voting machines voting yes i believe
30:42that vision statement yes i believe that has all been product sales
30:47yes it's going to drive only thought and handles stocks in trade for a way
30:51marathon the financial benefits to netscape of giving resource called are
30:55hard to measure i understand why miss kessler will do it
30:58if you're still after she only
31:01that some behind division in the side where there's a real sustainable
31:07business model seconds of phonies and intact and so on your show me another
31:21my job will be three times as far as was yesterday was already ten times harder
31:24than anybody
31:27here just work really hard to shipping company jules out of the building and
31:31it's going to disinvest nine rolling in poisonous misery
31:35the day after the stuff goes out really don't care whether there is this sort of
31:40dian taylor
31:41go to work turned on the computer
31:43clothes before we could
31:52mister me
32:03political reasons hanging
32:06as everyone from self
32:08at that time thirty five
32:09we're going to be a preschool teacher or bartender
32:12something anything other than
32:14stand position to constrict the level of the item forty
32:23about the
32:26mumbai mumbai kind of the whitewater couple times and you can go from
32:33is just never stops does it
32:34and i've been really depressing
32:37because you feel like i'm on my own as i said i was never going to be on the
32:40treadmill and here i am i'm on the federal anything like this forever
32:45because they're good software
32:47they need to keep pace
32:49as result keeping pace means to shot
32:52a lot of other things out
32:54they just don't have time to read trying to hear about the world
32:57they're not much time for their families but when you're in a situation where you
33:01really have allot of work to do and no time to do it
33:05no you pick what you want
33:07some people picked wanting to have a fairly some people take one ended
33:10suffered and
33:13christopher was part of
33:14right after i started at netscape
33:18i basically missed the first two years of his life because of the intensity i'd
33:22work to about seven or eight o'clock come home
33:24he didn't put the kids to go to bed
33:27go back to work or work from home investors in the morning i was like
33:31the dead zombie he would call and say i'm on my way home in
33:35then it would be two or three hours and
33:38romantic dinner tables and bring down sky was thinking he was dead by the side
33:42our own cell enough if twenty four hours goes by and i don't hear from hump
33:47pretty much know if i know that
33:54quite a long period of make every day
33:57already about every two weeks of silence
33:59but uh...
34:02despite charges
34:04here it's
34:05something like twelve oh one in the morning
34:08and there it's nineteen fifty four
34:13and have motivation for monday i care
34:18is so i wanted to exit into a cutie portraits down an amendment to you know
34:24feels cycles
34:26life is just different there
34:29it really is i mean here people like working parked at a real whatever and
34:34through thirty years in out
34:38family who spent
34:40at forty-five minutes talking about
34:41roles but this whole story from job to job to job stuff
34:45if i was pretty cool
34:48he had a career
34:50friend who is a within his own dr as you seem to do an awful lot during
34:56particularly kiki as stressful times like you know baby due in two months and
35:00changing jumped on thier ape-like worry favorite
35:03that is exciting
35:05that's why i do it
35:06it's something to be in the storm up emma
35:09rate in the love it
35:11seeing everything new happening and putting it all together and it's really
35:14it's almost a decade
35:17we will revert
35:20at times of the clear sacrifice of element to your personal life
35:26i have to work very hard but i have a chance of being rewarded for my efforts
35:30the disadvantage my life's moving on they don't have any children yet
35:35you realize is a certain amount of my life that i'm sacrifice and i'm going to
35:38look back in a portion of his life is gone
35:43the u_s_
35:44we have at least several million people directly making a living from from
35:49and it's the fastest growing group of people in the economy and it's certainly
35:54in fabric yet
35:55the highest paying field of its size and yeah i think that baseball you've got a
36:01but you know when you really can't think of a group that has millions of people
36:05have these are the highest wage is anybody's ever seen in the united states
36:14he opportunity churchill win big for code writers as it is very real faxed
36:21that sounds pretty well jackpot opportunity is for fighting here on a
36:26wall street trading desk franklin
36:29a lot of the insignia isn't
36:31ten years this is something down late
36:33are very exclusive what goes on on his trading floors conduits
36:38by wanaka
36:40sixty four million as a created daily in silicon valley
36:43where any technology worker can strike it rich overnight
36:47to join a company and they gave you some stock options which basically says
36:52rather than just giving you stock they give you the right to buy the stock in
36:55the future at the current price
36:58you might get stock huh in the order of you know maybe every year salary or to
37:05your salary typically worth of options and some of these real booming companies
37:10are out there on the internet the potential for becoming a millionaire
37:14doing very well very very high the people who are very very early you know
37:18they call them was really in a recent stock options are common it's it's
37:22apparently gemmell
37:23it's like a lot of people to give up your one of the youth maybe someday make
37:27money great benefits
37:30and so many people gambled on a startup lottery and gone
37:34you know it's it's it's just like a lottery tickets to the tax
37:39happened in that particular lottery
37:42from the day microsoft announced its aggressive commitment to the internet
37:47netscape stock has been in a steady decline and throughout most of nineteen
37:50ninety-eight netscape options are essentially worthless
37:54here and a half ago half our revenue came from browser sales today none of
37:58them as well
37:59any business person out there knows that that's a huge challenge them and let me
38:02take your number one selling product away from a new place and within a
38:06period of twelve months is something i mean if you want to do that even though
38:09the company sells other internet products the marketplace use netscape as
38:13a browser companies losing battle with microsoft
38:18burgers jim barksdale
38:20with netscape communications value
38:23it's clear that netscape doesn't have enough pieces to it
38:26threaten microsoft heartburn i don't think that netscape long-term classified
38:31as an independent company
38:37well mozilla tries to recapture the early glory days of the company
38:42integrating code from the outside means more work for everyone on the browser
38:46tentatively on posted at a backward from what you've told me or donilon
38:53we want to take the old re-try and use it as a subsection
38:56and we want to build this interesting tree around somewhat different
39:01proper your product partners about it but that it can be a private palpable
39:05we don't have a plan for doing both
39:08so right now some files that have to come from here pretty up in a single
39:12directory and some files that accompany here in the same directory the same
39:15tell me how i do that
39:20that's the problem
39:21the browser division which cost the company almost thirty million dollars a
39:25year to operate and contributes few revenues to the company is reorganized
39:29in the fall for the second time
39:31senate hearing up there we have all the answers not wearing a time where we
39:34stand firm
39:36sympathy vote the last twelve when i joined a start off by news at nineteen
39:39of twenty fails foreign employee comes to work it netscape today he doesn't
39:44have the perception that there's a nineteen of twenty chance
39:46but this job is not to be in place one to five years
39:53if you live here it is the index list conversation
39:56team believe that microsoft is used carter a legal or just unfair methods to
40:03take market share from netscape
40:05if the heart and soul of this industry is opportunities egalitarianism
40:11microsoft having
40:13achieved its market share
40:15done anything other than the backs of the school
40:19really riles
40:21everybody are
40:23justice department discharged microsoft
40:25with engaging in anti-competitive
40:28an exclusionary practices designed to maintain its monopoly
40:32and personal computer operating systems
40:35and attempting to extend that might not like internet browser software
40:39regardless of its case against microsoft netscape has become a victim of its
40:44increasing size and the growing complexities of its growth
40:47company struggles to maintain the vitality of enjoyed as a startup
40:51when a company gets to be above a certain size of the process its design
40:55a mechanism for making money and innovations like one possible way of
40:59doing that but it's a risky way soap company the companies to do that
41:03of microsoft actually doesn't do very nicely by companies they win customers
41:07of something interesting and make wire them and they know crossword and then
41:10uh... i don't mean to pick up my thought because lots of companies do that is
41:13just a normal within business
41:24right away over the place after hal power have it all has been jim barksdale
41:29has moved up
41:30the all has been a rough without a week just-announced quarterly results and now
41:34this major changes are accessed
42:07i can imagine that day one
42:09fantastic merger
42:10if they weren't like i don't i don't believe this you know sort of what sort
42:14of a nightmare
42:16scenario you know the worst one would've been microsoft find sex neha
42:21you made a scene like this this flow of cars out of netscape six months ago they
42:25were insulting pay last technology now but it was a service for idiots
42:32netscape is not unusual
42:34the way they felt about a welcome in silicon valley and then it's very clear
42:39that nobody had any respect for the company one element netscape called
42:43dusty case itself salesman because the support of procter and gamble
42:48the soap salesman bottom
42:51the quote that came out of this article
42:53clas at netscape babson alliances
42:57with best idea welfare course
43:02another entry with that
43:04i don't think that's good to hear it was because they like us that what we do
43:08and they don't want to disturb that formula
43:11so their plan is to not damage estimates
43:14there had been a lot of uh...
43:16one speculation out on the net and the freeze opportunity like all of the
43:20senate you know it's all over now it was just gonna screw everything up so i
43:23break this thing to put on them was oversight that laid out the worst case
43:27scenario like well okay
43:29even if everything goes wrong it's still not as bad as you're saying it is
43:34because that is the nature of what netscape did meant that the code belongs
43:38to the community now
43:40few days later i got the email from steve case and we think what you're
43:43doing is a great thing as per the reason but the company we plan to keep it going
43:46that way so
43:48alan as far as muzzle an organ netscape enables contribution
43:53the open-source movement goes he says it's going to continue
43:58the merger with a little creates a windfall for shareholders that will give
44:02netscape employees the chance to catch up and move on bob causing speculation
44:06in the national media about a little civility to retain netscape's keep
44:13already a hearing on the iraqi for permanent status in israel away
44:18well it's not the work that lasted is going to be the netscape way
44:21with help from anyone
44:23i suspect some leave
44:25yanomami par mail
44:27so this is like the start-up mentality and those that want to let it be part of
44:31a juggernaut are going to stay in the heart of the time you know
44:34i've been in let's keep it in a half years and it feels like forever
44:39deals focus and
44:41netscape's grand focus has been marketing necrotizing something that's
44:47nearly is interesting to someone who is sort of technical issues
44:51man sitting down to selling my house and fishing towns
44:59first article and
45:02c_n_n_'s david ezell expert itself
45:03i can't deal with that
45:06here and a half ago
45:08so tired from simi
45:09jesus i want to be a manager so bad that i can say is that
45:13so we find that already you get to be a manager
45:18finance biji within a week she said why did you ever let me give you the
45:26lanterns turned out to be like one of those misdeeds greatest managers
45:30so here's the target
45:35he's netscape frenzy commerce started missing are indeed you know and stock
45:40options in hopes of a bigger
45:42and renew company and the
45:53regardless of how meal well marines and it's a business
45:58dishonesty things like that person or and that's really sad i wish netscape
46:03had gone down the road
46:05frustrated by what he perceives as a lack of commitment to open-source
46:09secrets netscape one year to the day
46:11he helped giveaway mozilla
46:13the movie actress i think it's just a great movie
46:16advice i wish i was like that at least roller skating around in spandex
46:20inviting that guys that you know it's it's not its
46:23is singularly taking monday
46:28this was what i was trying to escape this
46:31this lifeline you did not want to live here
46:37opinion about four five years
46:38this is my splits
46:41this is escape from the jungle
46:49jim rusk and is promoted to netscape's tightest engineering rank
46:54westerners your form
46:56witnesses and even the middle
46:57of a critical push
46:59but it's almost like an addiction adrenaline rush it going for perfection
47:02of pushing
47:04and then as you see the results
47:06you get the feedback to push harder
47:13i really shouldn't comment on the simpson this is full of sorrowful just
47:16couldn't do it motivating them forces this is a tremendous quest for material
47:20wealth here
47:21slightly gold rush all over it and
47:24on this day be there
47:25supplies house
47:26and it'll be like a front porch of people flowers and stuff so it'll be
47:29like a cute little house by winston in st because it's main purpose was to
47:34generate cash
47:35based on this this internet psych what we're going to we're going to get rich
47:38it just truck ed
47:40payment on our marriage and
47:42if it wasn't for god's grace
47:50michael burnout
47:52michael came to a place for he's worked in his own life re said the kostas today
47:57and knocking dilemma
48:00if people with look at this and say hello
48:02he uses this is a cool thing and to start a start-up and get-rich-quick
48:06you know i just have to say
48:09castlecops kick in
48:11create the timing five steps michael cohen netscape employee number six
48:17achieved his goal of financial independence
48:19yes retired from netscape shortly after muscle is released
48:29in the valley if u
48:31state someplace longer than about three years people wonder what's going on if i
48:35can get another job what's wrong with you
48:37if your program recruits change jobs that every two years or so
48:42placard it's recurrence of the senate group but to do something
48:46as that group approaches the path of they're going to do summits leave morris
48:50come on
48:52but i guess the targeted to be a totally different events
48:54i think as we distributes a set of work they were doing and more more
48:59information page
49:01it'll be more like that
49:03scott collins continues to commute to netscape from michigan
49:11there's a lot of pressure right now
49:13to complete a product of time
49:16sort of weighed in with
49:18the ridiculous acrobatics the stock is doing
49:22they were twenty dollar company at as of the smaller stockist a hundred and
49:25seventy two dollars
49:27so it's hard to be depressed about the amount of work if you do what
49:32every other cube holds a billionaire
49:35when the deal with their well closes in the spring of nineteen ninety nine the
49:39value of netscape stock more than double since the mergers announcement
49:44yesterday very bright on david gets
49:47their fortunes to fail well went the transaction was announced the implied
49:53valuation was about four point two billion went recession was completed
49:58process was valued at ten billion so in effect about five-and-a-half her six
50:03billion dollars of net worth was created so i think it was that very clever
50:11monday skate management
50:12that kept them in the game up much longer and netscape shareholders
50:17benefited white considerate
50:20have said the
50:23the minutes and cancelled instructor in this case one year but still fun
50:30frontierpc locations for more
50:32half-a-billion dollars a day
50:39another young man comes with specifics fortune on technologies new frontier
50:44somewhere there's good news is there's you problem not entirely sure what to
50:51it's a long way away his
50:59place for dinner
51:01there's a lot going on
51:02is very interested in
51:04and i think this is the reclusive
51:07like they did make the safety of
51:10farrakhan for communities
51:13unions noreply
51:15it within six months
51:26their dissident when our leaders
51:29what do you want to do i mean what you'd call starts the next couple of years
51:33is might might go right now as i will see the initial urgent faster new
51:38windows version
51:39said wasn't all that off
51:42statement will consumer that's my goal
51:46has hired an escape
51:48he postponed going to college u
51:52taking part in what one investor has called the largest legal creation of
51:56wealth in the history of the planet
51:58david letterman moves to a new investment plan
52:04says the data center
52:06of lot of lot of people plus fiber
52:09bcbs sort of milk internet connections they can be hard for the lines are phone
52:14lines hot
52:16no were landing infrastructure to basically not build up a major merchant
52:22our view is that the internet changes everything and we're going to cost
52:26finance the companies that
52:27would be the ages of its age
52:37wanted this intersection we've got got a bank
52:40in two years you know this may not be here why not
52:44when i think online
52:48yeltsin website
52:49is is one of the most successful commerce web sites
52:53on the market
52:56how do you know why gaps renovating this storm likely
53:00investing more in their website
53:03i don't know if if they're section may look like two years from now
53:09when i started people did know we see no one's with the world wide web was and
53:12all the senate
53:13the power of the internet that had been there for years was available to
53:17everybody any easy way point click the universal language
53:21fantasia nikki standing over there
53:24the book that's open on the mountain and he's looking and see what to do any
53:27doesn't leaders only know what you guys
53:29but it make something happen and of course the thing it's out of control it
53:31keeps going you don't know why it works you know how it works he just push a
53:34button and it works with the beginning of an industry and and who knows where
53:38the industry's going to go this could alternative television again
53:44uh... there
53:48and is not a precedent for that
53:52laying down the tracks and they really strange zooming by me
53:55and there's no way i want to say that it's a bad thing to have these trains
54:01for bowling is he a tentative agreement being the legacy
54:06misdemeanor amendment
54:08video that we could all like we were doing on the day and a much more intense
54:12pressure and
54:14much faster
54:17every instance faster
54:19obviously now look at netscape it was born and died
54:22veterans were inside they would like that way but it basically was fourteen
54:26overtaken within our four years
54:28it's pretty fast
54:29i think scheme i think it's very bad
54:32near the end of nineteen ninety nine the public still awaits netscape's first
54:36open-source browser
54:37more than a year after mozilla was released
54:40the judge in the justice department's anti-trust trial roles that microsoft is
54:44a monopoly stifles innovation
54:47they are well begins the millennium with the new even larger acquisition and
54:51investors continue buying technology stocks which trade with increasing
54:57still as the internet finds its way into every corner of daily life so too will
55:02legions of programmers and their card working fast and late into the night
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