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Last active February 12, 2020 17:20
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#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Script to create backups from ssh server
# to LUKS encrypted disk on Linux
# Preparation:
# 1. Intsall "cryptsetup" and create LUKS encrypted partition
# save your passphrase into securely stored file - personal usb stick
# or other encrypted partition/folder
# Unmount your partition
# 2. Device mapper
# create file /etc/crypttab with contents or add if exists:
# bk2 UUID=xxxxxxx-yyyy-aaaaa-bbbbb-zzzzzz /PATH/YOUR.key luks,noauto
# where
# bk2 - custom label to create device "/dev/mapper/bk2"
# xxxxxxx-yyyy-aaaaa-bbbbb-zzzzzz - UUID of your LUKS partition
# /PATH/YOUR.key - path to file where securely stored your LUKS pass
# NOTE: you can start this mapping without reboot with next command:
# sudo cryptdisks_start bk2
# 3. Allow user to mount device without sudo
# Create mount point and set permissions:
# sudo mkdir /mnt/luks-blue/
# Add next line to /etc/fstab
# /dev/mapper/bk2 /mnt/luks-blue ext4 noauto,nodev,nofail,nosuid,noexec,user 0 0
# now you can mount drive with next command:
# mount /dev/mapper/bk2
# validate that partition is mounted, then change permissions
# sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/luks-blue
# sudo chmod 750 /mnt/luks-blue
# and unmount it:
# umount /dev/mapper/bk2
# Create file /etc/sudoers.d/cryptdisks with next 2 lines:
# YourUsername ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/cryptdisks_start bk2
# YourUsername ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/cryptdisks_stop bk2
# where you need to change "YourUsername" to your real username
# Also set permissions on that file:
# sudo chmod 0400 /etc/sudoers.d/cryptdisks
MOUNT_POINT="" # auto
# starting mapper
sudo /usr/sbin/cryptdisks_start $TARGET_NAME
# getting target directory from mapped device name
# mount it if not mounted
grep_for_mount=$(grep "^$TARGET_DEVICE " /proc/mounts)
if [[ $grep_for_mount ]]; then
echo "Found mounted:"
echo $grep_for_mount
echo "Mounting $TARGET_DEVICE"
mount "$TARGET_DEVICE" && grep_for_mount=`grep "^$TARGET_DEVICE " /proc/mounts`
if [[ ! $grep_for_mount ]]; then
echo "Error: Failed to mount $TARGET_DEVICE"
exit -1
MOUNT_POINT=`echo "$grep_for_mount" | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
echo "Target: $MOUNT_POINT"
# not allow to start if already running
if [ -e $PID_FILE ]; then
echo "Error: Backup is already running!"
exit -2
touch $PID_FILE
# Upon exit, remove lockfile and encrypt disk
function before_exit() {
echo "** EXIT"
rm -f "$PID_FILE"
# unmount encrypted disk
sudo /usr/sbin/cryptdisks_stop $TARGET_NAME
trap before_exit EXIT
## Replace all the code below with yours.
## This is an example only.
# backup start
notify-send "$0" "Backup started" --expire-time=6000
# Creating directory 'site' if not exists
if [ ! -d $TARGET_DIR ]; then
if [ ! -d $TARGET_DIR ]; then
echo "Error: Can't create directory '$TARGET_DIR'"
exit -1
# remove log files before start
rm -f "$LOG_FILE_DB"
# copy db dump
rsync -e "ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/projectkey -o Compression=no -T" -ah --delete \
--stats --log-file="$LOG_FILE_DB" \
--partial --min-size=50G --compress-level=1 \
'root@' "$TARGET_DIR/"
test $? -eq 0 || notify-send "$0" "Rsync failed to handle DB" --expire-time=0
notify-send "$0" "Backup process is finished! Check logs in '$HOME/Downloads'" --expire-time=10000
# backup end
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