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Created March 11, 2010 13:27
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#!/usr/bin/perl -l
# hartog/20100311: break down a WSDL into a list of functions with
# input and output nicely tucked in.
# install the perl modules below, put this in your
# cgi-bin and get going.
# wouldn't be using this in a public space as it
# might consume a lot of resources...
# DISCLAIMER : This is a hack. It might be damaging.
# There are no guarantees and this comes AS-IS
# You can find the latest version of this software @
use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Session;
use XML::LibXML;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use POSIX qw();
use FreezeThaw qw(freeze thaw);
my $INDENT = "    ";
my @NS = ();
my ( $XS, $WSDL ) = "";
my $cgi = CGI->new();
my $session;
if ( $cgi->param("sid") ) {
$session = CGI::Session->new(undef, $cgi->param("sid"));
} else {
$session = CGI::Session->new();
# flush buffers NOW
# print a header
print $session->header();
if ( my $restart = $cgi->param("restart") ) {
my $tmp_file = $session->param("wsdl");
unlink $tmp_file;
} elsif ( my $show = $cgi->param("show") ) {
my $tmp_file = $session->param("wsdl");
} elsif ( my $tmp_file = $session->param("wsdl") ) {
displayWsdl( $tmp_file );
} elsif ( my $file = $cgi->param("wsdl") ) {
displayWsdl( $file );
} else {
sub getHtmlHead {
return qq{<html>
<title>WSDL breakdown</title>
* {
font-family: Verdana, arial, sans-serif;
ul, .code, span {
font-family: courier;
color: #0e0e0e;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 9pt;
.type { color: purple }
.complexType { color: magenta }
.name { color: green }
address {
font-size: 75%;
sub displayRawWsdl {
my $file = shift;
my $wsdl = "";
open(local *IN, "/usr/bin/xmllint --format $file |");
while ( my $line = <IN> ) {
$wsdl .= $line;
close IN;
$wsdl =~ s/\</\&lt\;/mg;
print getHtmlHead();
print qq{<body>
<strong><a href="wsdl.cgi">back</a></strong><br /><br />
<pre name="code" class="xml" class="dp-highlighter">
sub displayForm {
if ( my $url = $cgi->param("wsdl-url") ) {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $res = $ua->get($url);
if ( $res->is_success ) {
my $tmpfile = POSIX::tmpnam();
open(local *TMP, ">$tmpfile");
print TMP $res->content;
close TMP;
$session->param( wsdl => $tmpfile );
displayWsdl( $tmpfile );
} else {
print $res->status_line;
} elsif( my $file = $cgi->param("wsdl-file") ) {
my $tmpfile;
if ( $ENV{LOCAL} ) {
$tmpfile = $file;
} else {
$tmpfile = POSIX::tmpnam();
open(local *TMP, ">$tmpfile");
while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
print TMP $line;
close TMP;
$session->param( wsdl => $tmpfile );
displayWsdl( $tmpfile );
} else {
print getHtmlHead();
print qq{<body>
Give me your WSDL:
<form method="POST" action="wsdl.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data">
file: <input type="file" name="wsdl-file" />
<br />
url: <input type="text" name="wsdl-url" />
<br />
<input type="submit" />
sub parseDom {
my $wsdl = $_[0] || $session->param("wsdl");
my $dom = "";
eval {
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
$dom = $parser->parse_file($wsdl);
unless ( $@ ) {
my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($dom->documentElement);
# find out if the namespace is xsd or xs
open(local *IN, "<$wsdl");
for (0..20) {
my $line = <IN>;
if ( $line =~ /xmlns:/ ) {
foreach my $def ( split(/ /, $line) ) {
if ( $def =~ /xmlns:/ ) {
my ( $ns, $url ) = $def =~ /xmlns:([^\=]+)=\"?([^\"]+)/;
print "Register $ns @ $url" if $ENV{LOCAL};
$xpc->registerNs($ns, $url);
push @NS, $ns;
$dom = $xpc;
close IN;
$XS = (grep { /xsd?/ } @NS)[0];
print STDERR "XS: $XS" if $ENV{LOCAL};
$WSDL = (grep { /wsdl?/ } @NS)[0];
return $dom;
sub displayWsdl {
my ( $wsdl ) = @_;
my $dom = "";
my $title = "";
my $body = "";
if ( $@ ) {
$title = "error";
$body = $@;
} elsif ( my $op = $cgi->param("op") ) {
# list the details of an operation
$title = "Details for $op";
$body = getOperationDetails($dom, $op);
} else {
# list all operations
# display the service name
my $service;
unless ( $service = $session->param( 'service' ) ) {
$dom = parseDom($wsdl);
$service = findvalue($dom, '/definitions/service/@name');
$service .= " @ ";
$service .=
findvalue($dom, '/definitions/service/port/address/@location');
$session->param( 'service' => $service );
$title = $service;
my $doc;
unless ( $doc = $session->param( 'docs' ) ) {
$dom ||= parseDom($wsdl);
$doc = findvalue($dom, '/definitions/service/documentation');
$session->param( 'docs' => $doc );
$body = $doc;
$body .= "<br /><br />";
$body .= getOperations($dom);
# print a simple HTML page
print getHtmlHead();
print qq{<body>
<br /><br />
<a href="wsdl.cgi?restart=1">restart</a>
| <a href="wsdl.cgi?show=1">show wsdl</a>
sub getOperations {
my $dom = shift;
my $html = "<ul>";
my %operations = ();
if ( $session->param( 'operations' ) ) {
%operations = thaw($session->param('operations'));
} else {
$dom ||= parseDom();
foreach my $node ( findnodes($dom, "/definitions/portType/operation") ) {
my $name = findvalue($node, '@name');
my $docs = findvalue($node, "documentation");
$operations{$name} = $docs;
$session->param('operations' => freeze(%operations));
my $prev = "";
my @index = ();
foreach my $name ( sort keys %operations ) {
my $index = substr($name, 0, 1);
if ( $index ne $prev ) {
$html .= qq{<a name="$index">$index</a>};
push @index, $index;
$html .= qq{<li><a href="wsdl.cgi?op=$name">$name</a><ul><li><small>$operations{$name}</small></li></ul></li>};
$prev = $index;
$html .= "</ul>";
$html = join(" | ", map { qq{<a href="#$_">$_</a>} } @index) . "<br /><br />" . $html;
return $html;
sub getOperationDetails {
my ( $dom, $name ) = @_;
if ( $session->param("op_details_$name") ) {
return $session->param("op_details_$name");
$dom ||= parseDom();
my $html = "";
foreach my $node ( findnodes($dom, '/definitions/portType/operation[@name="'.$name.'"]') ) {
( my $in = findvalue($node, 'input/@message') ) =~ s/^[^:]+://;
( my $out = findvalue($node, 'output/@message') ) =~ s/^[^:]+://;
$html .= "<p><b>Docs</b><ul>" . findvalue($node, "documentation");
$html .= "</ul></p>\n\n";
$html .= "<p><b>Input</b></p><ul>";
$html .= join("<br />", getMessage( $dom, $in ));
$html .= "</ul>\n\n";
$html .= "<p><b>Output</b><ul>";
$html .= join("", getMessage( $dom, $out ));
$html .= "</ul></p>\n\n";
$html .= qq{<a href="wsdl.cgi">back</a>};
$session->param("op_details_$name" => $html);
return $html;
sub getComplexTypeDetails {
my ( $dom, $name, $depth ) = @_;
$depth ||= 0;
if ( $depth == 0 and $session->param("ctd_$name") ) {
return $session->param("ctd_$name");
$dom ||= parseDom();
my $html = "";
if ( $depth == 20 ) {
$html = $INDENT x ++$depth;
return $html .= "<strong>deep recursion</strong>";
return if !$name;
# format the output @ start
$html .= "<span class='code'>" if ( $depth == 0 );
# define the brackets
my $oBrack = ( $name =~ /array/i ? "[" : "{" );
my $cBrack = ( $name =~ /array/i ? "]" : "}" );
$html .= $INDENT x $depth;
$html .= "<span class='complexType'>${name}</span> ${oBrack}<br />\n";
my $elements_xpath = '/definitions/types/schema/element[@name="'.
my $types_xpath = '/definitions/types/schema/complexType[@name="'.
foreach my $node ( findnodes($dom, $types_xpath), findnodes($dom, $elements_xpath) ) {
$html .= "\n<!-- $name : " . $node->nodeName . " -->\n";
# if it says 'all', treat as a 'struct'
if ( $node->nodeName =~ /(all|sequence)/ ) {
foreach my $element ( findnodes($node, "element") ) {
( my $type = $element->findvalue('@type') || $element->findvalue('@element') ) =~ s/xsd?://;
$html .= "<!-- found type: $type -->\n";
my $name = $element->findvalue('@name');
if ( $type =~ /:/ && $type !~ /^xsd?:/i ) {
# "CTD $depth $type";
$type =~ s/^[^:]+://;
$html .= "<!-- checking $type for $name -->\n";
$type = getComplexTypeDetails( $dom, $type, $depth + 1 );
} else {
$type = "<span class='type'>$type</span>";
$html .= $INDENT x ($depth + 1);
$html .= "$type : <span class='name'>$name</span>,<br />\n";
# else it would be an array
} elsif ( $node->nodeName =~ /complexContent/ ) {
( my $type = $node->findvalue('.//@wsdl:arrayType') );
$type =~ s/\[\]//g;
if ( $type !~ /^xsd?:/i ) {
$type =~ s/^[^:]+://g;
$type = getComplexTypeDetails( $dom, $type, $depth + 1 );
} else {
$type =~ s/xsd?://;
$type = "<span class='type'>$type</span>";
$html .= $INDENT x ($depth + 1);
$html .= "$type<br />\n";
} else {
$html .= "none of the above: $name - " . $node->nodeName . "<br />";
$html .= $INDENT x $depth;
# put a closing bracketk
$html .= $cBrack;
if ( $depth == 0 ) {
$html .= "##type##</span>\n" ;
$session->param("ctd_$name" => $html)
return $html
sub getMessage {
my ( $dom, $name ) = @_;
return if !$name;
my @values = ();
if ( $session->param("message_$name") ) {
@values = thaw($session->param("message_$name"));
} else {
$dom ||= parseDom();
my @parts = findnodes($dom, '/definitions/message[@name="'.$name.'"]/part');
foreach my $part ( @parts ) {
( my $type = $part->findvalue('@type') || $part->findvalue('@element') ) =~ s/^xsd?://g;
my $name = $part->findvalue('@name');
if ( $type =~ /:/ && $type !~ /^xsd?:/i ) {
$type =~ s/^[^:]+://;
$type = getComplexTypeDetails($dom, $type, 0);
$type =~ s/\#\#type\#\#/ : <span class='name'>$name<\/span>/;
} else {
$type = "<span class='code'><span class='type'>$type</span> : <span class='name'>$name</span></span>"
push @values, $type;
$session->param("message_$name" => freeze(@values));
return @values;
# try all the accepted
sub findvalue {
my ( $dom, $xpath ) = @_;
return $dom->findvalue( getExistingXpath($dom, $xpath) );
sub findnodes {
my ( $dom, $xpath ) = @_;
my @list = $dom->findnodes( getExistingXpath($dom, $xpath) );
return @list;
# method: $xpath = getExistingXpath( $dom_or_node, $xpath )
# find an xpath that actually exists in the document by trying well
# known namespaces for the element
# Brute force approach which could kill you if you're not careful
sub getExistingXpath {
my $dom = shift;
my $xpath = shift;
my $fixPath = "";
if ( $xpath =~ s/^\/// ) {
$fixPath = "/";
my @parts = split /\//, $xpath;
my $final = pop @parts;
if ( $final !~ /^\@/ ) {
push @parts, $final;
$final = "";
my %ns = ( address => "soap" );
# this said 5 times xsd, but it turns out the d is optional...
# see the parsing section to find out how $XS is set
@ns{ qw(elements element complexType schema all) } = (
$XS, $XS, $XS, $XS
@ns{ qw(definitions types message portType binding operation input
output documentation port service part)
} = (
for my $i ( 0..$#parts ) {
my $part = $parts[$i];
( my $partName = $part ) =~ s/\///;
$partName =~ s/\[[^\]]+\]//;
my $added = 0;
foreach my $ns ( undef, $ns{$partName} ) {
my $test = $part;
if ( defined $ns ) {
my $nsed = $ns . ":" . $partName;
$test =~ s/$partName/$nsed/;
if ( $dom->exists( $fixPath . $test ) ) {
$fixPath .= "$test/";
$added = 1;
# if this part wasn't added, add it now
if ( !$added ) {
$fixPath .= "$part/";
# add the final part.
$fixPath .= $final;
# remove trailing slashes
$fixPath =~ s/\/$//;
$fixPath ||= $xpath;
return $fixPath
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