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Created November 22, 2016 15:02
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
edges = {(1, 'a'): [2, 3],
(2, 'a'): [2],
(3, 'b'): [4, 2],
(4, 'c'): [5]}
edges2 = {(1, 'a'): [1],
(2, 'a'): [2]}
accepting = [5]
accepting2 = [2]
def find_edge(edges, marker):
return next((edge, paths) for edge, paths in edges.items()
if edge[0] == marker)
def nfsmaccepts(current, edges, accepting, visited):
def walk(current, visited):
edge, paths = find_edge(edges, current)
if current in accepting:
yield ''
elif any(p in accepting for p in paths):
yield edge[1]
new_paths = [p for p in paths if p not in visited]
new_visited = visited + [current]
for path in new_paths:
found_path = list(walk(path, new_visited))
if found_path:
yield edge[1] + ''.join(found_path)
paths = list(walk(current, visited))
return None if not paths else paths[0]
def test_nfsmaccepts():
test_cases = [[(1, edges, accepting, []), 'abc'],
[(1, edges, [4], []), 'ab'],
[(1, edges2, accepting2, []), None],
[(1, edges2, [1], []), '']]
for case, test_case in enumerate(test_cases):
test_input, expected = test_case
result = nfsmaccepts(*test_input)
passes = 'SUCCESS' if result == expected else 'FAIL'
print('Test {case}: {passes} ('
'"{result}" == "{expected}")'.format(**locals()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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