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Last active June 19, 2017 19:30
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from itertools import chain
def lcs(s, t):
"""Find longest common substring in strings.
>>> lcs('abcdxyz', 'xyzabcd')
(4, 'abcd')
>>> lcs('abcdxyzabcyzabcdzabcdefghijkllm', 'xyzabcdefghijklm')
(13, 'zabcdefghijkl')
# determine which string is longer
shorter, longer = (s, iter(t)) if len(s) < len(t) else (t, iter(s))
# get max one
all_lcs = list(gen_lcs(shorter, longer))
length, longest_substring = max(all_lcs or [(0, '')])
return (length, longest_substring)
def gen_lcs(string, itr):
"""Generate longest common substrings.
>>> list(gen_lcs('abcdxyz', iter('xyzabcdabc')))
[(3, 'xyz'), (4, 'abcd'), (3, 'abc')]
first_miss = ''
while itr:
# advance itr along until it hits a match of any char in string
first_match = next(
c for c in chain(first_miss, itr)
if c in string)
# get first substring which starts with the first match
first_substring = find_first_substring(string, first_match)
# get match, advancing itr
match, first_miss = next_match(
chain(first_match, itr), first_substring)
if match:
yield (len(match), match)
def find_first_substring(string, char):
"""Find first substring from string starting with char.
>>> find_first_substring('abcdefg', 'd')
>>> find_first_substring('abcabcdab', 'b')
parts = string.partition(char)
return ''.join(parts[1:])
def next_match(itr, match):
"""Get characters from consuming itr as it matches.
>>> next_match(iter('bcdefg'), 'bcdxyz')
('bcd', 'e')
>> next_match(iter('abcd'), 'abcdxyz')
('abcd', '')
>>> next_match(iter('abcd'), 'axyz')
('a', 'b')
def _gen_match():
for m, i in zip(match, itr):
yield i
if m != i:
yield ''
g = list(_gen_match())
chars = ''.join(g[:-1])
miss = g[-1]
return (chars, miss)
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