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Created July 25, 2015 01:28
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TRIOS Image writer - Detect and list USB devices...
# usb_detection
USB_DET=(`ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/*usb* | grep -v "part" | awk '{print $NF}' | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}' | sort`)
for usb in "${USB_DET[@]}"; do
if [ ! -b "/dev/$usb" ];
USB_REST=( ${USB_DET[@]:1:9} )
drive_select() {
USB=$(zenity --entry --ok-label=Continue --cancel-label=Quit \
--title="Select the drive to write to:" --entry-text=/dev/ \
--text="$(echo "Selected image is:\n$ISO\n" \
&& echo "Find the target USB drive on the list bellow,
then enter it's node in the \"/dev/sdX\" format.\n" \
&& lsblk -i -l -d -o NAME,MODEL,VENDOR,SIZE,RM && echo "Detected as USB:\n" && lsblk /dev/${USB_DET[@]:0:1} -d -o NAME,MODEL,VENDOR,SIZE; if [ "${#USB_DET[@]}" -gt "1" ] ; then for usb in "${USB_REST[@]}" ; do lsblk /dev/$usb -n -d -o NAME,MODEL,VENDOR,SIZE;done ; fi )")
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